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· Causes · Misconceptions about Allergies and Intolerances · Examples of Chemical Triggers · Similar or Related Conditions
"But what exactly is an allergy? According to Dr Leo Galland, the director of the Foundation for Integrated Medicine in New York, which deals with environmental illness, "allergy" is not a scientific term but means 'altered reactivity.' Generally speaking, allergists tend to agree that when IgE is involved, one's sensitivity to food is called an allergy. If some other immune mechansim is involved, which might be IgG or something else, some call it an allergy and some would not. The term 'intolerance' means that an enzyme is involved and the immune system is not. So, for example, lactose intolerance - the inability to break down lactose sugar, causing bloating, cramping and diarrhea - is an intolerance because the enzyme lactase, which breaks down that sugar, is missing. Galland suggests that if we use the term "allergy" in the broadest sense, there are a number of non-allergic diseases in which allergy to food may nevertheless play a role. For example, controlled studies have shown that something like 40 to 45 percent of patients with rheumatoid arthritis are affected by specific individual foods. This is not an IgE type of reaction, so it might not be called a food allergy, but it is an intolerance of the food and it acts to cause inflammation, so it could be called an allergy. Galland believes that IgG may play a role in allergy, but he is one of many who believes that the test for IgG-mediated allergies is not valid."
Signs of Allergies and Intolerances"(The following section is summarised from Rapp, 1996:67-114) Take a long, serious look at your child. Obvious changes sometimes occur in the physical appearance of children and adults who have typical allergies, or food or chemical sensitivities. · Perhaps you recognise a characteristic "spacey" or at times almost "demonic" look in a child's eyes when he or she suddenly becomes "impossible." · These looks are sometimes accompanied by characteristic sounds, such as throat-clearing and clucking. The latter is typical, in particular, of a dairy or milk sensitivity. Some mothers complain that their children make strange noises at home or at school. A few whine and say the same phrase over and over. · In addition, children (and adults) can develop a hoarse voice or red ears or cheeks due to food or chemical exposure. · Other symptoms include slurred or rapid speech."
Allergies and Hyperactivity, Attention, Mood Swings "Allergies can play havoc with a child's ability to benefit from teaching. Some forms of 'hyperactivity,' short attention spans and mood swings are caused by allergies and intolerances for certain foods and other environmental factors."
Handwriting and Drawing Changes "Handwriting and drawing changes can provide visible clues about what is happening within a child. Sudden changes are often related to specific chemical exposures, to contact with dust, moulds, pollen and to allergenic foods or beverages… When another child, Robert, was allergy tested for oats and wheat, his handwriting and behaviour changed at the same time."
"There is much controversy in the medical and related fields concerning allergies and their identification, including the types of tests used to identify allergens (the substance that causes the body to show an allergic reaction). In fact, much about allergies is unknown."
The Brain: Serotonin: Allergies
Lymphocytes/White Bood Cells "What is known? We know that the white blood cells (also known as lymphocytes) are a fundamental component of the immune system that protects our bodies from invaders. When they make a mistake, an allergic response can occur."
Antibodies "When a lymphocyte encounters a particle or cell and identifies it as a foreign invader, it produces antibodies specifically engineered to fight that particular threat."
Immunoglobulins (Igs) "There are five basic types of antibodies, called immunoglobulins, or Igs. Each is classified by type with a letter suffix: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG and IgM. The Ig known to be responsible for most allergic reactions to food is IgE, although IgG is also commonly mentioned."
Pinpointing the Cause of Allergies Reaction Times "The effects of chemical odours, such as perfume or certain cleaning materials, tend to occur within seconds or a very few minutes. Food reactions take fifteen to sixty minutes to become apparent. A reaction to dust or moulds usually occurs within an hour."
