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The Bates System of
Better Eyesight without Glasses Note: The Bates system is also referred to as the Bates
method. · The Problem with Corrective Lenses · Maximize the Effect of the Bates Method ·
Tips · Tension · Adjuncts · Glasses · Strain · Reading ·
Palming ·
Swinging ·
Sunning · Fusion ·
Comments · Mobility
The Problem
with Corrective Lenses ·
Bates Method: The Problem with Corrective Lenses The Bates method can be helpful even if
you don't wear glasses. I've decided to add this suggestion
after reading the article Neuropsychology of Myopia by Dr. Raymond L.
Gottlieb. I've included some excerpts from Dr. Gottlieb's article on the Research Topics page
under the heading 'Neuropsychology of Myopia'. Maximize
the Effect of the Bates Method "It is important for you to become self-aware of the
ways in which you overtense your eyes in order to try to see. It is important that you free your body -- your potential
mechanism." Neuropsychology of Myopia, by Ray Gottlieb, OD, PhD:
Appendices ·
3D Stereo Images: Instructions (parallel viewing) "The places to look for tension mostly include: ·
The back of the upper neck;
The upper back; ·
Between the shoulders; ·
The hands and feet; ·
The shoulders; ·
The pelvis [the hips]; ·
The chest; and ·
The stomach." Neuropsychology of Myopia, by Ray Gottlieb, OD, PhD:
Appendices ·
Muscle Tension: Take
a Shower in the Morning or Before You Go to Work ·
"Yoga, ·
Meditation, ·
Massage, ·
Feldenkrais, ·
Alexander, ·
Rolfing, ·
Polarity, ·
Dancing, ·
Running, ·
Breathing, ·
Swimming, etc. are all excellent adjuncts to Bates' system." Neuropsychology of Myopia, by Ray Gottlieb, OD, PhD:
Appendices "It is important to learn to take your glasses off,
especially in non-demanding, non-threatening situations. You are not
blind, and though you can't see what you think you are supposed to see, you
can see what you can see, so pay attention to that which is there for you.
Everyone experiences emotional factors when they change to no glasses." Neuropsychology of Myopia, by Ray Gottlieb, OD, PhD:
Appendices "…A problem with identifying strain
immediately is those of us who strain most are often suffering the least discomfort
from it. It may become so habitual, so ingrained in our normal
way of doing things, that we don't perceive it as necessarily
uncomfortable." “All reading and close work generally should
be done under strong illumination. Not only will a strong light
improve the contrast between the print and the blank paper, but it will also
encourage foveal vision and stop down the iris to increase the depth of focus.
Using a slot [a piece of black card about the size of a book page with
a horizontal slot cut in the middle] and under a bright lamp, you
may find it possible to read print which formerly was beyond you. Take frequent breaks
during your reading to make use of the other techniques [reading is excellent
for encouraging mobility] of the [Bates] method. Palming, visualization,
and sunning are especially helpful in preventing or alleviating the
eyestrain and headaches that often accompany or follow reading. (Page 71)” Book: Barnes, Jonathan. Improve Your Eyesight: A Guide to
the Bates Method for Better Eyesight without Glasses. Souvenir Press,
1999. ·
Vision: Bates Method: Palming · Vision: Bates Method: Palming: Palming and Visualization · Vision:
Bates Method: Sunning ·
Vision: Binocular Functions: Convergence
Insufficiency "To be done when they feel good -- ten
minutes or thirty seconds -- the more often and the longer, the better." · Vision:
The Bates Method: Palming Long Swinging: Instructions · "Rotate your body from left to right and back. · Eyes, torso and head move together. Turning mostly around
your waist. · Don't look at anything as you swing; be aware of movement
mainly. Let your eyes go, let your consciousness stay in front of you while
you turn. · Make sure to keep breathing." "There is another type of mobility
swinging in the Bates method, sometimes called ‘long swinging’, which has a
rather different purpose [from regular swinging]. It is simple to do, and
consists essentially of turning from side to side. · Stand with the feet about 30 centimetres (12 inches)
