· Arousal · Exercise · Posture
· Sleep |
The Cause of Internet and TV
Addiction? www.causeof.org |
Depression/Low Arousal · Dehydration:
Tryptophan, Serotonin, Melatonin, Histamine ·
Seasonal Affective
Disorder (SAD) ·
Vitamins · Exercise:
Aerobic Exercise: Effects: Psychological Benefits Hypoglycemia Hormones which
Affect Blood Sugar Levels "Blood sugar levels are carefully
controlled to stay within a very narrow range to meet the needs of cells
throughout the body. Hormones—primarily insulin and glucagon—control the amount of glucose in
the blood. Insulin and glucagon are produced in the pancreas, a large gland in the upper
abdomen. Other hormones involved in the control of blood sugar levels include
cortisol, epinephrine, and growth hormone,
which are produced by other glands in the endocrine system such as the adrenal glands. These hormones also help
control other body functions." Hypoglycemia (Low Blood Sugar) Sugar withdrawal "Get to know more about the
sugar/depression/energy connection. Read Food and Healing, Sugar
Blues, or Potatoes Not Prozac…" http://www.curezone.com/gallstones/sugarpage.html For information on brainwave therapy
for depression please visit the Brainwaves page. Dehydration: Tryptophan,
Serotonin, Melatonin, Histamine "Depression may be another complication of chronic dehydration. · The amino acid tryptophan is required by the brain to produce the neurotransmitter serotonin, · which [serotonin] subsequently is needed to make melatonin. · An adequate amount of water is required for tryptophan to be transported into the brain. Dehydration may limit the amount of tryptophan available to the brain and · To complicate matters, the histamine levels may actually stimulate tryptophan's breakdown in the liver." Nutrition Info: Dangers of Chronic Dehydration by Albert Grazia, M.S., N.D.
"Pathology [an atypical reaction] that is seen to be associated with · 'social stresses'--
· the establishment of depression are the results of water deficiency to the point that the water requirement of the brain tissue is affected. The brain uses electrical energy that is generated by the water drive of the energy-generating pumps. With dehydration, the level of energy generation in the brain is decreased. Many functions of the brain that depend on this type of energy become inefficient. We recognize this inadequacy of function and call it depression. This 'depressive state' caused by dehydration can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome. This condition is a label put on a series of advanced physiological problems that are seen to be associated with stress. (Page 56)" Book: F. Batmanghelidj, M.D., Your Body's Many Cries for Water, 2nd ed. Global Health Solutions, 1995.
"If we understand the events that take place in stress, we will also understand chronic fatigue syndrome. · In any case, after a period of time of correcting for dehydration and its metabolic complications, chronic fatigue syndrome will improve beyond recognition. · The following pages define the physiological events and the possible metabolic overrides that can lead to depletion of certain body reserves that may be the basic problem of chronic fatigue syndrome. (Pages 56-57)" Book: F. Batmanghelidj, M.D., Your Body's Many Cries for Water, 2nd ed. Global Health Solutions, 1995.
"When the body becomes dehydrated, the physiological processes that will establish are the same ones that occur when coping with stress. Dehydration equals stress, and once stress establishes, there is an associated mobilization of primary materials from body stores. This process will 'mop up' some of the water reserves of the body. Consequently, dehydration causes stress, and stress will cause further dehydration." Book: F. Batmanghelidj, M.D., Your Body's Many Cries for Water, 2nd ed. Global Health Solutions, 1995.
"In stress, several hormonal overrides become operative. The body assumes a crisis situation and will begin to mobilize for a 'fight or flight' response. (Page 57)" Book: F. Batmanghelidj, M.D., Your Body's Many Cries for Water, 2nd ed. Global Health Solutions, 1995.
"Several strong hormones become secreted and will remain 'triggered' until the body gets out of its stressful circumstances. These hormones are mainly · Endorphins, · Cortisone release factor, · Prolactin, · Vasopressin, and · Rennin-angiotensin. (Page 57)" Book: F.
Batmanghelidj, M.D., Your Body's Many Cries for Water, 2nd ed. Global
Health Solutions, 1995. · The Brain: Endorphins: An Excess of Endorphins "When we have a low arousal
level, the nervous system has a decreased reaction to the sensory input
coming in and therefore doesn’t react or respond as quickly, or at
all, to the input. Individuals with low arousal level find it hard to
remain alert and focused, tend to seek out a lot of input in order to
better register and respond to it. They may be hard to motivate
and get moving, or may be in perpetual motion [in an attempt to stay
awake]." Module III: Intervention of Sensory and Motor Issues in
Individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome ·
Indoor Air Pollution: Negative Ions ·
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) ·
The Brain:
Frontal Lobes: Pseudodepression Some cases of depression might be
caused by cognitive dissonance and an asymmetry between the two hemispheres
of the brain (hemispheric asymmetry), and might be treated using dual-brain
psychology. For more information about cognitive dissonance and
dual-brain psychology please visit the Research Topics page. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) ·
Research Topics: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) ·
Research Topics: Sleep
Deprivation: Antidepressant Effects ·
Nutrition: Vitamins and
Minerals |