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Candida/Yeast Intolerance
· Symptoms · Candida vs. Gluten Intolerance Symptoms · Theories · Diet
· Tips · General
· “Candidiasis is an infection caused by Candida yeast, especially Candida albicans. · Candida normally live harmlessly in the body, controlled by beneficial bacteria in the body and the immune system. · If the beneficial bacteria are killed by antibiotics, or if a person's immune system becomes weakened, Candida can grow unchecked and cause symptoms.” About.com: Alternative Medicine: The Candida Cleanse
· candida treatment - Google News
Localized Infections “Localized infections, such as · oral thrush, · skin infections, and · vaginal yeast infections in women can result.” About.com: Alternative Medicine: The Candida Cleanse
Widespread Infection “Widespread infection can occur in immunocompromised people.” About.com: Alternative Medicine: The Candida Cleanse
· yeastinfectionadvisor.com: 'Understanding Male Yeast Infection'
· yeastinfectionadvisor.com: 'Understanding Yeast Infection In Children'
· yeastinfectionadvisor.com: 'Understanding Vaginal Yeast Infection And Its Complications'
Candida vs. Gluten Intolerance Symptoms “The symptoms of gluten intolerance are very similar to candida symptoms.” CandidaPage.com: 'Candida vs. Gluten Intolerance Symptoms'
· “The following list [see link below] of common symptoms of low level Candida albicans infections was found on a web page. · I have used it as a framework to compare with some of the symptoms of an undiagnosed gluten intolerant person. · (Celiac and gluten intolerance are used interchangeably below [see link below], though they really aren't. Celiac disease refers to a damaged intestinal mucosa [lining]. Gluten intolerance can be a sensitivity without much measurable damage)…” CandidaPage.com: 'Candida vs. Gluten Intolerance Symptoms'
“Most Candida sufferers are gluten intolerant.” Nourished Magazine: Best of Nourished: 'How to Overcome Candida (Part 1)'
“Gluten grains feed Candida because they have a high glycemic index [they have a high glycemic index when refined—not whole grains; this is not to say that whole grains do not contain gluten] just like sugar…” Nourished Magazine: Best of Nourished: 'How to Overcome Candida (Part 1)'
“Our grain food supply also contains mycotoxins [many countries have enacted regulations stipulating maximum amounts of mycotoxins permissible in food and feedstuffs]…” Nourished Magazine: Best of Nourished: 'How to Overcome Candida (Part 1)'
· Gluten Intolerance/Celiac Disease Candida Overgrowth and the Intestinal Wall “Candida overgrowth in the intestines is thought to, in some cases, penetrate the intestinal wall [this sounds like one of the autism theories—gluten and casein], causing the yeast and other unwanted particles from being absorbed into the body. This is thought to activate the immune system, resulting in · fatigue, · headache, · mood swings, · poor memory and concentration, · cravings for sweets, and · has been linked to conditions such as fibromyalgia.” About.com: Alternative Medicine: The Candida Cleanse
· “This condition, popularized by William Crook, MD in his 1983 book, The Yeast Connection, is considered very controversial. · Most conventional doctors think this systemic condition is overdiagnosed and many disagree with the diagnosis.” About.com: Alternative Medicine: The Candida Cleanse
· “Use of
· High-sugar diets · Pregnancy · Diabetes” About.com: Alternative Medicine: The Candida Cleanse
· About.com: Alternative Medicine: The Candida Cleanse: Candida Screening Quiz
· “Diet is an important part of the Candida cleanse [the ‘Candida Cleanse’ is a specific diet]. · The length of time on the Candida cleanse depends on the length of time one has had symptoms, symptom severity, and overall health. · People may notice improvement after strict adherence to the diet [the ‘Candida Cleanse’ diet] for two to four weeks. · For others it takes months. · Once symptoms are gone and lab tests show significant improvement, foods from the restricted list can be slowly incorporated back into the diet.” About.com: Alternative Medicine: The Candida Cleanse
· About.com: Alternative Medicine: The Candida Cleanse: List of Foods to Avoid Entirely
· About.com: Alternative Medicine: The Candida Cleanse: List of Foods to Limit
· “Limit daily carbohydrate [sugars and starches] intake - Sugar feeds Candida, so it is important to minimize the total carbohydrate content of one's diet. · During the first 2 to 3 weeks of the program [the ‘Candida Cleanse’ diet program], it is often recommended that carbohydrate intake be restricted to 20 to 60 grams per day, depending on age, health, activity level, and extent of grain sensitivities. · As symptoms disappear, the carbohydrate total can gradually increase. · Foods that are low carb include
