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The Cause of Internet and TV Addiction? |
The Frontal Lobes ·
Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction
Syndrome (CFIDS) "The frontal lobes are considered our emotional control center and home to our personality. There is no other part of the brain where lesions can cause such a wide variety of symptoms (Kolb & Wishaw, 1990). The frontal lobes are involved in: · motor function, · problem solving, · spontaneity, · memory, · language, · initiation, · judgment, · impulse control… · social and sexual behavior. The frontal lobes are extremely vulnerable to injury due to their location at the front of the cranium, proximity to the sphenoid wing and their large size. MRI studies have shown that the frontal area is the most common region of injury following mild to moderate traumatic brain injury (Levin et al., 1987). Traumatic Brain Injury Resource Guide: Frontal Lobes
Increased Activity in Frontal Lobes · Increasing activity in the left and right frontal lobes (e.g. by engaging in one of the activities listed in the 'Frontal Lobes: Suggestions' section) can increase hemispheric communication. · This increase in hemispheric communication can reduce stress. · Reducing stress helps to prevent adrenal fatigue. · Without adrenal fatigue, blood sugar levels are more stable. · If the blood sugar levels are more stable, the level of serotonin is likely to be stable. · Since serotonin and dopamine counterbalance each other, the levels of dopamine are also more likely to be stable.
"the frontal lobe, which continues to develop in humans until the age of about 20, also has an important role to play in keeping an individual's behaviour in check. Whenever you use self-control to refrain from lashing out or doing something you should not, the frontal lobe is hard at work. Children often do things they shouldn't because their frontal lobes are underdeveloped. The more work done to thicken the fibres connecting the neurons in this part of the brain, the better the child's ability will be to control their behaviour. The more this area is stimulated, the more these fibres will thicken." The Observer International: Computer Games Stunt Teen Brains
"A condition of personality following frontal lobe lesion in which apathy, indifference and a loss of initiative are apparent symptoms but are not accompanied by a sense of depression in the patient." Traumatic Brain Injury Resource Guide: Frontal Lobes
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) "As with the ADD combined type, brain studies in patients with ADD, inattentive subtype reveal a decrease in brain activity in the frontal lobes of the brain in response to an intellectual challenge. Again, it seems that the harder these people try to concentrate, the worse it gets." Amenclinic.com: Amen Brain System ADD Subtype Checklist
Hearing, Touch, Smell, Inner Ear Since computer games can cause a decrease in activity in the frontal lobes by over-stimulating parts of the brain associated with movement and vision, it seems likely that over-stimulating other senses would have a similar effect. As a result, some of the exercises listed in the 'Frontal Lobes: Suggestions' section may be more effective if they are done while inhibiting one or more of your senses. For example, singing with your eyes closed may stimulate more activity in the frontal lobes than singing with your eyes open. The Right Frontal Lobe: "By contrast the frontal
lobe on the right side seems to function in a manner which allows
it to ·
See patterns and trends as well as ·
Use its imagination. Mental tasks which we
identify as: ·
Pattern recognition, ·
Perception of trends, ·
Spatial rotation, ·
Creating or inventing new solutions -- all of which are readily
accomplished by the frontal right, especially when the problem ·
Is one of which is difficult to solve, ·
Has never been solved before, ·
Involves change and dynamic systems, and/or ·
In which all the data can never be known. As such, the frontal right
lobe appears to be the home base for the Function Jung called Intuition." Dr.
Katherine Benziger: Articles: The Physiology of Type - Part 2 Vision Therapy and Cognitive Training: “My daughter [later referred to in this section as ‘dd’] had so many severe problems · (Convergence insufficiency, · Focusing speed of a 3yo [year old], · Field-of-vision the size of a nickel at reading distance, · And more -- 1st percentile scores in some areas) [low], we saw only mild improvements from VT [vision therapy]…It was when we followed up VT with cognitive training -- to develop fine visual processing skills such as · Sequencing, · Short-term visual memory, · Pattern recognition, etc. – that we finally saw dramatic gains.” VegSource:
More Discussions: Homeschooling: Special Needs: 'MaryMN re: VT' · “The VT [vision therapy] prior to cognitive training was an essential step, because it brought the physical functioning of the eyes up to par. ·
However, dd still needed cognitive training to
develop skill in using those physical functions.” VegSource:
More Discussions: Homeschooling: Special Needs: 'MaryMN re: VT' “Keep in mind that many kids do better with multiple
interventions, probably because development itself is a series
of steps. I have seen posts from parents who saw dramatic improvements
just from VT [vision therapy]. However, I want to caution you that -- if
you don't see the gains you want from VT -- it may be that you need to
follow-up with cognitive training (such as Audiblox or
to reap all of the benefits of the VT.” VegSource:
More Discussions: Homeschooling: Special Needs: 'MaryMN re: VT' Links: · Vision: Binocular Functions: Convergence Insufficiency · Vision: Binocular Functions: Conscious and Subconscious Vision · Vision: Bates Method: Accommodation: Examining Small Objects · Other Suggestions: Aerobic Exercise · The Brain: Arithmetical Exercises · The Brain: Frontal Midline Theta Rhythm (Fmθ) and Blinking · The Brain: Reading Out Loud, Singing Out Loud · Neurodevelopmental Delays: Interhemispheric Integration
"The anatomy of the facial nerve is complex. The nerve arises in the pons as a nucleus with supranuclear input from the frontal lobes. It is joined by parasympathetic fibers from the nervus intermedius and the superior salivatory nucleus (supplying tearing, salivation, and taste to the anterior two-thirds of the tongue). The nerve travels with the eighth cranial nerve to the internal auditory meatus. One branch, the greater superficial petrosal nerve, travels within the fallopian canal to the vidian nerve and sphenopalatine ganglion, where it synapses. This branch continues on the trigeminal (division 2) onto the lacrimal branch (division 1) and postganglionic fibers into the orbit (zygomaticotemporal branch). Another branch is the nerve to the stapedius muscle (clinically may result in hyperacusis), and there is a small sensory branch to the external ear." Opthamology Times: Facial nerve palsy may present to the ophthalmologist.(Brief Article) Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction
Syndrome (CFIDS) ·
Research Topics: CFIDS: Low Blood Volume:
Theory ·
Other Suggestions: Hypovolemia (Low Blood
Volume) ·
Other Suggestions: Dehydration · Research Topics: Similarities with ADD · Research Topics: Similarities with Autism · Research Topics: Sleep Deprivation