apart, · The arms hanging loosely, and, · Lifting the right heel as you do so, turn to the left. · When you have reached the limit of comfortable travel,
turn to the right, letting the left heel rise and the right one return to the
floor. · Go on like this until you have performed 20 complete
swings. · The turning should involve your hips as well as your
waist. · Keep your arms relaxed so that they rise slightly as you
swing. · Do not go too fast; try to make the swings smooth, level,
and rhythmical. Keep your eyes open and allow the image of your surroundings
to rush past without trying to focus on anything in particular. Nearby
objects will naturally seem to move faster than distant ones, and will
probably be no more than a blur. Make no attempt to hold on to or fix any
part of the image; notice only that everything seems to be moving in the
direction opposite to that of your swing.(Pages 63-64)" Book: Barnes, Jonathan. Improve Your Eyesight: A Guide to
the Bates Method for Better Eyesight without Glasses. Souvenir Press,
1999. Long Swinging: Benefits · "Long swinging is very effective in breaking the
habit of staring. · It also promotes looseness and relaxation in the upper
part of the body. · According to Dr. Bates, 50 swings performed at bedtime
and again on rising will help to prevent or alleviate eyestrain during
sleep.(P. 64)" Book: Barnes, Jonathan. Improve Your
Eyesight: A Guide to the Bates Method for Better Eyesight without Glasses.
Souvenir Press, 1999. Long Swinging: Dizziness "Should you find yourself becoming
dizzy, begin with just a few swings and each day add one or two to the total.
Eventually any feeling of nausea should disappear and you will be able to do
as many swings as you please. (P. 64)" Book: Barnes, Jonathan. Improve Your
Eyesight: A Guide to the Bates Method for Better Eyesight without Glasses.
Souvenir Press, 1999. · Vision:
The Bates Method: Sunning · "Practise giving half a dozen rapid and very light
blinks [light, so the eyes don't become tired], · Shut the eyes
lightly for the space of two whole breaths [slow, deep breaths], and ·
repeat four times. (P. 60)" Book: Barnes,
Jonathan. Improve Your Eyesight: A Guide to the Bates Method for Better
Eyesight without Glasses. Souvenir Press, 1999. “This little routine, practised regularly,
twice or more a day, will, especially if followed by a brief spell of
palming, · Help to establish the correct tone in the muscles
of the eyelids and ·
Develop better habits of blinking.
(P. 60)" Book: Barnes, Jonathan. Improve
Your Eyesight: A Guide to the Bates Method for Better Eyesight without
Glasses. Souvenir Press, 1999. “No more than a few seconds should pass
between one blink and the next. As a very rough guide, between two and four
blinks in each period of ten seconds is about right. (P. 60)" Book: Barnes,
Jonathan. Improve Your Eyesight: A Guide to the Bates Method for Better
Eyesight without Glasses. Souvenir Press, 1999. "Beware of the stare. We lock ourselves
into a stare, eyes immobile and breath stopped. Spaced. Blink
your eyes rapidly as you take two big breaths whenever you become aware of
your eyes or breath." "We now come to the part of the Bates
method aimed at improving the use of the extrinsic muscles. Tracking,
searching, and scanning are helped by the techniques covered in the chapters
on mobility; fusion techniques, given here, will improve control of the visual
axis. Together with the
accommodation drills to be described later, fusion techniques come as close
as anything else in the Bates method to what is normally understood by the
term "eye exercises". In one sense they are indeed eye exercises,
because the extrinsic muscles and the mechanism of accommodation are
strengthened by them, but to say that they are nothing more is to simplify
what the achieve. They make use of conscious control in order to improve
control on an unconscious plane. This principle is basic to the whole of the
Bates method, and runs through nearly every one of its techniques. Fusion drills are
simple. The first [pencil fusion] may be used as a test to determine whether
your fusion (control of the visual axes) is faulty and needs further
work.(Page 53)" Book: Barnes,
