· Arousal · Exercise · Posture
· Sleep
The Cause of Internet and TV Addiction? |
· Aluminum · Broccoli · Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) · Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) · Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization (EPD) · Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) · Light · Melanin · Milk · Model of Stages in Object Perception
· Research Topics (N through Z)
"For five years, I had chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, photo sensitivity, and hyperacusis (hypersensitivity to sounds). I was weak and extremely tired and I couldn't concentrate on school work. I tried every kind of traditional Western doctor and drugs." Acupuncture.com: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 2 (testimonial)
"I came to my acupuncturist with chronic fatigue syndrome, sensitivity to cold, and painful, light-sensitive eyes. I had had these conditions for six years. I'd been through conventional medicine and physical therapy." Acupuncture.com: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (testimonial)
"The use of
acupuncture for the treatment of drug and alcohol dependency (Acudetox) is a
recent development in the history of this ancient art. For centuries, Asian
cultures have placed needles in precise locations on the body to relieve pain
and treat disease. Only since 1972, when a
"Maravino (1994) and Schwartz (1988), claim that acupuncture, especially laser acupuncture, using the ear points provides the most effective response in stabilizing endorphin levels." Stop Smoking Using Laser Acupuncture
· Nutrition: Sea Salt: Benefits: Sea Salt vs. Table Salt
Myopia, Auditory Spatial Sensitivity “In the present study, three experiments show that subjects undergoing a visual deficit like myopia are more accurate at localizing sounds than normal-sighted subjects.” Brain Res Cogn Brain Res.: Improved auditory spatial sensitivity in near-sighted subjects.
Eye Position “We have previously reported that the position of the eyes affects how neurons in auditory cortex respond to sounds (Soc. Neurosci. Abst., 26:1977). · The degree of eye position influence varies across the population of auditory neurons. · While some neurons are only weakly influenced by eye position, the majority are as affected by eye position as by sound location. In the current study, we investigate whether any other response properties of auditory cortical neurons are correlated with the existence of or degree of influence by eye position.” Dartmouth College: Eye Position Affects a Wide Range of Auditory Cortical Neurons in Primates
The Inferior Colliculus “The inferior colliculus (IC) is thought to play an · Important role in sound localization, among · Other auditory perceptual abilities. This conclusion is supported by many studies (using non-primate species) showing the presence of neurons sensitive to binaural difference cues and/or the locations of sounds presented in the free field.”
“In addition to this auditory spatial sensitivity, a recent study from this laboratory showed that auditory responses of approximately one-third of primate IC neurons to free field sounds were affected by the position of the eyes in the orbit.”
“In this study, we examined the spatial sensitivity of primate IC neurons to sounds presented in the free field, and tested for a link between neural activity and oculomotor sound localization performance.”
· Vision: Mobility/Ocular Motility · On Research Relevant to the Brain Disorder in Autism: The Inferior Colliculus
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss “…Researchers have shown that the use of higher frequency energy in the signal is reduced by high-frequency hearing loss.” Air Force Research Library: Warfighter Interface Division: Publications: Noise Induced Hearing Loss and Auditory Localization (PDF, 152 KB)
“Elevation acuity is more affected by high-frequency hearing loss than azimuth acuity, which is dominated by interaural time difference cues.” Air Force Research Library: Warfighter Interface Division: Publications: Noise Induced Hearing Loss and Auditory Localization (PDF, 152 KB)
“Many factors, including · The temporal and spectral characteristics of the sound source, · The listening environment, · The types of interfering sound sources, and · The listener’s auditory system, affect localization acuity.” Air Force Research Library: Warfighter Interface Division: Publications: Noise Induced Hearing Loss and Auditory Localization (PDF, 152 KB)
“Two of those factors, the effects of noise-induced hearing loss and head motion cues, are reported in the current study.” Air Force Research Library: Warfighter Interface Division: Publications: Noise Induced Hearing Loss and Auditory Localization (PDF, 152 KB)
Chronically Plugging The Ears · Hearing: Ear Plugs: Things to Avoid: Chronically Plugging the Ears
Nutrition “…Boiled broccoli [note: boiling broccoli probably isn’t the best way to preserve its nutrients—steaming is probably better] has · More vitamin C than an orange [I assume they mean per ‘serving’ of broccoli] and · As much calcium as a glass of milk, according to the USDA's [United States Department of Agriculture] nutrient database. · One medium spear has three times more fiber than a slice of wheat bran bread [interferes with Calcium absorption?]. · Broccoli is also one of the richest sources of vitamin A in the produce section.” CNN.com: Food: News: 'Broccoli beats most other veggies in health benefits'
