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Nutrition ·
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) ·
Flax ·
Food and Junk Food ·
Sea Salt ·
Water Misconceptions ·
Indoor Air Pollution: Ions: Misconceptions Vitamins with
Antioxidant Effects "The following vitamins have shown
positive antioxidants effects: ·
Other Suggestions:
Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamin A ·
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a water-soluble compound that
fulfills this role, among others, in living systems. Important
sources include citrus fruits (like oranges, sweet lime etc.), green peppers,
broccoli, green leafy vegetables, strawberries, raw cabbage and tomatoes. ·
Vitamin E (tocopherol) is fat soluble and similarly protects
lipids. Sources include
wheat germ, nuts, seeds, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, vegetable oil
and fish-liver oil. ·
Selenium: It is best to get selenium through foods, as large
doses of the supplement form can be toxic. Good food
sources include fish, shellfish, red meat, grains, eggs, chicken and garlic.
Vegetables can also be a good source if grown in selenium-rich soils. Several food additives
(including ascorbic acid and tocopherol-derived compounds) are used as
antioxidants to help guard against deterioration of food. (see:
preservative)" Melatonin ·
Brain: Melatonin: Effects: Antioxidant Effects Bilirubin Related Topics ·
Allergies: More Information: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: Detoxification ·
Other Suggestions: Vitamins and Minerals ‘Normal’ Use “Kava says that since artificial sweeteners are so much
sweeter than sugar, a very small amount is needed to achieve the same
sweetness one gets from sugar [e.g. Splenda
is 600 times sweeter than sugar]. ‘If used normally, the amounts you take in are so minuscule as to be of no concern at all.’” WebMD: Sweetener in the Spotlight: Is Splenda Safe?
(Page 3) Interactions “Also important to note: Experts say we have almost no data on the way in which artificial sweeteners interact with each other -- particularly at high amounts. And that, says Restuccia may come back to haunt us even more.
‘As more and more products are being made with artificial sweeteners,
there is more likelihood that we will not only be consuming more of them but
also mixing different ones, sometimes in a single meal -- and we really
have no idea what that means health wise, in the short or the long run,’
says Restuccia.” WebMD: Sweetener in the Spotlight: Is Splenda Safe? (Page 2) Weight Loss “Most people use sugar substitutes to
avoid the calories in sugar, but we have no scientific evidence
showing that anyone has lost weight as a result of using sucralose or any
other sugar substitute. In fact, our national epidemic of obesity has
continued unabated despite the introduction of an enormous number of
beverages and foods sweetened with sugar substitutes over the past few
decades.” DrWeil.com: A Safer Sweetener? “If you are considering using a sugar
substitute to sweeten your tea or coffee, you should be aware of how few
calories you’re actually eliminating from your diet. A teaspoon of sugar
contains only 15 calories, hardly enough to make a significant contribution
to anyone’s weight problem when used in tea or coffee. If you’ve been getting
along without sugar substitutes, I see no reason why you should reverse your
course.” DrWeil.com: A Safer Sweetener? Types Aspartame
(NutraSweet or Equal) ·
Suggestions: Dehydration: Things to Consider: Aspartame Sucralose
(Splenda) “’Splenda
is not sugar -- and to piggyback it on to the reputation of the centuries'
old profile of sugar is more than misleading, it could come back to haunt us,
perhaps sooner than we think,’ says Restuccia, a nutritionist at the Center
for Obesity Surgery at New York Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical
Center in New York City.” WebMD: Sweetener in the Spotlight: Is Splenda Safe? “Indeed,
while there are currently only a handful of studies that question Splenda's
safety and more than 100 which attest to its safe use, Restuccia says it
simply hasn't been around long enough to amass any long-term data --
or even short-term data involving heavy consumption.” WebMD: Sweetener in the Spotlight: Is Splenda Safe? Stevia “Another
sweetener receiving much publicity of late is stevia, an herbal
sweetening ingredient used in food and beverages by South American natives
for many centuries and in Japan since the mid-1970s.
According to Ray Sahelian, MD, author of ‘The Stevia Cookbook’, stevia has shown no significant
side effects after more than 20 years of use in Japan. ‘There are no
indications at this point from any source that stevia has shown toxicity in humans,’
says Sahelian, though he agrees that further research is warranted.
Because stevia is not FDA-approved, it cannot be sold as
an artificial sweetener; however it can be -- and is -- sold as a dietary
supplement. Because these supplements are not regulated as well as those that
have received FDA approval, and therefore have no guarantee of
purity, Kava is leery about the use of stevia. ‘This is a product that's
just asking for good research studies,’ she says. ‘We just don't know enough
yet.’ WebMD: Sweetener in the Spotlight: Is Splenda Safe?
(Page 3) Sensitivity People with
Phenylkenoturia (PKU) “The only people for whom aspartame is a medical
problem are those with the genetic condition known as phenylkenoturia
(PKU), a disorder of amino acid metabolism. Those with PKU need to keep the
levels of phenylalanine in the blood low to prevent mental retardation as
well as neurological, behavioral, and dermatological problems. Since
phenylalanine is one of the two amino acids in aspartame, people who suffer
from PKU are advised not to use it.” WebMD: Sweetener in the Spotlight: Is Splenda Safe?
