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Vitamins and Minerals
Note: Always consult with your physician prior to taking any vitamin supplements, or starting a workout or diet program
· Calcium · Nicotine--Vitamin C, Vitamin E · Alcohol--Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, Water-Soluble Vitamins · Over-the-Counter Medications · Antacids--Calcium, Iron, Vitamin A · Laxatives Containing Mineral Oil--Vitamins A, D and E · Over-the-Counter Medications: Certain Diuretics and Aspirin--Potassium
· Vitamins and Minerals: Dietary Minerals
"There are four families of fat-soluble vitamins: · Vitamin A, · Vitamin D, · Vitamin E, and · Vitamin K." WebMD: Fat-Soluble Vitamins and Cancer
"These vitamins need to be dissolved in fat before they can be absorbed in the intestine. Low-fat and low-calorie diets, whether by chance or by purpose, risk not providing enough of these vitamins." WebMD: Fat-Soluble Vitamins and Cancer
"Dietary fats and the fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed into the lymph vessels, bypassing the portal blood system that takes water-soluble nutrients to the liver. After a long climb up to your shoulder, they are dumped into the left subclavian artery." WebMD: Fat-Soluble Vitamins and Cancer
Water-Soluble Forms of Fat-Soluble Vitamins · Water-Soluble Forms of Vitamin A
In Thoracic Outlet Syndrome the neurovascular bundle, which includes the Subclavian artery and vein, is compressed. Posture: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: Neurovascular Bundle
· Vitamins and Minerals: Calcium
Calcium & Magnesium "Calcium and/or Magnesium deficiencies are very common causes of ADD and ADHD. Since they are always accompanied by light and/or restless sleep, along with daytime sleepiness, they are easy to spot and easily remedied through supplementation or a change in diet. (see also Acu-Cell Nutrition 'Calcium & Magnesium')." Acu-Cell Disorders: ADD/ADHD & Behavioral Problems
Functions "There are about 19 g of Mg in the average 70 kg adult body, of which approximately · 65% is found in bone and teeth, and · the rest is distributed between the blood, body fluids, organs and other tissue. Magnesium is involved in the synthesis of protein, and it is an important co-factor in more than 300 enzymatic reactions in the human body, many of which contribute to the · production of energy, and with · cardiovascular functions. While calcium affects muscle contractions, magnesium balances that effect and · relaxes muscles. Most of magnesium is inside the cell, and while iron is the central atom in hemoglobin, magnesium is the central core of the chlorophyll molecule in plant tissue." Acu-Cell Nutrition: Calcium & Magnesium
Magnesium Absorption "Although the process of absorption for magnesium is similar to that of calcium, some people absorb or retain much more magnesium than calcium (or more calcium than magnesium), so the commonly suggested supplemental intake ratio of 2:1 for calcium and magnesium is really an arbitrary value that can change significantly under various individual circumstances. (see also Acu-Cell 'Mineral Ratios')." Acu-Cell Nutrition: Calcium & Magnesium
Too Much Magnesium "However, frequent and excessive use of magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) or antacid remedies such as Milk of Magnesia can eventually trigger · a number of medical problems resulting from other minerals such as calcium, sodium, iron, or potassium getting out of balance. · This is more prevalent with kidney diseases and · may include severe fatigue, depression, low blood pressure, gastrointestinal problems, dizziness, dehydration / dry skin, diarrhea, muscular / joint problems and cardiovascular diseases." Acu-Cell Nutrition: Calcium & Magnesium
· Natural Physiques: Multivitamin Primer (by Jeremy Likness) (hit ‘back’ button if page doesn’t load) · Natural Physiques: Multivitamin Primer (by Jeremy Likness) (printer friendly version) · MayoClinic.com: Food & Nutrition Center: Vitamin and mineral supplements: Use with care
Things to Consider “The United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) establishes standards to ensure the quality of health and wellness products. They also provide standards for dissolution, or making certain that the pill or tablet was designed to break down in the digestive tract, rather than pass through. Many cheap, low quality grocery-store brands (and many brands available through supplement stores) are not pharmaceutical grade nor do they conform to standards of dissolution. Therefore, there is no guarantee that they do not simply pass through your system, undigested!” Natural Physiques: Multivitamin Primer (by Jeremy Likness) (hit ‘back’ button if page doesn’t load)
· Nutrition: Vitamins and Minerals: Liquid Multivitamins
Things to Avoid “Unless directed otherwise, do not break, chew, or crush supplements, especially long-acting ones.” 'HCV & CAM: Herbs and Dietary Supplements: Making Safer and Wiser Choices' by Lucinda Porter, RN
· Nutrition: Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamin A
"Like the other vitamins, the body needs vitamin C to keep it in good working condition. Also called ascorbic acid, vitamin C · Helps hold body cells together, · Aids in wound healing, · Assists in bone and tooth formation, and · Strengthens the blood vessel walls. · Vitamin C is also crucial to the functioning of our immune system, and · It helps improve the absorption and utilization of iron. · Vitamin C also helps prevent scurvy." The Vitamins and Nutriton Center: Water Soluble Vitamins
· "Megadoses of vitamin C can help prevent or possibly even cure a case of the common cold. · Vitamin C also serves as a powerful antioxidant. It works synergistically with vitamin E as a free-radical scavenger [in theory]. · Studies suggest that vitamin C may reduce the risk of certain cancers, heart disease and cataracts. · Recent studies also suggest that the combination of vitamins C and E in high doses can help reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. · Vitamins C and E can both be found in a high-quality liquid multivitamin." The Vitamins and Nutriton Center: Water Soluble Vitamins