Reaction Times and Symptoms "Parents can often pinpoint the cause merely by thinking back over what happened. For example… · If red earlobes, a severe headache, or wiggly legs occur half an hour after lunch, it would be logical to assume the symptoms are possibly related to something that was eaten. · If the problem is eczema, watch the arm and leg creases: these areas commonly become red and itchy during meals or immediately after contact with dust, moulds, or certain foods. The actual rash, however, will not develop until the next day. Also suspect food allergies if your child has any form of intestinal complaints after eating. · If dark eye circles and muscle aches routinely occur after gym, art, chemistry or biology class, or after a shower, suspect a reaction to a chemical exposure. If these changes occur after play on freshly cut grass, suspect grass pollen. · If a child's nose becomes itchy and drippy, or if asthma and coughing get worse after tumbling on gym mats or playing on an old carpet, the cause could be dust, moulds, or both. · If a youngster becomes wild and uncontrollable and has a peculiar spaced-out look after using a bathroom that smells of scented body preparations, deodorants or disinfectants, suspect chemicals. · Parents should learn to watch for dark eye circles (which can be black, blue or pink), red earlobes (sometimes becoming so hot that ice is needed to provide relief), nose-rubbing, skin-scratching, wiggly legs, yawning and various throaty sounds. · Small, horizontal wrinkles under the eyes are typical of allergic children, especially those who have eczema. Abnormally red rosy cheeks can occur in anyone, but they are particularly characteristic of allergic children two to four years old and of adult females who have multiple food or chemical allergies. · Facial twitches or tics, along with restless legs, are very common in some children. · Other muscles also can go into and out of spasm causing discomfort or pain. Foods, moulds and chemical odours, such as the smell of tar or perfume, are common but unsuspected causes. · Hives, which look like mosquito bites, are often caused by foods, dust, moulds or chemicals. · More generalised rashes can be caused by a chronic yeast infection (often following anti-biotic treatment), by contact with formaldehyde in polyester clothing or bedding or by some chemical found in a laundry detergent or fabric softener. · Stomach pains, 'winds', nausea, diarrhea, constipation or halitosis are commonly caused by an allergy to food or drink. · Recurrent headaches are another very common allergic symptom in all age groups. The pain may occur above or behind the eyes or on the sides, back or top of head. · Sudden unprovoked aggression in both children and adults can be related to allergy. It is often associated with red earlobes, wiggly legs, dark eye circles and a special 'look'. Behaviour may include hitting, biting, kicking, spitting and punching. · Yeast overgrowths may be caused by repeated courses of antibiotics (in children, frequently used to medicate ear infections or tonsillitis. A white-coated tongue is a common indication of excess yeast. This condition is different from the mottled 'geographic' tongue, which suggests a possible food allergy in children or adults. If the tongue is extremely white but also has bald, pink, spotty patches, that person may have a combination of a yeast overgrowth and food allergies. In young children it may be worth looking for a red ring around the anus, which is typical of a yeast overgrowth." · Lastly, a bloated or abnormally large abdomen may also be a sign of problems. This sometimes occurs with food allergies, but other digestive problems, such as chronic yeast infections and parasites are also common causes. The presence of parasites may also cause 'difficult' behaviour and underachievement. It is well worth checking that all children are given parasite ('deworming') treatments on a regular basis."
Histamine, Water Rationing System "All life began in water; even the developing fetus is surrounded by water. When the body is deprived of water, a water rationing system takes effect. Histamine, a neurotransmitter becomes active and redistributes water throughout the body. The order of circulatory priority is the · Brain, · Lungs, · Liver, · Kidneys, and · Glands, · Then comes the muscles, bones and skin. During periods of dehydration, histamine insures that these vital organs have enough water to function properly. If enough water is not supplied, it must be taken from within the body. Chronic dehydration can cause histamine to become excessively active. This may result in symptoms that may be mistaken for other disorders such as · Allergies, · Asthma, · Dyspepsia, · Colitis, · Constipation, · Rheumatoid arthritis, and · Chronic pains in various parts of the body such as migraine headaches." Nutrition Info: Dangers of Chronic Dehydration by Albert Grazia, M.S., N.D.
"A large amount of water is normally lost from the lungs as water vapor through expired air. Histamine, which also controls bronchial muscle contractions, may attempt to restrict water loss through expiration by constricting the bronchial muscles." Nutrition Info: Dangers of Chronic Dehydration by Albert Grazia, M.S., N.D.
"Histamine is an agent that, apart from its water regulatory role, has responsibilities in antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-foreign agents (chemicals and proteins) defense systems in the body. · At a normal level of water content of the body, these actions are held at an imperceptive or unexaggerated level. · At a dehydrated state of the body, to the point that the histamine activity becomes exaggerated for water regulation, an immune system activation of histamine producing cells will release an exaggerated amount of the transmitter that is held in storage for its other functions. (Page 116)" Book: F. Batmanghelidj, M.D., Your Body's Many Cries for Water, 2nd ed. Global Health Solutions, 1995.