Things to Consider Broccoli Sprouts “In 1997, Talalay and his researchers at Hopkins discovered to their surprise that broccoli sprouts [broccoli sprouts are not intended to substitute for a serving of vegetables; they are intended to supplement the diet], the week-old seedlings of the mature plant, are exceptionally rich in a form of isothiocyanate [chemicals shown to stimulate the body's production of its own cancer-fighting substances] called sulforaphane -- 10 to 100 times as rich as broccoli itself, in fact. More and more markets now carry the tender shoots, which are delicious on sandwiches and salads. CNN.com: Food: News: 'Broccoli beats most other veggies in health benefits'
Possible Alternatives “And keep in mind that broccoli is just one of many members of the cruciferous vegetable family, which includes · Cauliflower, · Kale, · Cabbage, · · Bok choy -- all of which appear to help protect against cancer.” CNN.com: Food: News: 'Broccoli beats most other veggies in health benefits'
Related Topics · Nutrition: Vitamins and Minerals: Calcium · Nutrition: Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamin A · Nutrition: Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamin C
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) · Research Topics: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
At best, eye drops and artificial tears can temporarily soothe only a few of the symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome. Dry Eye Syndrome: Related Conditions
Eye Drops: Preservative-Free To replace natural tears an artificial tear solution can be effective. Artificial tears are available with and without preservatives. Preservative-free artificial tears are recommended for people who can't tolerate preservatives or who must use these solutions many times per day.
Eye Drops: Lubricating/Lubricant vs. Addictive "Use eyedrops as needed. Look for the ones marked "lubricating" or "lubricant," as other kinds can be addictive, even in over-the-counter strength."
Eye Drops: Side Effects "Surprisingly, even the small amount of medication in an eyedrop can create significant side effects in other parts of the body. It is important to remember that all medicines have side effects." Twelve-Step Programs, Recognizing
a Greater Power (doesn’t have to be a god
or religion; the higher power can be a personal representation of the
user looking outside themselves for help) that Can Give Strength ·
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higher_power ·
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve-step_program Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) · Research Topics: Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS)
· Research Topics: Color Temperature
Conceptual Buffers“It was found that low and moderate myopes [people with myopia] appraise the world as repugnant, reject it, and gain some distance from it through creating a conceptual buffer and by keeping to themselves. They are easily rattled [indicating problems with sensory processing?], nervous, and lacking in self-confidence. High myopes, however, tested more like emmetropes [people who have no refractive error], indicating a successful defense of sorts. In short, low and moderate myopes show the problems that myopes have, while high myopes show (apparent) solutions to those problems. This helps show that myopia is a psychological problem [or maybe high myopes are simply better at localizing sound Auditory Localization] and also points to what Dr. Bates wrote about degrees of strain: ‘...the sensations of the eye and mind supply very little information as to the strain to which both are being subjected, those who strain most often suffering the least discomfort.’” iblindness.org: Where's the Evidence?
· Dissociation and Coping Project
Symptoms "If the inner ear is damaged by disease or injury, the volume and composition of the inner-ear fluid can fluctuate with changes in the body's fluid and electrolyte levels. This fluctuation causes the symptoms of hydrops -- · Pressure or fullness in the ears, · Tinnitus (ringing in the ears), · Hearing loss, · Dizziness, and · Imbalance." Deafness Research Foundation: Endolymphatic Hydrops
Related Topics · Nutrition: Electrolytes: Effects: Inner Ear · Sensory Processing: Vestibular System: Improving: Auditory (Inner Ear) · Research Topics: Meniere's Disease: Theories
Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization (EPD) "Enzyme potentiated desensitization, also called low-dose immunotherapy, uses very small doses of allergen along with an enzyme called b-glucuronidase. Proponents of this treatment claim that EPD can be used to treat a broad range of allergens without the need for weekly shots. This includes allergies to foods, which generally are not successfully treated with traditional allergy shots. This approach is still considered experimental." The Cleveland Clinic: Allergy Shots
"The most effective therapy ever developed is Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization (EPD). This is a vaccine that can, over time, cure allergies."