Our bodies cannot make vitamin C and our capacity to store vitamin C is limited. We must, therefore, take in some daily. You are likely to need even more vitamin C if you are · Under stress, · Use oral contraceptives, · Have a healing wound, · If you are pregnant · Or a child, · Have fever or infections, · And if you smoke cigarettes. The Vitamins and Nutriton Center: Water Soluble Vitamins
"Did you know that your lifestyle habits might rob you of key nutrients? Despite your efforts to exercise regularly and eat a healthful diet, certain behaviors can take away important nutrients that your body needs and adversely affect your health. Skipping meals and taking certain medications are two examples of nutrient thieves." Sodexho: How to Outsmart Nutrient Thieves
Nicotine--Vitamin C, Vitamin E "In addition to increasing the risks for cancer and heart disease, cigarette smoking can affect health in other ways. Numerous studies have found that smokers have a 30 percent lower vitamin C level than nonsmokers. Researchers believe that nicotine may interfere with vitamin C absorption. There is also some thought that nicotine boosts metabolic rate, therefore increasing the rate that vitamin C is metabolized. Individuals who smoke need 100 milligrams of vitamin C (versus 60 milligrams for non-smokers) every day. Your diet should include daily servings of vegetables and fruits such as broccoli, spinach, strawberries and oranges, all excellent sources of vitamin C. Other important nutrients for smokers include vitamin E which is found in oils, and folic acid which is abundant in orange juice and fortified cereals." Sodexho: How to Outsmart Nutrient Thieves
Alcohol--Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, Water-Soluble Vitamins "Heavy drinking (more than two drinks daily) can increase the risk for cirrhosis of the liver, and cancers of the mouth and esophagus. Even moderate drinking can adversely affect health. Alcohol is a diuretic [increases the amount of urine excreted], causing the loss of water-soluble vitamins like B complex and C. Foods to eat more of that contain the B vitamins include whole grains, and meat. Alcohol is also a gastric irritant and can lessen appetite. This can make if difficult for someone who is drinking considerable amounts of alcohol to obtain other important nutrients in their diet. Eating food while drinking alcoholic beverages can lessen its irritating effects on the stomach." Sodexho: How to Outsmart Nutrient Thieves
Antacids--Calcium, Iron, Vitamin A Note: Even if you're only eating junk food, it's a good idea to wait at least a half hour before taking an antacid since antacids neutralize stomach acids that aid in digestion. "A number of medications can affect the absorption of certain nutrients. Antacids can prevent the absorption of calcium, iron, and vitamin A. These nutrients adhere to the magnesium or aluminum in the antacid, and consequently, are not assimilated into the body. To counteract these effects, it is best to take an antacid a couple of hours after eating a meal." Sodexho: How to Outsmart Nutrient Thieves
· "Antacids that contain aluminum are dangerous. · They should not be freely used for a condition that will respond to an increase in water intake [dyspeptic pain may be caused by dehydration]. · Excessive aluminum in circulation has been very strongly implicated as a precipitating factor on top of other considerations in Alzheimer-type disease. It is imperative to understand this relationship between taking aluminum-containing acids for a long period of time and its possible accumulative toxic side effect of brain damage in Alzheimer's disease. (Page 32)" Book: F. Batmanghelidj, M.D., Your Body's Many Cries for Water, 2nd ed. Global Health Solutions, 1995.
"Most [not all] antacids contain between 150-600 milligrams of aluminum in every spoonful of theliquid, or in each tabletthat is chewed. (Page 32)" Book: F. Batmanghelidj, M.D., Your Body's Many Cries for Water, 2nd ed. Global Health Solutions, 1995.
· Other Suggestions: Dehydration: Effects: Digestion, Dyspeptic Pain (e.g. heartburn)
Laxatives Containing Mineral Oil--Vitamins A, D and E "Laxatives can also hamper the absorption of nutrients. Those containing mineral oil can lead to a loss of vitamins A, D, and E. These fat-soluble vitamins dissolve in the oil and pass out of the body without being absorbed." Sodexho: How to Outsmart Nutrient Thieves
Certain Diuretics and Aspirin--Potassium "Certain diuretics and aspirin can lead to a loss of potassium. Individuals taking these drugs on a regular basis should increase their consumption of potassium-rich foods like oranges, bananas, and potatoes." Sodexho: How to Outsmart Nutrient Thieves
Exercise--Iron, Riboflavin (a B-Vitamin) "Finally, even exercise can increase the need for certain vitamins and minerals. · Heavy exercise can promote iron loss. This can be of particular concern to women, who have increased need for the mineral. Eating foods rich in iron such as green leafy vegetables, meat, and dried fruits can help combat this problem. · Avid exercise enthusiasts have increase need for riboflavin, a B vitamin necessary for the synthesis of energy-yielding ATP. Good sources of this nutrient include meat, dairy products, and green leafy vegetables." Sodexho: How to Outsmart Nutrient Thieves
· Nutrition: Vitamins and Minerals: Water-Soluble Vitamins
· Arousal: Depression/Low Arousal · Arousal: Hyperacusis: Tinnitus: Prevention · Arousal: Hypoglycemia: Causes: Different Types · Arousal: Hypoglycemia: Causes: Stress and Adrenal Fatigue