(Page 3) Other
Sensitivities “Some people
can be sensitive to artificial sweeteners and experience symptoms such as headaches
and upset stomach…” WebMD: Sweetener in the Spotlight: Is Splenda Safe?
(Page 3) Effects Nutrition "Nutrition is an integral
component of oral health. The links between oral health and nutrition are
many. ·
Oral infectious
diseases affect diet
and nutritional status. ·
Likewise, nutrition
and diet may affect the development and progression of diseases of the
oral cavity." AmyRDH.com: Nutrition (PDF, 902 KB) "The effects of periodontal
infection can alter the capacity of the tissues to utilize available
nutrients; therefore, the potential for healing and repair is modified." AmyRDH.com: Nutrition (PDF, 902 KB) Causes Poor Diet "A diet low in nutrients can
diminish the body’s ability to fight infection. Gum disease is an
infection. A well-balanced diet benefits your oral health as well as your
overall general health." AmyRDH.com:
Nutrition (PDF, 902 KB) Immune System "Diseases that interfere with the
body’s immune system, such as leukemia and AIDS, may worsen the condition of
the gums." AmyRDH.com:
Nutrition (PDF, 902 KB) Side Effects of Medications "Medications used to treat the
oral and systemic manifestations of HIV infection, cancer, and cardiovascular
diseases may also have notable side effects on a person's ability to eat, digest,
and absorb adequate diet." AmyRDH.com:
Nutrition (PDF, 902 KB) Diabetes "Poorly controlled diabetes is
associated with an increased risk of several dental diseases and conditions. AmyRDH.com:
Nutrition (PDF, 902 KB) Xerostomia (Dry Mouth) Xerostomia (dry mouth) and its
consequent reduced salivary flow increase the risk of tooth decay, altered
sense of taste, and burning mouth syndrome." AmyRDH.com:
Nutrition (PDF, 902 KB) Types Types: Tooth Decay "Diet and nutrition have a
direct influence on the progression of tooth decay, a preventable oral
infectious disease." AmyRDH.com: Nutrition (PDF, 902 KB) Types: Gum Disease Types: Gum Disease: Nutrients "Proteins, vitamins, and
other nutrients are essential to the health of the periodontal tissue, just
as they are to the health of the tissues throughout the body." AmyRDH.com: Nutrition (PDF, 902 KB) Types:
Gum Disease: Calcium "Adults should consume at least three
servings of calcium each day. The relationship between calcium intake and
gum disease is likely due to calcium’s role in building density in the bone
that supports your teeth. Calcium is necessary for healthy bones, teeth,
muscle contractions and other body functions." AmyRDH.com:
Nutrition (PDF, 902 KB) Types:
Gum Disease: Vitamin C "In addition to calcium, research
has shown that not getting enough vitamin C may put you at increased risk for
gum disease." AmyRDH.com: Nutrition (PDF, 902 KB) Types: Oral Cancer "The most consistent dietary
findings on the role of diet and nutrition in the cause of oral cancer are
the protective effects of increased fruit consumption and the cancer causing
effect of alcohol intake." AmyRDH.com: Nutrition (PDF, 902 KB) Balanced
Diet "A balanced diet contains
proteins, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, and
fiber. Nutrient-dense foods include whole grains, fruits and most
vegetables." AmyRDH.com: Nutrition (PDF, 902 KB) ·
"Never share
a toothbrush or a rinse cup (even if it's rinsed out).
(Some people also recommend getting your own tube of toothpaste since the
tube may touch the brush when dispensing the toothpaste, but I don't get that
extreme.) ·
Use a soft bristled
tooth brush, and ·
Change it every three
months or sooner if
it starts looking worn. ·
Brush your teeth at least
twice a day (morning and night). ·
Brush your teeth
immediately after eating or drinking when possible. (Brushing
your teeth after breakfast is better than brushing before
breakfast.) ·
Always brush your teeth before
you go to bed because we produce less saliva during our sleep and are
more prone to damage from bacteria. ·
When you brush your
teeth, use a toothpaste with fluoride (approved by the American Dental
Association [if you live in America]), ·
Hold your toothbrush at a
45 degree angle toward the gum line, ·
Don't brush too hard (or else you'll scratch your gums
up), and ·
Make sure you get to
every surface. ·
Don't forget to brush
your tongue. ·
Brush for at least two
minutes to ensure that the fluoride has a chance to do its job. ·
Rinse your toothbrush thoroughly and let it dry out (don't
put a cover on it or soak it). (Another way to avoid germ growth on
your toothbrush is to make sure your toilet lid is down when you flush.
