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3D Stereo Images


·          Things to Avoid

·          Benefits

·          Instructions

·          Parallel Viewing vs. Cross Viewing

·          Cross Viewing is Indispensable

·          Focusing and Un-focusing

·          Increasing Alpha-Theta Waves/Decreasing Beta Waves

·          Fatigue

·          3D Stereo Images vs. Sunning Exercise

·          Advantages

·          Shortcomings

·          Computer Programs


Things to Avoid

"A few people do feel uncomfortable sensations in their eyes, but I would compare those sensations to the aches that come from exercising an out-of-shape muscle in your body. It's important not to strain or push too hard. I wouldn't 'go for the burn' with your eye muscles! In How to See 3D we emphasize remembering to breathe, relax, blink and smile." Exercise for the Eyes



"3D stereo images [e.g. stereograms] are powerful tools for training the two eyes to work together as a effective binocular team. Stereo viewing is particularly useful in treating problems with binocular vision or stereo vision such as, amblyopia ('lazy eye') and strabismus ('crossed-eyes' or 'wall-eyes') [stereograms may also be used to treat convergence insufficiency]." Eye Exercises



How to See 3D

·  How to See 3D


Convergence and Divergence

“With the parallel viewing method (a.k.a. the divergence or Magic Eye method), the lines of sight of your eyes move outward toward parallel and meet in the distance at a point well behind and beyond the image. That's why it's called parallel viewing. When you parallel-view, the muscles inside your eye that control the focusing lens relax and lengthen.” How to See 3D


“Another method for 3D viewing is called cross-viewing or the cross-eyed method. You aim your eyes so that the lines of sight of your eyes cross [converge] in front of the image. When you cross-view, the muscles inside your eye that control the focusing lens contract strongly and shorten.” How to See 3D


Parallel Viewing: Further Instructions

There are some similarities between parallel viewing and the Bates method exercise palming with visualization. In the section Palming: Instructions it is recommended to palm for at least four minutes. It is also recommended to palm three to five times in succession.


Parallel Viewing vs. Cross Viewing

·          "Parallel-viewing can relax your overworked eye muscles.

·           Alternating between parallel-viewing and cross-viewing can be a callisthenic work-out for the eyes. It can loosen up tight, overstressed eye muscles." Exercise for the Eyes


Focusing and Un-focusing

Since you can only do so much parallel-viewing and cross-viewing before your eyes ache, you may want to consider alternating between parallel-viewing and normal viewing. This may be helpful for treating accommodative insufficiency.


Cross Viewing is Indispensable

Cross viewing strengthens the eye muscles. Parallel viewing alone will only relax your eyes. Without cross viewing, the ability of the eyes to coordinate their activity will not improve.


Increasing Alpha-Theta Waves/Decreasing Beta Waves

"Notice the moment of slipping into the experience of three dimensional space. The brain seems to have locked onto the super-imposition of the two images, and at that very moment a brain-wave shift can be noticed. Alpha brain waves have increased. This can be experienced as a feeling of letting go, a sigh, a deepening relaxation. Apparently, visually harmonizing the two halves of the brain in this unusual way promotes an increase in alpha waves [probably alpha-theta waves (alpha-theta waves are a subset of alpha waves with a frequency of 7-8 Hz)]. Brain wave measurements were taken with an analyzer from IBVA Technologies, Inc."

Free Viewing Stereo Images


More information about alpha-theta and beta waves can be found on the Brainwaves page.



The palming exercise may be helpful in resting the eyes before or after viewing stereo images.


3D Stereo Images vs. Sunning Exercise

Using either 3D stereo images or Bates' sunning exercise may be helpful for treating light sensitivity. However, one advantage of the sunning exercise is that the head is moved during this exercise. Head movement stimulates the inner ear and may improve the vestibular system and proprioception.

·        Neurodevelopmental Delays: Improving the Vestibular System

·        Neurodevelopmental Delays: Improving Proprioception



One advantage of stereo viewing is that it can be used as an indicator of the quality of your binocular vision. If you have a hard time seeing stereo images then your binocular vision may need improvement. You may need to rest your eyes by 'palming', or you may need to do some breathing and blinking exercises.

     It's a good idea to check your binocular vision on a regular basis.




Parallel viewing and cross viewing can be challenging. It may be more helpful for beginners to use other methods of treating vision problems--such as Bates' sunning exercise for light sensitivity, or exercises such as pencil push-ups and pencil fusion for convergence insufficiency.


Computer Programs

Stereogram Screensaver

Note: There is a bug in this program. The slide show pictures may stack on top of each other. If this happens, you can close each stereogram with Ctrl+Alt+Delete.

·          OLEJ: Freeware:  Stereogram Screensaver



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