· meat, · chicken [Some commercially sold chicken, such as Boston Market chicken, contains autolyzed yeast (msg)], · turkey, · shellfish, · some nuts [not pistachios or peanuts—some shelled peanuts might be okay], and
About.com: Alternative Medicine: The Candida Cleanse
“Candida’s main food supply is sugar and all forms of it, such as · lactose contained in dairy products, · honey, · glucose [A simple sugar found in the blood. It is the body's main source of energy; also known as dextrose.], · fructose, and · sugar substitutes, i.e. Nutrasweet, aspartame, saccharin. Nourished Magazine: Best of Nourished: 'How to Overcome Candida (Part 1)'
“Eliminating sugar is the most important part of the Candida Program [the ‘Candida Control’ Program]. · All fruit, except lemons, are also very high in sugar and should be extremely limited during the initial stages of the program,… · Along with some vegetables that are very high in sugar, such as · carrots, · yams, · sweet potatoes, · parsnips and · beets.” Nourished Magazine: Best of Nourished: 'How to Overcome Candida (Part 1)'
“Sugar is also contained in most processed foods such as · smoked luncheon meats, · ketchup, · cereal, and · yogurt [some yogurts are sometimes recommended in the treatment of Candida/Yeast intolerance] making it important to read labels carefully…” Nourished Magazine: Best of Nourished: 'How to Overcome Candida (Part 1)'
“Names for Sugar and Sweeteners [a partial list]: Aspartame, carob powder, corn starch, crystalline carbohydrate dextrin, dextrose, disaccharides, galactose, glucose, levulose, malts of any kind, maltitol, maltodextrin, maltose (malt sugar), manitol, mannitol, mono-saccharides, sucrose, Nutrasweet, polydextrose, polysaccharides, ribose, saccharin, sorghum, suamiel, succanat, xylitol.” Nourished Magazine: Best of Nourished: 'How to Overcome Candida (Part 1)'
“It has been known for many years that sugar greatly depresses the immune system. In the 70s Linus Pauling knew that white blood cells needed a high dose of vitamin C. That was when he came up with his theory that high doses of vitamin C were needed to combat the common cold. But… · Vitamin C and glucose have similar chemical structures and · They compete for one another upon entering the cells. · If there is more glucose around less vitamin C it will be allowed into the cell, and interestingly… · Taking Vitamin C also helps curb sugar cravings.” Nourished Magazine: Best of Nourished: 'How to Overcome Candida (Part 1)'
“These are a few of the negative effects sugar has on health: · Sugar contributes to the reduction in defense against bacterial infection · Sugar upsets mineral relationships in the body [related topics: electrolytes?] · Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium [some calcium/magnesium topics: ADHD, Candida/Yeast Intolerance] · Sugar can interfere with the absorption of protein [related topics: celiac disease?] · Sugar can change the structure of protein · Sugar can increase the body’s fluid retention [related topics: dehydration?] · Sugar can cause hormonal imbalances [related topics: serotonin? Serotonin irritation syndrome? Excess endorphins?] · Sugar is an addictive substance and can be intoxicating, similar to alcohol [related topics: alcohol increases Fm theta waves in the brain; small amounts of alcohol increase beta brainwaves]” Nourished Magazine: Best of Nourished: 'How to Overcome Candida (Part 1)'
“Some apple cider vinegar brands are extremely acidic, causing heartburn and yeast infections. (Note: · Certain brands of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar stop a yeast infection [because it contains malic acid, a known yeast infection fighter], yet · Other brands are so acidic that they can actually cause a yeast infection. Thus start with a lower dose to see how your body responds to the vinegar.) 5% acidity level is what is posted on all ACV [apple cider vinegar] labels, however it seems that some brands are far more acidic than others! We once bought an expensive, organic, unpasteurized brand with a fancy gold label and got terrible heartburn that lasted for hours from just 2 teaspoons' worth!” Earth Clinic: Remedies: 'Apple Cider Vinegar Cures'
“The researchers [University of Arkansas] noted that their study of apple cider vinegar tablets raises concern about the safety and quality of these supplements, and they suggested that dietitians and other health care professionals be vigilant in obtaining information about supplement use from patients.” University of Arkansas: Daily Headlines: 'Apple Cider Vinegar? Or Just Acid?'