Jonathan. Improve Your Eyesight: A Guide to the Bates Method for Better
Eyesight without Glasses. Souvenir Press, 1999. "Take a pencil and hold it straight up
in front of you and about 45 centimetres (18 inches) from your face. Look at
the pencil, and then allow your eyes to refocus in the distance beyond it (on
the far wall if you are indoors). You should now be able to see two
blurred pencils, like gateposts one on either side of the point you are
looking at. The two pencils should be equally plain. If they are
not, if you can only see one, or if the point in the distance also appears
double, then your fusion is certainly faulty. If you can only
see one pencil, shut either eye alternately to find out which is the
weaker. Now cover the stronger eye and look at the pencil again. Refocus in
the distance and memorise where the pencil comes in relation to the distant
view. Uncover the stronger eye. Does it dominate the weaker one completely;
does the pencil immediately switch sides? Or are you able to retain the
weaker eye's pencil, at least for a moment or two? Similarly, practise
covering the stronger eye if both pencils are visible but one is clearer
than the other. If the distant point is also double, practice with
one eye at a time, focusing first on the pencil, and then in the distance,
bringing your focus back to the pencil. Repeat this routine three
times with each eye, then try both together. Don't worry if you have
difficulty with this or with any of the fusion drills. They will all come
eventually, aided by your progress with palming and sunning.(Page
53)" Book: Barnes,
Jonathan. Improve Your Eyesight: A Guide to the Bates Method for Better
Eyesight without Glasses. Souvenir Press, 1999. "For two-pencil fusion you need some
definite reference point in the distance: any object that will fit
conveniently into the 'gateway'. Hold one pencil up at arm's length, and
another a few inches from your face. Practise making two gateways, one
enclosing the other and both enclosing the reference point. Aim to make each
of the 'four' pencils equally plain, although the nearer gateway will of
course be more blurred. Now focus on the further pencil. You should
find that your reference point has doubled: each of the two should appear
equally plain. Bring your focus back to the nearer pencil. The far
pencil should now be making a gateway, which is itself enclosed by the paired
images of the reference point. Again, the paired images and the gateway
should appear equally plain. Finally, focus somewhere in the middle
distance, between the far pencil and the reference point, and see whether
you can maintain not only both gateways but also the paired images of the
reference point. (Page 54)" Book: Barnes,
Jonathan. Improve Your Eyesight: A Guide to the Bates Method for Better
Eyesight without Glasses. Souvenir Press, 1999. The 'distance' referred to in the
instructions for pencil fusion and two-pencil fusion should be a distance
which is farther away than your eyes are accustomed to at the time you do the
exercise. For example if you are watching
television, and you are doing the fusion exercises during the commercials,
you should focus on a point in the distance which is farther away than the
television. "The techniques [blinking and
breathing, shifting, swinging, long swinging] given under this heading, besides
improving the remaining functions of the extrinsic muscles (tracking,
searching and scanning), also counteract the various tendencies
which are part and parcel of the habit of ‘trying’ to see. As already
noted, this ’trying’ is commonly accompanied by some degree of immobility
of the eyes and body. The rate of blinking decreases; breathing
becomes shallower and may, for a while, even stop. The muscles of
the head, neck, shoulders, and perhaps other parts of the body too, may
be unnaturally tensed, and all the time the eyes are fixed with increasing
intentness on their target. As the eyes become fixed so does the attention,
which only encourages the eyes to become yet more fixed, with a resulting
impairment of both vision and perception. (P. 59)" Book: Barnes, Jonathan. Improve Your
Eyesight: A Guide to the Bates Method for Better Eyesight without Glasses.