"Reduce orange juice intake to one, or at most two, glasses a day. The potassium content of orange juice is high. High loads of potassium in the body can promote more than usual histamine production. In asthmatics, this point should be kept in mind. (Page 119)" Book: F. Batmanghelidj, M.D., Your Body's Many Cries for Water, 2nd ed. Global Health Solutions, 1995.
"In certain people, salt shortage in the body can occur and become symptom-producing in exactly the same way as water shortage, such as some arthritis pains. It is my understanding that in severe asthma attacks, salt shortage is a major contributing factor. I would like to share an important secret with you. Salt is a natural antihistamine. People with allergies should begin to increase their salt intake to prevent excess histamine production [if you don't have high blood pressure]. (Page 120)" Book: F. Batmanghelidj, M.D., Your Body's Many Cries for Water, 2nd ed. Global Health Solutions, 1995.
"In the first stages of asthma, mucus is secreted to protect the tissues. There comes a time that much mucus is secreted and it stays put, preventing the normal passage of air through the airways. Sodium is a natural mucus breaker, and it is normally secreted to make mucus 'disposable'. That is why phlegm is salty when it comes in contact with the tongue. (Page 120)" Book: F. Batmanghelidj, M.D., Your Body's Many Cries for Water, 2nd ed. Global Health Solutions, 1995.
Note: A pinch of salt might be as large as 1/16 tsp. "A pinch of salt [a pinch is the amount you can pick up using the tips of your thumb and index finger--about 1/40 tsp (1/5 of 1/8 tsp) to 1/48 tsp (1/6 of 1/8 tsp) for granular substances such as salt] on the tongue after drinking water fools the brain into thinking a lot of salt has arrived in the body. It is then that the brain begins to relax the bronchioles [air ducts that transport air to the lungs]. Alcohol and caffeine contribute to severe asthma attacks. People with asthma should slightly increase their salt intake. (Page 120)" Book: F. Batmanghelidj, M.D., Your Body's Many Cries for Water, 2nd ed. Global Health Solutions, 1995.
· Other Suggestions: Breathing: Humidification
Misconceptions about Allergies and Intolerances "Food allergies and intolerances are more common than we may believe… For this reason, before labeling learning problems and poor behaviour, consider the role that chemicals, food and other environmental factors may be playing."
More Information about Allergies Introduction “The skin around your eyes is very sensitive and delicate, which needs good care at all age. Weather its summer or winter or any other season, follow some simple steps and guidelines as under, to have healthier skin around your eyes!”
· “To reduce the dark circles around your eyes, no matter at what age you are, get at least seven to eight hours sleep every night. Sleeping with your head slightly elevated would help you work against gravity…which causes fluid to collect in your lower eyelids resulting in dark circles. · Use an eye cream around the eyes to keep moisture in the skin. · When applying cream or make up around the eyes use the ring finger (as it exerts less pressure). · Don't rub eyes frequently as this can cause an eye infection and in turn causing infection in the skin around eyes. This is because; few of us bother to wash our hands before touching our eyes.”
“To reduce the appearance of dark circles, Beauty Rx [there are also health reasons for reducing dark eye circles]: 1. Get at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. Sleep with your head slightly elevated (when you're lying flat, gravity causes fluid to collect in your lower eyelids, which may create shadows [you may want to consider using a regular pillow if you are using a cervical pillow]). 2. Moisturize the area with an eye cream containing nourishing antioxidants that help protect the skin, such as green-tea and grapeseed extracts, and vitamins C, E and K (Dr. Brandt's own Skincare Lineless Eye Cream, $60; sephora.com, contains vitamins and green-tea extract). 3. Cover up with a yellow-based concealer. 4. See a dermatologist. He or she can tell you if engorged blood vessels are the culprit; if so, lasers can shrink them for up to $300 per area.”