Believe it or not, flushing with the toilet lid up contributes to spreading
bacteria, and in the bathroom it can end up on your toothbrush.) ·
Floss your teeth,
You can also use a rinse
or mouthwash if you like." Kristen's Guide: Brush your teeth at least 2 to 3 times
per day, and floss at least daily. (popup window) Cavities: Factors "Research shows that the cavity-causing power, or
cariogenicity, of a food depends on multiple factors including ·
composition of the
total diet, ·
frequency of
consumption of the
food, ·
stickiness and ·
how long the food
remains in the mouth."
The Sugar Association: Nutrition Can Impact Impact
Dental Health "Studies show that differences in foods' cariogenicity
depends not only on the ·
amount of fermentable
carbohydrate they
contain, but on their ·
frequency of consumption
and ·
how long they remain in
the mouth." The Sugar Association: Nutrition Can Impact Impact
Dental Health "[According to the American Dental Association] the
primary risk factors to consider in determining the cariogenic, cariostatic,
and anticariogenic properties of the diet are ·
food form (liquid, solid
and sticky, long lasting), ·
frequency of consumption
of sugar and other fermentable carbohydrates, ·
nutrient composition, ·
sequence of food
intake, ·
and combination of
foods." The Sugar Association: Nutrition Can Impact Impact
Dental Health Cavities: Sugars and Cooked Starches "Researchers have found that cooked starches remain
longer in the mouth, increasing the amount of time the bacteria can feed
on them." The Sugar Association: Nutrition Can Impact Impact
Dental Health "Fermentable carbohydrateshave been identified as the largest
food contributor to dental caries. Sugars such as ·
sucrose and glucose do play a role, but
recent studies show that ·
cooked carbohydrates such as
also contribute to decay." The Sugar Association: Nutrition Can Impact Impact
Dental Health Cavities: Prevention: Recommendations "Major components of a preventive dental regimen include
[ADA] ·
nutrition counseling, ·
fluoride therapy, ·
use of sealants, and ·
control of cariogenic
bacteria..." The Sugar Association: Nutrition Can Impact Impact
Dental Health Cavities: Prevention: Eating Habits "The order in which foods are eaten also affects
their cariogenicity.For example, thecaries-causing potential of a
carbohydrate may be reduced if it is followed by eating food with
anti-cariogenic properties. ·
Foods such
increase salivary flow, thereby
decreasing their time in the mouth and making them unavailable to plaque
bacteria. ·
Alkaline foods, like most seafoods, buffer
the acidsproduced by the carbohydratesas they ferment,lessening potential
damage. ·
Fats also may help bycoating the
teethso thatacid does not reach the teeth's plaque." The Sugar Association: Nutrition Can Impact Impact
Dental Health "The effect of consuming a soft drink under
different situations demonstrates how food intake can impact dental health. ·
Soft drinks have a high
content of fermentable carbohydrates but can be less detrimental when
consumed rapidly than sucking a hard candy for an extended time. Drinking
a soft drink slowly throughout the day poses more risk than drinking it
quickly. This is because oral pH levels drop for an extended period of time,
allowing a longer period of for the bacterial acids to demineralize tooth
surfaces. ·
Drinking a soft drink
at a meal lessens risk because
other food properties such as fiber, fat and minerals interfere with the
drink's cariogenic potential." The Sugar Association: Nutrition Can Impact Impact
Dental Health
fluoridation of the water supply [possibly--if
done using good sources of fluoride and not toxic waste by-products], ·
increased professional
dental services and ·
treatments like dental
sealants have dramatically reduced the incidence of caries among
children and young adults." The Sugar Association: Nutrition Can Impact Impact
Dental Health Note: Some people believe that fluoridation of water
supplies is unhealthy. ·
Water: Types of Water: Filtered Water: Fluoride Tap Water "To continue this trend, Dr.
Kashket advises nutritionists to counsel patients about the importance of reducing
snacking or 'grazing' habits. "The advice to limit sugary foods
is one part of the answer. However, there are clearly very few
non-cariogenic foods. People will eat what tastes good. The answer is to
eat less frequently, giving the teeth a chance to remineralize." The Sugar Association: Nutrition Can Impact Impact
Dental Health Related Topics ·
Dry Eye
Syndrome: More Causes Fast Food · FatCalories.com: The Fast Food Nutrition Fact Explorer Database
"Any food that you can buy in a · Can, · Jar, · Packet or · Bottle is processed food. That is, food that has been altered from the way in which nature presented it to us, in some kind of factory, as part of a bulk process. It is our belief that all processed food is injurious to health in different degrees, and it is best avoided from our diet altogether." Praana.com: Processed Food and Junk Food
"Processed food is made and packaged in a factory outside the home and usually contains · High fructose corn syrup, · White sugar, · White flour, and · Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils (trans-fats) such as margarine or shortening, and · Added chemicals as coloring, preservatives, flavorings. It may contain nutritional value." Sedona Labs: Health Matters: Foods that Hurt / Foods that Heal
"Junk food is processed food that contains an insignificant amount of nutritional value." Sedona Labs: Health Matters: Foods
that Hurt / Foods that Heal ·
WebMD: 10 Foods To Eat Every Week |