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Dietary Minerals
Note: Always consult with your physician prior to taking any vitamin supplements, or starting a workout or diet program
· Naturally Occuring vs. Elemental or Mineral Form · Organic vs. Inorganic Sources “Dietary Mineral refers to inorganic compounds necessary for life and good nutrition. · Some of these are scientific minerals such as salt; · Others are elements, such as · Potassium, · Calcium, · Iron, · Zinc, · Magnesium, · Copper.” Wikipedia.org: Mineral: Mineral Definition and Classification
“…The use of the term ‘mineral’ in this context is to be distinguished from the definition commonly used in the geological sciences.”
Naturally Occuring vs. Elemental or Mineral Form “These [dietary minerals] can be · Naturally occurring in food or · Added in elemental or mineral form, such as calcium carbonate or sodium chloride.” Wikipedia.org: Mineral: Mineral Definition and Classification
· “Some of these additives come from natural sources such as ground oyster shells. · Sometimes minerals are added to the diet separately from food, as vitamin and mineral supplements…[continues, explaining that some people eat dirt]” Wikipedia.org: Mineral: Mineral Definition and Classification
· “Micro or trace minerals are essential for good health if they come from an organic or plant source (Note: Here, the source of the dietary minerals is organic [e.g. a plant]. Dietary minerals, themselves, are inorganic [e.g. salt]). · In contrast, if they come from an inorganic or metallic source, such as heavy metals, they are toxic. For example, iodine in an organic form is necessary for health. Non-organic or metallic iodine in the same amount can kill you.”
“Organic trace minerals are not deposited in the body like inorganic forms of these elements. Research shows that organic plant-derived trace minerals will actually replace the heavy metals deposited in our body.”
· Arousal: Allergies: More Information: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: Detoxification
“There is a huge difference between an organic and inorganic mineral. · Once a plant source utilizes minerals from the ground, they are digested, making them ionic or electrical in nature. This makes it easier for the body to assimilate and use the minerals at a cellular level. Subsequently, they are not stored or deposited somewhere else in the body. · Trace minerals in their inorganic form are not easy for the body to use. They are stored in the tissues and eventually large amounts build up and become extremely toxic.”
Note:Aquamin is a trace minerals complex used to manufacture Vitaplene (Vitaplene was formerly known as Hi-Potency Complete). “AquaMin™ (Lithothamnium
coralliodes) is mineralized seaweed that is harvested from the seabed off
the west coast of Clark Enterprises: Land-n-Sea Effervescent Supernutrient Supplement
Note: Microminerals are also known as trace minerals, and trace elements.
What are Microminerals?: “They are dietary minerals needed by the human body in very small quantities (generally less than 100mg/day) as opposed to macrominerals which are required in larger quantities.”
Note: Macrominerals are also known as macroelements, and bulk minerals.
“They are dietary minerals needed by the human body in high quantities (generally more than 100mg/day) as opposed to microminerals (trace elements) which are only required in very small amounts.”
“Macrominerals (also known as macroelements or bulk minerals) are macronutrients that are chemical elements. They include · Calcium, · Magnesium, · Sodium, · Potassium, · Phosphorus and · Chlorine.”
“Some minerals—especially the macrominerals—are important as electrolytes. The body uses electrolytes to help regulate nerve and muscle function and acid-base balance (see Acid-Base Balance: Introduction). Also, electrolytes help the body maintain normal volume in its different fluid-containing areas (compartments).” THE MERCK MANUAL--SECOND HOME EDITION, Introduction in Ch. 155, Minerals and Electrolytes
· Other Suggestions: Dehydration: Prevention: Electrolytes
Excessive Intake “Excessive intake of a dietary mineral may either lead to illness directly or indirectly because of the competitive nature between mineral levels in the body. For example, large doses of zinc are not really harmful unto themselves, but will lead to a harmful copper deficiency (unless compensated for, as in the Age-Related Eye Disease Study).”