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· Tinnitus · Digital vs. Analog Pink Noise · Hyperacusis/Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) · Therapy · Links
"These individuals represent a small, very rare group of sound sensitive individuals in the world. They are not born sound sensitive, but develop a collapsed tolerance to sound…” Hyperacusis Network: Supplement
"…a collapsed tolerance to sound from primarily noise trauma (sudden or cumulative). Other common causes include: · head injury · the unfortunate side effects of drugs · Lyme disease · air bag deployment · Bell's Palsy… · Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)." Hyperacusis Network: Supplement · Other Suggestions: Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD)
Description "As…children advance through the preschool years they begin to tune out disturbing sounds giving the false impression that they are no longer sensitive." Gateway Institute: What Is Auditory Processing?
"In the presence of discomforting sounds (sounds heard too loudly or of an intolerable pitch), auditory distractions (background sounds loud and soft) and excessive auditory stimulation (group situations for example), a sound-sensitive child can feel overwhelmed. When overwhelmed, his auditory system will momentarily shut down. It will tune out discomforting and distracting sounds. These fleeting times of shut down can occur frequently throughout the day. In shut down, sounds are muffled and unclear. Defensive tune-out usually begins in the early preschool years, and is evidenced by a child's inconsistent responses to sound. Because the young child is at times unresponsive to sound, the child can be thought to have a hearing loss, or can be perceived to be a selective listener." Gateway Institute: What Is Auditory Processing?
· "Across the span of months and years, an overly sensitive child will spend more and more time in auditory shut-down. · So that in time, it will seem that he is no longer sound- sensitive. · In reality, the brain has 'learned' to block discomforting and distracting sounds causing the child's hearing to become increasingly dulled." Gateway Institute: What Is Auditory Processing?
Related Topics · Hearing: Hyperacusis: Things to Avoid: Fans, Sound Level Meter · Hearing: Hyperacusis: Suggestions: Pink Noise · Hearing: Low Frequency Noise
· Ear Plugs: Chronically Plugging the Ears
"If the night is hot and you have a fan on in the room - use a quiet fan. How do you find a quiet fan? Purchase a Sound Level Meter from Radio Shack (costs about $30.00). With this instrument you can turn on the meter while shopping for fans and find the quietest one for yourself."
"For many of us our ears are most sensitive in the early morning and late evening. For this reason try to make these times as quiet as possible."
"If ears are overprotected, that system seems to further collapse. Many times the network hears of individuals who are so anxious that they refuse to remove ear protection even in the privacy of their own home. Some even keep their ears plugged while they are sleeping, which makes the problem even worse. Eventually over a period of time (time varies for each individual) you can embark on a therapy which can improve your tolerances to sound." Hyperacusis Network: Supplement
· Hearing: Sound Sensitivity: Phonophobia
· Hyperacusis: Suggestions: Television · Hyperacusis: Suggestions: The 'Cocktail Party' Effect
Conditions Associated with Hyperacusis "It may occur independently of any other identifiable disorder. However, hyperacusis is a recognised symptom of several conditions. Aside from tinnitus and Ménière's Disease, hyperacusis is sometimes also associated with: · post-traumatic stress disorder · migraine · some types of depression · vitamin B6 deficiency · Tay-sach's Disease… · post viral fatigue syndrome (or ME). · It is particularly prevalent in people suffering from a genetic disorder known as Williams Syndrome or Infantile Hypercalcaemia. Other symptoms of this condition are failure to thrive in early life, developmental delay, cardiac problems, small stature and distinctive facial characteristics." Defeating Deafness: What is Hyperacusis?
Electrical Sensitivity and Hyperacusis "As well, I think it is interesting to note that our sensitivities are similar. As I am sure you are aware, the vibrations perceived by the human ear, otherwise known as sound, are just one slice of the electromagnetic spectrum. So we are both hypersensitive to EMF. Welcome to the club, friend!" Derek Bishop's Spiritual Autobiography: Website Correspondence: October 31, 2003
· The Brain: Frontal Lobes: Hyperacusis
· Laterality: Problems with Ear Dominance: Distortions, Hypo/Hyper-Auditory Hearing · Hyperacusis: Things to Avoid: Overprotection · Hyperacusis: Things to Avoid: Chronically Plugging the Ears · Hyperacusis: Things to Avoid: Auditory Shut-Down
If you are in a state of auditory shut-down you may not even realize that you are experiencing tension caused by a sensitivity to noise. In these cases, signals can sometimes be helpful. For instance, someone with hyperacusis may press the back of their hand against their lips, with their elbow extended out to one side of the body. This position, depending on the location of the sound, can sometimes be effective in reducing disturbing noises.
Reinforcement by · Clenching teeth or · By hooking flexed fingers of both hands and pulling apart (the Jendrassik maneuver) can improve reflexes. · Is it possible to improve the stapedius reflex with reinforcement? · Do people with TMJ subconsciously clench their teeth in an attempt to improve their stapedius reflex?
