· Arousal · Exercise · Posture
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The Cause of Internet and TV Addiction? |
Effects · Limbic System, Too Much Dopamine "A compound which
exists in the body as a neurotransmitter and as a precursor of other
substances including adrenalin." Compact Oxford
English Dictionary: Dopamine "In the frontal lobes, dopamine plays a role in controlling the flow of information from other areas of the brain. · Dopamine disorders in the frontal lobes can cause incoherent thought... · Shortage of dopamine in the frontal lobes may lead to poor memory." Wikipedia Encyclopedia: Dopamine
"In addition, dopamine is involved in the chemistry of pleasure. Release of dopamine into that part of the limbic system known as the 'pleasure center' (an area just below the thalamus) causes pleasure. Although meant to reward vital activities such as eating and sex, this same mechanism is responsible for the craving connected with addiction…" Wikipedia Encyclopedia: Dopamine "Since serotonin and dopamine levels tend to counterbalance each other: whenever serotonin is raised dopamine tends to be lowered and when dopamine is raised serotonin is lowered." Amenclinic.com: Amen Brain System ADD Subtype Checklist
"For tryptophan/serotonin levels to rise, tyrosine [a building block of dopamine] levels must be low; conversely, when tyrosine and it's corresponding neurotransmitters are high, tryptophan levels are moderate to low. (Page 16)" Book: Somer, Elizabeth, M.A., R.D. Food & Mood. Henry Holt and Company, LLC, 1999. "[Endorphins] disinhibit the dopamine pathways, causing more dopamine to be released into the synapses." Wikipedia Encyclopedia: Endorphin
More information
about endorphins can be found on the Endorphins page. Limbic System, Too Much Dopamine "Dopamine also acts in the limbic system, which controls our emotions. · Overabundance of dopamine in the limbic system is believed to cause paranoia." Wikipedia Encyclopedia: Dopamine
· "Too much dopamine in the limbic system and not enough in the cortex may produce an overly suspicious personality giving to bouts of paranoia or may inhibit social interaction." Rhyme
Of The Ancient Wanderer: Dopamine "Nutritional supplements can also have a positive effect on brain dopamine levels and help with focus and energy. I often have my patients take a combination of tyrosine (500-1,500 milligrams two to three a day), OPC grape seed or pine bark (1 milligram per pound of body weight) and gingko biloba (60-120 milligrams twice a day). These supplements help increase dopamine and blood flow in the brain and many of my patients report that they help with energy, focus and impulse control." Amenclinic.com: Amen Brain System ADD Subtype Checklist "The great American diet is filled with refined carbohydrates which has a negative impact on dopamine levels in the brain and concentration." Amenclinic.com:
Amen Brain System ADD Subtype Checklist · The Brain: Reading Out Loud, Singing Out Loud (individuals who stutter may have high levels of dopamine activity) · The Brain: Frontal Lobes (increasing activity in the frontal lobes should make serotonin levels, and dopamine levels, more stable) ·
Brain: Serotonin (serotonin and dopamine levels tend to counterbalance each
other) · The Brain: Tyrosine (a building block of dopamine) · Research Topics: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) (some SAD sufferers might be deficient in another nerve chemical called dopamine, which is suspected to decrease with reduced exposure to light) ·
Research Topics: Sleep Deprivation · Other Suggestions: Dehydration: Depression--Tryptophan, Serotonin, Melatonin, Histamine (serotonin and dopamine levels tend to counterbalance each other) · The Brain: Adrenaline (dopamine is a precursor of other substances including adrenaline) · Laterality: Too Much Lateralisation |