· Other Suggestions: Dehydration: Symptoms (sunken eyes)
Food Allergies and Intolerances · Arousal: Allergies: Food Allergies and Intolerances
· "Tobacco smoke · Perfume · Traffic exhaust or gasoline fumes · Nail polish remover · Newspaper ink · Hair spray · Paint or paint thinner · Insecticides · Artificial colors, sweeteners, and preservatives in food · Adhesive tape · New carpet · Flame retardants on clothing and furniture (such as mattresses) · Felt tip pens · Chlorine in swimming pools" WebMD: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
"The main mechanism for chemical sensitivity is the failure of the body’s enzyme detoxification pathways to adequately clear chemical compounds. Both immune and non-immune processes have been involved." 'Chemical Sensitivity: It's a Serious Problem More Often Than You Think!!!' by Adrienne Buffaloe, MD
"Two things can go wrong with the body’s own detoxification process: 1. The oxidants that the body uses to detoxify foreign substances have little discrimination and can damage body tissue, and 2. When the liver is confronted with too many demands, an 'oxidative burst' can deplete the liver’s own reserve of antioxidants, which can in turn cause the release of oxidants that attack not only the liver but the fat-soluble regions such as the central nervous system. Helping the liver, however, are antioxidant pathways like glutathione (a peptide composed of three amino acids), taurine (another amino acid), vitamin E, and the enzymes catalase, peroxidase, and super-oxide dismutase." Nutrition for Optimal Health Association (NOHA) News: Chemical Sensitivity: Then and Now
“In many primate studies, blue light has been shown to cause a photochemical reaction that produces free radicals [free radicals are theoretical] in the RPE [A single layer of cells between the retina and the underlying blood vessels] and the rods and cones. Researchers believe that these free radicals interact with the high oxygen and lipid content in human rod and cone tips to produce abnormal chunks of metabolized waste that cannot be properly processed by the RPE, clogging up the macula's maintenance system and producing dry macular degeneration.”
· Vision: Binocular Functions: Light Sensitivity: Suggestions: Tinted Glasses
“Antiperspirants ARE bad for people but, from what I know, mainly · From the absorption of aluminum and · For those who develop sebaceous cysts under their arms from chronic blockage of the sweat glands---which, of course, is the major function of antiperspirants. It IS true that sweat is a major mechanism of toxin excretion from the body (the other 3 are stool, urine and breath). However, the % lost from underarms, in relationship to the rest of the body, seems to me to be very small. I agree with ‘don't believe everything you read’ in that there is no creditable evidence of antiperspirants causing breast cancer or burdening the body with unexcreted toxins. However there are plenty of proven reasons why antiperspirants are not good for anyone. I have not used them for 30 years and urge my family to think about them seriously before using them. It would be nice if those, who have had to have their entire underarms surgically removed and skin grafted for just this cause, would share what they think about this. I have surgically assisted at such procedures. They are crippling and deforming procedures but when this happens, & they are ONLY due to antiperspirants, it is a tragedy that was totally unnecessary. Where are the warning labels? Where is the FDA on this one?”
· “Most body odor is the result of bacterial breakdown of sweat. Perspiration itself is normally odorless. An easy way to reduce the amount of bacteria under the arms is to splash on rubbing alcohol. · Most commercial deodorant products contain irritating or harmful ingredients, including aluminum salts and dyes. · Avoid the antiperspirant varieties. · You can find better products in health-food stores, such as those containing extracts of green tea, which is antibacterial. · Beware of ‘natural crystals,’ which contain aluminum even if they say they don't. · Stimulant drugs, including coffee and tea, contribute to body odor by increasing the activity of apocrine sweat glands [emotional stress increases the production of sweat from the apocrine glands], special glands in hairy parts of the body that produce strong-smelling, musky secretions. Try eliminating caffeine if body odor continues to be a problem.” DrWeil.com: Natural Health: Condition Care Guide: Body Odor
"Food Intolerances or Allergiesare high on the list of offenders behavioral symptoms and problems. While · milk [dairy], · eggs, · nuts, · shellfish, · wheat and · soy products are common triggers for people with food sensitivities or allergies, simple sugar(s) have more of an effect on mood and hyperactivity than many other dietary factors, although some 'experts' on ADD or ADHD continue to challenge or dispute that fact. (see also Acu-Cell 'Sugar & Glycemic Index'). Additional problem sources to consider include · pets, · mold, · artificial food coloring and preservatives, · artificial sweeteners (aspartame), · dust mites, · caffeine, and · tobacco smoke." Acu-Cell Disorders: ADD/ADHD & Behavioral Problems
Dry Eye Syndrome · Dry Eye Syndrome: Related Conditions
Ear Congestion · Hearing Suggestions: Ear Congestion
Hypoglycemia · Hypoglycemia: Effects: Other Effects