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Food Allergies and Intolerances
Gluten Intolerance/Celiac Disease ·
Lactose Intolerance and Milk Allergy
Immunoglobulin E (IgE) Allergies "IgE allergies occur when the immune system, in an effort to rejecta certain food or other substance, creates an antibody to that food, immunoglobulin E. In other words, the blood cells of an allergic person are 'misinformed' at the genetic level and cause the production of large quantities of IgE antibodies. The antibody becomes attached on one side to the food/substance molecule and on the other side to a mast cell (mast cells are a type of cell containing histamine and other allergy mediators instrumental in the allergic response). When this happens, histamines and other chemicals are released from the mast cells, causing such immediate responses as runny nose, itchy eyes, skin rashes and indigestion. IgE can cause anaphylaxis, an extreme, sometimes even life-threatening response in which the airways swell, sometimes to the point where the person cannot breathe."
Problems with Testing for Immunoglobulin E (IgE) Allergies "The most common tests for food allergies are IgE skin tests, where the skin is scratched or pricked and allergens such as wheat, eggs and milk are applied. Within 15 to 30 minutes, local reaction may occur. Other types of tests include blood tests and patch skin tests. However, there are reports that blood testing for food allergies provides more reliable results than skin testing. The latter are problematic because of their tendency to yield false positives. This means that people may show a positive result but are still able to eat a certain food. To summarise this difficult and confusing field, it appears that the efficacy of all allergy testing is under suspicion."
Lack of Knowledge about Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Allergies "Less is known
about the other allergies, which are far more difficult to research
and subsequently seldom mentioned or tested for by doctors. Some
theorists are willing to explain the fairly common IgG allergies, where the
body produces an abundance of immunoglobulin G in reponse to certain
foods/substances. The body normally produces IgG antibodies to foods that
one consumes regularly, Yet in cases that involve allergic responses,
supporters of the theory say, great amounts are released. The IgG antibodies
attach directly to the food, but not the mast cells, creating what
is called an 'immune complex.' The allergic responses, which may
include constipation, headaches, joint pain and depression, can
be immediate or delayed, appearing up to several days after the
food is consumed. But testing for IgG allergies is infrequently done. Hugh
Sampson, chief of pediatric allergy immunology at
What is Food Intolerance? “Food intolerance is the inability to properly digest or fully process certain foods, leading to chronic symptoms and, if left untreated, serious diseases. There are dozens of symptoms (see Symptoms Matrix – you must register first [registration is free]) that can be attributed to food intolerance. Mostly they are the following types: · Gastro-intestinal (stomach and intestines) · Respiratory (lungs and breathing) · Dermatological (skin diseases) · Neurological (pain, memory and mood) · Musculo-skeletal (muscle and bone disorders) · Reproductive (genital and fertility issues) · Immune responses (ability to fight infection)” foodintol: Food Intolerance: Introduction to Food intolerance
Things to Consider Things to Consider: Serious Health Risks “Although they may seem only lifestyle threatening rather than life threatening, if left untreated food intolerances can lead to serious health risks. Some people have more than one food intolerance.” foodintol: Food Intolerance: Introduction to Food intolerance
Things to Consider: Widely suffered “Clinical evidence indicates food intolerance is much more prevalent than the small minorities usually quoted. · (e.g. Gluten sensitivity is now thought to be ~15% [meaning ‘approximately 15%’] of Americans, rather than ½%. And · Lactose intolerance is now known to be so prevalent (~75% are affected to some extent) that those who are not lactose intolerant (the minority) have been described using a new term: lactase persistent. This is to emphasise that they still produce lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose. Most humans stop producing lactase at weaning, or around two years of age.” foodintol: Food Intolerance: Introduction to Food intolerance
Things to Consider: Poorly diagnosed “Even the medical profession concedes that · Gluten sensitivity, · Lactose intolerance, · Yeast sensitivity and · Fructose Malabsorption are poorly diagnosed. See references below* [see linked page below].” foodintol: Food Intolerance: Introduction to Food intolerance
Things to Consider: Disconnect – cause & effect “Because reactions to foods can be up to 48 hours after eating, patients have traditionally had difficulty connecting them. This leads to the habit of finding symptoms relief using over-the-counter medications rather than consultation with a doctor.” foodintol: Food Intolerance: Introduction to Food intolerance
Things to Consider: Low Awareness “Few people understand food intolerance. It is often confused with food allergy. And because of a vague presentation of chronic symptoms that are not life threatening adult sufferers in particular are sometimes not taken seriously or worse, discounted as hypochondriacs.” foodintol: Food Intolerance: Introduction to Food intolerance
Things to Consider: Worse with age · “All the symptoms of food intolerance get worse as we get older. · Unfortunately another effect is to exacerbate other conditions like
foodintol: Food Intolerance: Introduction to Food intolerance
Things to Consider: Insidious and debilitating · “Mostly inconspicuous, the symptoms tend to be those we 'put up with' on a daily basis:
· By the time it is diagnosed the person's general health can be seriously compromised, with a much greater likelihood of anaemia, osteoporosis, Celiac Disease [Gluten sensitivity], Crohn's Disease and even bowel cancer.” foodintol: Food Intolerance: Introduction to Food intolerance
Things to Consider: Atopic “Allergic conditions are atopic, they 'run in families' and it is the same with most food intolerance. · Celiac Disease (or Gluten sensitivity) for instance occurs in 10% of all first degree relatives of Celiacs - sisters, brothers, parents and children. · Sensitivities can present as allergies or intolerances within the same family.” foodintol: Food Intolerance: Introduction to Food intolerance