“According to the FDA [US Food and Drug Administration], natural flavorings are ‘derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or similar plant material, meat, seafood, poultry, egg, milk product...whose significant function in food is flavoring rather than nutritional.’” Annie's Homegrown, Inc.: FAQ's: 'Product Information - Ingredients / Allergy'
Things to Consider: Flour When using flour, it’s important to keep in mind that many flours contain ingredients that promote the growth of yeast such as malted barley flour and ‘enzyme’.
· Nature's Sunshine Products NSP :: View topic - Candida - Diet [contains breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack recipes, tips for eating out, along with other tips for coping with candida] · Nutrition: Essential Fatty Acids: Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) Sources: Foods Containing Omega-3 EFAs: Some Sources [contains tips for buying safe, clean tuna]
“Preservatives including citric acid which are frequently derived from yeasts [not naturally derived] and in any case introduce unnecessary chemicals into the body. Citric acid is commonly found in supermarket tomatoes. Healthfood shop organic tomatoes are normally just in tomato juice alone.” GoodnessDirect: Articles and Info: Health Library: 'Tips for an Anti-Candida Diet' by Jo Coffey
· GoodnessDirect: Articles and Info: Health Library: 'Tips for an Anti-Candida Diet' by Jo Coffey (these tips were adapted from Erica White’s Beat Candida cookbook and Patrick Holfords Optimum Nutrition Bible) · yeastinfectionadvisor.com: 'The Recommended Candida Diet or Yeast Infection Diet' · Former Fat Guy: Articles: Candida Albicans · Wellness Guru: Candida: 'Yeast Elimination - Learning to
Eat Candida Free' (contains a list of foods to avoid along with
ideas for alternatives; grapefruit, oranges, tomatoes are technically not acid
based on the
“…where Candida Albicans yeast overgrowth and similar fungal conditions are present, miso should be used sparingly, since its ferment can promote the growth of yeasts. Same principal should be applied when using soy sauces as well. Even if you choose a brand such as San-J, Tamari, which is wheat free, however, it is still fermented.” Yoga.com: Forums: 'Wellness: Diet and Nutrition: Colon Cleanse'
· “Tea, · Pepper, · Coffee, · Coffee substitutes, · many spices and · tobacco acquire molds or yeast in their drying processes [not when freshly-ground?].” Former Fat Guy: Articles: Candida Albicans
“Left-overs from a previous meal should be frozen for future use, as they will become mold-containing within 24 hours.” Former Fat Guy: Articles: Candida Albicans
“Vitamins, such as the · B-complex, · thiamine, · niacin and · riboflavin are usually yeast-grown, although it is possible to obtain them with a brown rice base.” Former Fat Guy: Articles: Candida Albicans
“Yeast-free antibiotics such as · penicillin mycin drugs, · tetracyclines, · lincocin and · chloromycetin are derived from mold cultures. [I corrected the spelling of the words ‘tetracycline’ and ‘lincocin’ here]” Former Fat Guy: Articles: Candida Albicans
“Malt is used as a flavoring and coloring agent, it is the major ingredient of · beer, · ale and · malt liquors, as well as · some non-alcoholic products. Malt is a sprouted grain, easily fermented, and produces the enzyme diastase, important in the development of grain liquors. · Most dry cereals contain malt or malt extract – · Grape Nuts is exceptionally high in malt content” Former Fat Guy: Articles: Candida Albicans