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Related Topics · Research Topics: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) · Research Topics: Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) · Other Suggestions: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Causes: The Immune System · Other Suggestions: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Causes: Gluten Intolerance/Celiac Disease · Arousal: Allergies: Food Allergies · Arousal: Allergies: Food Intolerance · Arousal: Allergies: More Information: Food Allergies and Intolerances: Candida/Yeast Intolerance · Research Topics: Spinal Adjustments · The Brain: Adrenaline: The Adrenal Glands · The Brain: Adrenaline: The Adrenal Hormones · Nutrition: Oral Infectious Diseases: Causes · Posture: Forward Head Posture (additional information about spinal adjustments) · Other Suggestions: Hypovolemia (Low Blood Volume) · Nutrition: Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamin C · Other Suggestions: Dehydration · Nutrition: EFA Deficiency· The Brain: Endorphins: Effects: General Effects · Nutrition: Water: Types: Filtered Water: Sensitivity
Case Histories The following article 'Who has overcome learning disabilities' contains case histories of children with learning disabilities. It describes their symptoms, and their treatment. Who has overcome learning disabilities?
Light from Televisions “Television images appear via the projection of fluorescent light from 25,000 volt cathode-ray guns that shoot streams of electrons at phosphors (little metal dots) inside the screen, making them glow. This light is then projected from the screen into our eyes [radiant light]. While it appears that the flow of light is continuous, the phosphors actually light up 30 times per second, creating what is commonly known as the ‘flicker effect’ (Mander, 1978).” Sondra's Lair: Essays: 'Programming Young Minds: Effects of Television on the Developing Brain'
”There are important differences between the fluorescent, or radiant light used in television technology and natural, or ambient light. For example, whereas · Natural [ambient] light must be reflected off other surfaces in order to be perceived, · Radiant light enters the eyes directly. · In addition, [artificial] radiant light does not contain the entire range of spectra [unless, possibly, you are using a full-spectrum bulb] that makes up natural light. The fluorescent light of television emits only red, blue and green and in a very different combination than would be found in sunlight (Mander, 1978).” Sondra's Lair: Essays: 'Programming Young Minds: Effects of Television on the Developing Brain'
Fluorescent vs. Incandescent Light “The energy content of light increases as the wavelength decreases.” · So blue (shorter wavelength) light is more energetic than red (longer wavelength) light. · Farther toward the extremes, ultraviolet light is much more energetic than infrared, etc.” CoffeeGeek: Discussions: Coffee: Q and A: Bean Storage and Light
“…the bluer fluorescent light has a higher proportion of its energy in the visible range..” CoffeeGeek: Discussions: Coffee: Q and A: Bean Storage and Light
Blue Light Scattering, Binocular Dysfunction “If your office has fluorescent lights, you might want to consider two other options as well. According to Dr. Cosmo Salibello, · Fluorescent lights emit a great deal of blue light, which · Makes it ‘difficult for the human eye to focus · Due to (blue light's) scattering characteristics.’** Ultraviolet coating can cut down on the amount of blue light that reaches your eyes, as can an amber tint [or other tints that reflect blue light like yellow, red, or brown], Salibello said.” All About Vision: Computer Vision: Computer Glasses for Blurred Vision (Page 1)
Related Topics · Research Topics: Brainwaves: Alpha Waves: Low Alpha Waves: Causes Radiant Light · Research Topics: Pupil Dilation · Research Topics: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) · Research Topics: Sleep Deprivation
Traits · “An individual who has been brought up in an atmosphere of uncertainty and unrealistic expectations who is eager to succeed and win approval from authority figures would tend to try harder to understand an overwhelming environment [e.g problems with sensory processing?]. · Such individuals would tend to fall into the categories of psychological tendencies indicated for myopes [people who are myopic] by various researchers. · They would tend to be dependent on approval from external sources rather than from self. · Such traits as · shyness, introversion, social awkwardness, · emotional inflexibility [topics->brainwaves->flexibility], · need for approval, · avoiding confrontation, · cautious with a high tolerance for anxiety [refers to a dependence on adrenaline for stimulation?; workaholicism?], · over-control of emotions, · low desire for change, and · high need to be good, approved of, and to succeed in high status activities [already mentioned in this list], have been consistently reported in the research (e.g., Lanyon and Giddings, 1964). · Myopes were also found to have ·
Reduced inclination for motor movement ( · Chronic isometric muscle tension (e.g. in the upper neck, jaws and throat [indicating problems such as TMD or hyperacusis?]) and · distorted posture (Kelley, 1971). This is predicted by the model since cognitive effort requires reduction of motor responses [the opposite of the Feldenkrais method] and increases sympathetically dominated isometric contraction of the muscles.” 'The Psychophysiology of Nearsightedness' by Ray Gottlieb, O.D.: Chapter 5: Review, Conclusions, Discussion and Suggestions (a shortened version of this dissertation was published as ‘Neuropsychology of Myopia’ in the Journal of Optometric Vision Development, vol 13, no 1, March 1982.)
