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Sound Sensitivity "There are four different conditions that all can
have similar characteristics--normal sounds are TOO LOUD to stand. Sometimes
it can be difficult to tell these conditions apart, namely: 1. hyperacute
hearing, 2. hyperacusis, 3. recruitment
and 4. phonophobia." "…Individuals who have collapsed tolerance to
sound. This unique international community consists of individuals with hyperacusis,
recruitment, hyperacute hearing, Meniere's disease, and even autistic children." Hyperacusis
Network: Supplement ·
Hearing: Sound Sensitivity: Hyperacusis "These
individuals represent a larger group of sound sensitive individuals in the
world. To the best of our knowledge, they are usually born sound sensitive
and do not have tinnitus. This group shares two similarities to people with
hyperacusis: they usually have no hearing loss; and share the ability, like
hyperacusis patients, to produce an audiogram showing hearing sensitivity at
negative decibel levels." Hyperacusis Network: Supplement "This is a rare
condition where a person can hear certain sounds at a much softer volume than
a person with normal hearing. Therefore, if these sounds are even of moderate
loudness, they can seem very loud if you have hyperacute hearing at that
frequency." Description "This is a mental
condition where people become or are afraid of certain sounds that they
associate with "bad things". As a result, they perceive these
sounds as much louder than they really are." ·
Processing: Neurodevelopmental Delays: Interhemispheric Integration ·
Topics: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) ·
Sensory Processing: Neurodevelopmental Delays:
Laterality "This, I
believe, is the largest group of sound sensitive people in the world. In lay
terms, recruitment is similar to having hyperacusis, but with the added
feature of hearing loss. Usually this group consists of individuals over 40
years of age that have the classic high frequency hearing loss evident on
their nose diving audiogram." Hyperacusis Network: Supplement This condition is
ALWAYS a by-product of a sensorineural hearing loss. (If you don't have a
hearing loss, you can't have recruitment.) A person with recruitment
perceives volume increases much faster than the actual volume increase. As a
result, sounds rapidly become too loud to stand. A hard of hearing person may
have both recruitment and hyperacusis at the same time. |