Things to Consider: It Can Be Triggered “Food intolerance can turn up later in life. People are frequently surprised to discover they are Lactose intolerant or sensitive to Fructose or Gluten - when they reach ages of 20, 30, 40 or older. The things that trigger intolerance are the 'life events' like · birth of a child, · death of a family member, · divorce, · sickness, · finding a new job etc. The propensity to be food intolerant was always there, and up till now the body had been compensating. But after serious stress the intolerance can appear.” foodintol: Food Intolerance: Introduction to Food intolerance
Things to Consider: Easily remedied “Despite the risk of serious disease if neglected, Food intolerance is easily remedied with a changed diet. First the offending food must be positively identified using an Elimination Diet. Then a changed diet like eating · Gluten-free, · Dairy-free, · Yeast-free, · Fructose-free or · Wheat-free is very successful in eliminating symptoms. When properly managed, such diets bring sufferers back to full health, improved resistance to disease and renewed personal motivation.” foodintol: Food Intolerance: Introduction to Food intolerance · Arousal: Allergies: More Information: Food Allergies and Intolerances: Candida/Yeast Intolerance Gluten Intolerance/Celiac
Disease Note: This
condition is also referred to as celiac sprue and nontropical sprue. Gluten Sources “Gluten is an elastic and gluey protein found in · wheat, · rye, · barley, · oats, · spelt [a gluten-containing wheat variant], · kamut [a gluten-containing wheat variant], · triticale [a new hybrid grain with the properties of wheat and rye] and · it is hidden in an endless variety of processed foods. Triticale is a new hybrid grain with the properties of wheat and rye, while spelt and kamut are gluten-containing wheat variants and are likely to cause problems similar to other wheat varieties. Gluten-containing grains have come to be used extensively in breads and other baked goods because of their ‘glutinous,’ sticky consistency.” Nourished Magazine: Best of Nourished: 'How to Overcome Candida (Part 1)'
“Primary sources: · wheat (including semolina, durum, spelt, triticale, and kamut) · rye · barley · oats” Life Enthusiast Co-op: Digestive Problems: 'Understanding Celiac Disease'
“Hidden sources: (ingredients/additives which may contain gluten) The source of many of these ingredients [see link below for a list] must be carefully scrutinized to ascertain whether or not any gluten is present. For example, modified food starch from corn is acceptable [the term ‘acceptable’ here is used to describe only a gluten-free perspective], as long as no wheat starch is included. Apple cider vinegar is acceptable, but distilled vinegars may contain gluten. Pure buckwheat or buckwheat flour is acceptable, but many buckwheat flours are contaminated with or have wheat flour added.” Life Enthusiast Co-op: Digestive Problems: 'Understanding Celiac Disease'
Effects “Gluten grains contain a protein that is difficult to digest and interferes with mineral absorption and causes intestinal damage. This damage makes the intestines incapable of absorbing nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and even water in some cases.” Nourished Magazine: Best of Nourished: 'How to Overcome Candida (Part 1)' “…To
diagnose celiac disease, physicians will usually test blood to measure levels of ·
A (IgA) ·
transglutaminase (tTGA) ·
anti-endomysium antibodies (AEA) Before
being tested, one
should continue to eat a regular diet that includes foods with
gluten, such as breads and pastas. If a person stops eating foods with gluten
before being tested, the results may be negative for celiac disease even if
celiac disease is actually present. If the tests and symptoms suggest celiac
disease, the doctor will perform a small bowel
biopsy. During the biopsy, the doctor removes a tiny piece of tissue from
the small intestine to check for damage to the villi [microscopic projections which cover the intestine].
To obtain the tissue sample, the doctor eases a long, thin tube called an
endoscope through the mouth and stomach into the small intestine. Using instruments
passed through the endoscope, the doctor then takes the sample.” “Recommending that people with celiac disease avoid oats is controversial because some people have been able to eat oats without having symptoms. Scientists are currently studying whether people with celiac disease can tolerate oats. Until the studies are complete, people with celiac disease should follow their physician's or dietitian's advice about eating oats. Examples of foods that are safe to eat and those that are not are provided in the table below...” Related Topics · Candida/Yeast Intolerance: Candida vs. Gluten Intolerance Symptoms · Candida/Yeast Intolerance: Theories ·
Research Topics: Similarities with Autism: Endorphins,
Endorphin-Like Opioids, and Autism ·
Other Suggestions: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS):
Causes: Gluten Intolerance/Celiac Disease Lactose Intolerance and Milk Allergy Confusion "In the case of milk, many people confuse milk allergy and lactose intolerance, but they are two different conditions. The enzyme lactase is needed to digest lactose (milk sugar). Most of the world's populations, excluding Northern Europeans and isolated groups in Northern India and Africa, are deficient in lactase. Many people of African, Latino and Mediterranean descent develop gas, bloating and intestinal cramping after having dairy products."
Links (from Lactose.co.uk) Information
More Reading
Flash Medical News
More Information(from Lactose.co.uk)
Other Links · No Cow's Milk for Me Thanks: Calcium: Life without Cow's Milk · VeggieBoards.com: Does Soy Milk Taste Good?
“Eating the right foods is a most important aspect of health. I have found that no one tolerates cow’s milk as milk. (I can hear the objections, but that is my experience.) · Butter, cheese, yoghurt [also spelled ‘yogurt’], yes, · But milk as milk (includes whey, caseinates, dried, evaporated, condensed etc) no. The improvement in health without amalgam and cow’s milk can sometimes seem miraculous.” Positive Health Magazine: Mercury Poisoning from Amalgam Fillings by Vivian Bradshaw