“Sight problems are almost always accompanied by patterns of muscle tension and weakness. For example myopes tend to have pronounced tension in the · Forehead, · Jaw, · Neck, · Shoulders, · Upper arms, · Lower back and · Often in the calves. Better [vision] results are gained quicker when the body is treated in a holistic fashion, and the tension in the body and mind is seen to as well as the problems with the eyes.” Natural Vision Improvement Frequently Asked Questions V1.1 by Vic Cinc: Section 7.0, Massage
Related Topics · Vision: Bates Method: Palming: Palming and Visualization · Research Topics: Conceptual Buffers
· MDIC: Meniere's Disease Symptoms
Vascular Compression "Some doctors believe that, at least in some cases, the symptoms of Meniere's Disease may result from pressure of blood vessels upon the hearing and balance (8th cranial) nerve, causing the nerve to compress [vascular compression]. Thus, they believe, relief may be obtained through microvascular decompression -- microsurgery to move blood vessels off of the hearing and balance nerve. Some doctors believe that microvascular compression syndrome (MCS) is a separate disease."
"eighth cranial nerve - a composite sensory nerve supplying the hair cells of the vestibular organ and the hair cells of the cochlea" The Free Dictionary.com: Eighth Cranial Nerve
Idiopathic Endolymphatic Hydrops (IEH) "According to the prevailing, but not definitive, theory, Meniere's Disease is 'idiopathic endolymphatic hydrops,' sometimes described as 'glaucoma of the ear.'"
· "'Idiopathic' means that the cause is unknown. If the cause of your symptoms is known, your condition cannot be "idiopathic endolymphatic hydrops," by definition. · 'Endolymphatic' refers to endolymph, one of two fluids in the cochlea in the inner ear. (The other fluid is perilymph.) · 'Hydrops' means excessive fluid build-up (dilatation). Think: swelling. 'Idiopathic endolymphatic hydrops' means the 'cause unknown build-up of excessive endolymphatic fluid in the cochlea, located in the inner ear.'"
Non-Idiopathic Endolymphatic Hydrops "There are forms of endolymphatic hydrops (EH) that are not idiopathic because the cause is known."
· "'Secondary endolymphatic hydrops' (SEH) results from some other cause. The endolymphatic hydrops in such cases is 'secondary' or following from the other cause. For example, this case in which endolymphatic hydrops was said to be secondary (followed from) perilymph fistula. · 'Delayed endolymphatic hydrops' (DEH) results from an earlier event, such as disease or trauma. See, for example, this article. · 'Traumatic endolymphatic hydrops,' (TEH) which, according to this article, is 'an accumulation of endolymph in the cochlear duct caused by traumatic insult.' According to the article, 'The diagnosis of traumatic endolymphatic hydrops is made by a history of trauma, such as
· The presence of typical symptoms of endolymphatic hydrops, including · Fullness, · Tinnitus, · Fluctuant hearing loss, and · Episodic vertigo; and · An elevated negative summating potential and · An increased summating potential : action potential ratio by electrocochleography.'"
Related Topics · Research Topics: Endolymphatic Hydrops
This section has been moved to the Other Suggestions page.
· Research Topics: Miscellaneous
Model of Stages in Object Perception "Thus, especially with unfamiliar objects, objects viewed under degraded conditions, or very complex objects, we may move around the object, tilt our heads, shift our gaze to particular regions, approach, withdraw from, or manipulate the object, physically rotating it, adjusting visual angle, and so on. All of these potentially initiate a new series of processes of object recognition." A Model of Stages in Object Perception