Souvenir Press, 1999. · Vision: Mobility/Ocular Motility "Bates's proposal was that the eye
accommodates [changes focus for far and near objects], not by a change
in the shape of the lens, but by a change in the shape in the eyeball itself,
this change being brought about by the six extrinsic muscles which control
the movement of the eye in it's socket. (Page 3)." Book: Barnes,
Jonathan. Improve Your Eyesight: A Guide to the Bates Method for Better
Eyesight without Glasses. Souvenir Press, 1999. “…Your eyes accommodate and converge and
diverge…” ·
3D Stereo Images: Instructions: Convergence and Divergence
(additional information about convergence and divergence) ·
Vision: 3D
Stereo Images: Increasing Alpha-Theta Waves/Decreasing Beta Waves ·
Vision: Binocular Functions: Convergence Insufficiency ·
Vision: Binocular Functions: Accommodative Insufficiency Note: Focusing on a small object in the distance (e.g. a small
tree branch), or the texture of an object, seems to be helpful. This may be
helpful because if you are only looking in the direction of an object, but
are not focusing on the details of the object, your eyes may not be accommodating
at the distance of the object, but, instead, accommodating at a shorter
distance. Also, focusing
on the texture of an object can be helpful because it stimulates the pattern
recognition function of the right frontal lobe. "When indoors you should remain
aware of the need for frequent change of focus. While reading, look up
from the page at regular intervals-say at the end of each long paragraph or each page-and, just for a second, consciously
focus on some distant object. While watching television [or a
computer monitor], keep a light on in the room and frequently look
away from the screen, whether at an object nearer or farther away.
(Pages 75-76)" Book: Barnes,
Jonathan. Improve Your Eyesight: A Guide to the Bates Method for Better
Eyesight without Glasses. Souvenir Press, 1999. “Try looking at something with a white
background, such as... [a web page with a white background]. · If the white seems almost like a light source, that's too
bright. · If it seems to have a gray filter over it, that's not
bright enough. If your room
lighting is neither too bright nor too dark, you should end up with a
setting in your monitor's mid-range.” 'Computer related Health issues' [this page
contains information which no longer exists on its referenced sites] · Vision: Binocular Functions: Light Sensitivity:
Suggestions: Contrast and Brightness “The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the apparent depth of pictorial
images on accommodation…perceptually-based
accommodation had only a secondary
effect on the overall accommodative response level under naturalistic
viewing conditions, with blur dominating.” Instructions ·
"Cut a strip of paper
about eight centimeters (three inches) long and two centimeters (slightly under
an inch) wide, and in the center mark a small ink cross…Should you not have a
bit of paper by you, close your hand slightly so that one of the creases in
your palm becomes more pronounced, and use that as your object instead. (Page
76)" ·
"Wrap the strip of
paper round the base of the middle finger of your left hand, in such a
way that the cross is towards you when the palm is uppermost. The strip is
held in place by your ring and index fingers. ·
Cover your right eye with
your right hand and, watching the cross, bring it slowly closer, and closer
still, …until it is merely a blur, and then make it slowly retreat. Take it
out to arm's length and bring it back rather more quickly. Do this five
times in all, accelerating as you go, so that at the end your hand
is moving rather rapidly. ·
Repeat with the right hand
and the right eye, and then, still with the strip on your right hand,
with both eyes together. ·
Pause, look into the distance, and repeat the
whole drill once more. ·
Slowly build up to five
repetitions, making six sets in all. (Page 76)" Book:
Barnes, Jonathan. Improve Your
Eyesight: A Guide to the Bates Method for Better Eyesight without Glasses.
Souvenir Press, 1999. Things to Avoid "Zooming can be relatively
strenuous in the beginning, so do not try to attempt too much, and stop
immediately if you find yourself becoming tired or losing interest. (Page
76)" Book: Barnes, Jonathan. Improve Your
Eyesight: A Guide to the Bates Method for Better Eyesight without Glasses.
Souvenir Press, 1999. "If you are already able to focus at
reading distance, get into the habit of, now and then when you are alone,
examining very closely some small object. · Insects--if you can bring yourself to look at them--make
a fascinating subject for study with the naked eye, as do · Leaves, · Flowers, · Bits of bark, · Ferns, · Feathers, · Pebbles: · In fact, anything from nature. Examine also the minute appearance and
texture of such objects as your · Front door key, · Pen nib [the end of the pen used to write with], or · Wristwatch. Use both eyes together and, from time to
time, measure and make a note of the minimum distance at which you are able
to focus [the near point of convergence]. (Page 76)" Book: Barnes, Jonathan. Improve Your
Eyesight: A Guide to the Bates Method for Better Eyesight without Glasses.