“Other foods that [may] encourage Candida Albicans are · baked goods, · breads, · biscuits and · pancake mixes, · soda crackers [apparently some baking soda crackers also contain yeast] and any other foods requiring the use of baker's yeast [also known as Saccharomyces cerevisiae].” Former Fat Guy: Articles: Candida Albicans
· “Ice cream, · candy, · malted milk drinks and · soda fountain drinks [e.g. root beer] [may] contain sugar yeast [I’m assuming that the term ‘sugar yeast’ refers to a solution that contains both sugar and yeast].” Former Fat Guy: Articles: Candida Albicans
“…tomato paste…has a significant mold content…” iHerb.com: Health Encyclopedia: Conditions:Candida/Yeast Hypersensitivity Syndrome
Note: Many supermarket tomato sauces contain tomato paste as an ingredient.
“There are many manufacturers that sell tomato paste in a tube. This is widely available in most every grocery store and a little higher priced but none gets wasted. (I use Amore Tomato Paste.)” Ask Dr. Gourmet: 'Is the un-moldy part of an opened can of tomato paste safe to eat?'
“Reduce · Whole grains [brown rice, millet, buckwheat, cornmeal. berb teas and spices may contain molds] and starchy vegetables until symptoms lessen. · Fruit and diluted fruit juices, which may cause yeast to grow. · Nuts and seeds (small amounts). · Beans and other legumes (small amounts).” CandidaPage.com: 'Three levels of the Candida Diet' (a summary of diets found in 'The Nutrition Detective: A Woman's Guide to Treating your Health Problems Through the Foods You Eat' by Nan Fuchs, 1985)
“Emphasize · Eggs, · Fish, chicken, turkey, seafood, lamb, and veal [meat]. · Vegetables except corn and potatoes [high in carbohydrates]. · Vegetables that inhibit the growth of Candida:
CandidaPage.com: 'Three levels of the Candida Diet' (a summary of diets found in 'The Nutrition Detective: A Woman's Guide to Treating your Health Problems Through the Foods You Eat' by Nan Fuchs, 1985)
· “Any grain processed product is likely to contain molds, especially those with wheat or corn flour. · Whole wheat is worse than processed since the outer hull is most likely to harbor mold. · Even though stripping the outer layers removes most of the nutrients, especially magnesium and B vitamins, as Clark says, in a contest between nutrition and the immune system, the immune system comes first. Yes, this means that white bread is typically healthier, or at least less detrimental to health, than whole wheat bread. · It is beneficial for most people to avoid most wheat products anyway (see "Eat Right For Your Type" and "The Zone Diet " in the Diet section) since they contain harmful lectins, which also adversely affect the immune system. Whole wheat contains more of these lectins than processed. · Corn flour is usually cleaner than wheat, but can have problems, too.” Electroherbalism: Naturopathy: Therapies: Toxins: Toxin Avoidance: Food (contains many interesting diet tips)
“Storage · Because grains may attract insects or may become moldy if they become moist, keep them in tightly closed, moisture-proof containers. · Grains can be stored at room temperature, but they will remain fresh longer if stored in the refrigerator, where they will keep for several months. · Most grains can be kept much longer if stored in the freezer. They do not need to be thawed before cooking. · Cooked grain may be stored in the refrigerator for several days and then reheated.”
· About.com: Alternative Medicine: The Candida Cleanse · About.com: Candida/Yeast Sensitivity: Articles & Resources · foodintol.com: Yeast Sensitivity - Yeast Infection and Candida · http://groups.yahoo.com/group/candidasupport