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Essential Fatty Acid
(EFA) Sources · Foods
Containing Omega-6 EFAs · Foods
Containing Omega-3 EFAs · Nutrition:
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs): What are EFAs? ·
Nutrition: Essential Fatty
Acids (EFAs): Things to Avoid "EFAs are perishable,
deteriorating rapidly when exposed to · light, · air, · heat and · metals. Unlike vitamins, EFAs
cannot be dried, powdered, and stored for several years. EFA sensitivity
makes careful processing and freshness extremely important." The Edelson Center: Essential Fatty Acids: The Healing
Fats "In nature’s
package, EFA-rich oils keep for years without spoiling. Out of that package,
light, air, and heat attack EFAs. Like perishable produce, EFA-rich oils
should be made with care and obtained fresh [and sometimes
refrigerated]." The Edelson Center: Essential Fatty Acids: The Healing
Fats "Frying and deep
frying destroy EFAs by the combined effects of light, oxygen, and
heat, producing toxic substances that produce atherosclerosis [a common
arterial disease] and cancer." The Edelson Center: Essential Fatty Acids: The Healing
Fats "EFA-rich oils
should be made and packaged in the absence of light, oxygen, and heat. Frozen
solid (which does not damage them), oils remain unspoiled for a long time.
Manufacturers should ship them directly to retailers or consumers without
stops along the way." The Edelson Center: Essential Fatty Acids: The Healing
Fats "…Omega 6 EFA,
which is called linoleic acid (LA). LA is abundant in polyunsaturated safflower,
sunflower, and corn oils." The Edelson Center: Essential Fatty Acids: The Healing
Fats "Omega-6…is found in seed oils,
sunflower, corn and sesame oils." ILT: Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) "Omega-3…is found in cold water fish,
such as salmon, tuna and trout, as well as dark leafy
vegetables [purslane], and vegetable oils, such as flaxseed
oil." ILT: Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) “I remember FDA agents finding cat hairs and rat feces in the *chunk* tuna and an alert going out that those items would not be found in 'white albacore' [albacore tuna contains more mercury] tuna because it was- so to speak- about as clean as if it were 'Kosher'. Me and my wife *only* buy
white albacore tuna, not only for health reasons but because it makes a
better sandwich and seems to be tastier instead of 'tuna fishy' tuna (as she
says). “Certainly, many fish pose no known
health risks to any consumers. These include ·
flounder, ·
farmed rainbow trout, ·
sole, ·
anchovies, and ·
farmed clams and shrimp. Other fish
are fine to eat in moderation—approximately
once a week—such as ·
cod, ·
farmed catfish, ·
mahi mahi, ·
wild salmon, ·
tilapia, and ·
canned chunk tuna.” “Methylmercury [mercury is a neurotoxin; pregnant women and young children are especially susceptible to its effects.] reaches its highest levels in large, predatory fish and in bottom feeders (i.e. crab). Fish highest in mercury in terms of mean values of methylmercury concentration in ppm are · tilefish (1.45), · swordfish (1.00), · king mackerel (1.00), · shark (0.96), · fresh or albacore tuna (0.32), · light tuna (0.12), · pollack (0.20), · canned tuna (0.17) [Perspective: Mercury and Health. N Engl J Med. 2002. 347.
1735-1736; Consumer Reports. 7/04. 8]…” Buffalo
Center for Integrative Medicine: List of Topics: Nutrition “Light tuna has less mercury than albacore which comes
from larger fish. Chunk-light contains even less than solid-light. Consumer’s
Union [Consumer Reports magazine] recommends adults limit intake
to no more than 3 cans [3 cans at
most] of chunk-light or 1 can of solid-light or white albacore per week.” HealthNewsDigest.com: 'Eat Fish - A Game of Chance?' “You should know: You can go to GotMercury.org and enter the type and amount
of fish you will be eating plus your
weight, and the site will calculate how much mercury you will eat. This
is an excellent resource to use.” HealthNewsDigest.com: 'Eat Fish - A Game of Chance?' "Today, much of our farmed meat supply
(chicken, beef and pork) is fed on large amounts of corn and soybean meal
that contain Omega-6 EFAs but little or no Omega-3 EFAs. This is the reason
for the recent interest in free-range meats, and eggs from free-range
chickens." ILT: Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) ·
Nutrition: Essential Fatty Acid
(EFA) Sources: Flax Walnuts "FDA says eating
walnuts may help reduce risk of heart disease. The FDA's decision said that
eating 1.5 ounces [43 grams, 3 tablespoons] of walnuts a day helps boost
cardiovascular health. Eating that quantity also would fulfill the daily
requirements of essential omega-3 fatty acids, which also reduce the
risk of heart disease." News: Brazil Nuts |