Souvenir Press, 1999. · Research
Topics: Model of Stages in Object Perception · Vision:
Binocular Functions: Accommodative Insufficiency ·
Research Topics:
Brainwaves: Alpha Waves: Low Alpha Waves (staring at a blank wall) Scheduler or reminder programs can be helpful
in reminding you to rest your eyes while using a computer. For example, a program
could remind you to look into the distance, for 20 seconds, every twenty
minutes. · techtv: Prevent computing injuries with an automatic
reminder to take a break. "According to the Bates hypothesis,
faulty vision can arise as one result of emotional difficulties, among which
may be a subconscious desire not to see. As far as refractive error is
concerned, this desire not to see can be compared to the desire not to walk
or talk shown in certain kinds of hysterical illness. The brain is able to
block the responses of the body so that walking or talking-or
focusing-do indeed become more difficult, or even impossible. The brain can also block the
visual process in another way, by erecting a barrier of some sort
between the unconscious and the conscious mind, so that, even if the
eyes are performing well, the signals are obstructed or degraded before being
allowed to reach the consciousness. It is helpful to think of this
barrier in symbolic terms, as being made of some substance which can vary in
consistence according to the subconscious wishes of the brain. When vision is
perfect the substance of the barrier is perfectly fluid and the signals pass
through it freely, but as vision deteriorates the substance becomes more and
more glutinous, slowing down the passage of signals or preventing it
altogether. There are two distinct ways in
which the brain can block the visual process. The first is by interfering
with the mechanics of vision; the second is by altering the 'consistency'
of the barrier between the unconscious and the conscious mind."
(Page 81)" Book: Barnes,
Jonathan. Improve Your Eyesight: A Guide to the Bates Method for Better
Eyesight without Glasses. Souvenir Press, 1999. "The outer edges of the retina
contain relatively few photoreceptors, mostly rods, and provide vision which
may be compared to that of primitive animals. At the very periphery of
the retina, indeed, there is no conscious vision at all, merely an
awareness of movement and contrast. When you see something 'in the corner of
your eye' and automatically turn to see it better, you are responding to
signals generated in this portion of the retina. (Page 9)" Book: Barnes,
Jonathan. Improve Your Eyesight: A Guide to the Bates Method for Better
Eyesight without Glasses. Souvenir Press, 1999. Suggestions ·
Three-Dimensional Stereo Images ·
Palming Book Review: Improve Your Eyesight: A Guide to the Bates
Method for Better Eyesight Without Glasses "One unique offering is his explaining
how there are two ways for the brain to block the visual process. One is to
interfere with the mechanics of vision, by altering the eye shape with the
extrinsic muscles, preventing proper blinking and shifting, and
encouraging disease that impairs vision. The other way is what Barnes refers
to as altering the consistency of the barrier between the subconscious
and conscious mind. The first type of blocking (mechanical) tends to be
more easily overcome than the second. The second is purely mental, when there
is clear information that has made it through the visual system but it
isn't recognized for what it is. So there are times when the eyes are
working in an improved manner, but their signals are prevented from
passing through the barrier (from the subconscious to conscious mind)." iblindness.org:
Recommended Books for Further Reading ·
Awareness: The Perils and
Opportunities of Reality by Anthony de Mello "This book is about a
lot of things, but mainly the world of illusion that people live in due
to the false ideas in their heads. This kind of wrong thought is
particularly involved in vision problems." ·
Natural Vision Improvement
by Janet Goodrich, Ph.D. "In this book she
offers some important aspects of vision improvement such as energy,
attention, and a lot about mental states." ·
Sunlight by Zane R. Kime,
M.D., M.S. ·
Light: Medicine of the
Future by Jacob Liberman, O.D., Ph.D. [Syntonics] "M. Corbett:
Help Yourself To Better Sight |