"Many of us develop hyperacusis in one ear and then it crosses over to the other ear. For some it never crosses over. Some of us do not develop tinnitus for many months after our initial onset of hyperacusis. For some, tinnitus starts in one ear and remains there, and for others it can cross over just like hyperacusis. It is rare, but there are people in the network that have hyperacusis but no tinnitus. " "Most hyperacusis individuals eventually develop tinnitus (ringing sounds in the ears). Tinnitus is a very common ear disorder to the tune of nearly 50 million people." Hyperacusis Network: Supplement
"Tinnitus prevention can include obvious things such as limiting exposure to loud noises, but vitamins and exercise may help, too. Exercising regularly may help by improving blood flow to ear structures, while B-12 can help the body make the material that protects the inner ear's nerves. Good B-12 sources include dairy products, meat, and eggs. Almost everyone experiences an occasional ringing (or roaring, hissing, buzzing, or tinkling) in their ears; most tinnitus that comes and goes requires no medical treatment. But if your tinnitus is accompanied by other symptoms, becomes persistent, or starts to localize to one ear, visit a health professional." The Ringing and Buzzing of Tinnitus
"For people who also have co-existing or pre-existing anxiety or depression it can take longer to change their feelings about their tinnitus."
An increase in blood flow to the ears may be helpful for people with tinnitus. According to Dr. Fredric Schiffer, the author of 'The Revolutionary Science of Dual-Brain Psychology', when there is more activity on one side of the brain there is less blood flow to the ear on that side: "On the side [of the brain] of more activity, blood would be shunted away from the areas around the ears to the active cortex. In other words, we expected the ear temperature to drop as the hemisphere became more active. When subjects wore the glasses looking to the left, stimulating the right hemisphere, there was a relative drop in right ear temperature (Pages 74-75)." Book: Schiffer, Fredric. The Revolutionary Science of Dual-Brain Psychology. The Free Press, 1998.
For more information about Dual-Brain Psychology please see the Dual-Brain Psychology page.
· Other Suggestions: Sleep on Your Back · Other Suggestions: Vitamins and Minerals
· PC Noise
High Frequency Noise "High frequency noise is much more difficult to cancel out and is currently best achieved, at low cost, with foam earplugs or earmuffs. Earmuffs are cups that actually cover the entire ear whereas foam earplugs are inserted in the ear canal. These are not electronic devices. One of the best values in a comfortable earmuff, which provides twenty-nine decibel worth of protection, is called the Thunder 29. Cost is approximately $25.00 and is available by calling Lab Safety at 1-800-525-7233. Flents and Aearo both make foam earplugs that come in three colors: bright yellow, flesh, and ivory. Although Flents are readily available throughout the country, most of us prefer the Aearo E-A-R "Noise Filter" flesh colored foam earplugs."
Reinforcing Laterality with Dual-Brain Psychology · Laterality: Correcting Laterality: Correcting Hemispheric Dominance: Lateralized Goggles · Research Topics: Dual-Brain Psychology
Stress caused by hyperacusis can lead to convergence insufficiency and accommodative insufficiency (eyestrain).
· Vision: Binocular Functions: Accommodative Insufficiency · Vision: Binocular Functions: Convergence Insufficiency
· Research Topics: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
· Other Suggestions: Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD)
I spend a lot of time in front of computer screens and in rooms that are lit by fluorescent lighting. The stress caused by sitting for hours at a time in these surroundings can cause fatigue, and affect your · Adrenaline, · Serotonin, · Melatonin, and · Endorphin levels. Fatigue and neurotransmitters can affect sound sensitivity.
I recently started wearing a pair of melanin computer glasses. Melanin
glasses reduce both ultraviolet (UV) and high energy visible (HEV)
light. Some other types of glasses also do this, but the major selling point
of melanin glasses is that they don't disturb color perception
(everything doesn't look yellow or brown). · Vision: Binocular Functions: Light Sensitivity: Suggestions: Tinted Glasses · Vision: Binocular Functions: Light Sensitivity: Suggestions: Tinted Glasses: Things to Avoid
I believe that these (melanin) glasses are beginning to alleviate my hyperacusis by increasing my energy level. I also believe that they are helping to stabilize my adrenaline, serotonin, melatonin, and endorphin levels. I think there are probably many more benefits to wearing glasses such as these that I don't even know about.
I purchased my glasses from: Melaninproducts.com: Melavision Eyeware This site was hard for me to find because the webmaster misspelled the word 'eyeware' (should be 'eyewear'). The site offers reasonably priced melanin glasses. I don't know how the quality of these glasses compares to more expensive glasses. So far, I am very satisfied with their product. The model I purchased was 'Melavision M03'. Although I am satisfied with this product, I would have preferred larger lenses and a bigger width (distance from ear to ear). Here are some additional product links if you'd like to shop around: · Vision: Binocular Functions: Light Sensitivity: Tinted Glasses: Products (Note: Not all of the products in this section are made with melanin, and not all of them reduce HEV light)
If you're looking for something a little less expensive, I've read that: “Lenses tinted yellow, brown, or amber [red also] absorb blue light [part of HEV light] and enhance contrasts in haze or fog.” If this statement is true, I suppose you could buy a less expensive pair of yellow, brown, red, or amber tinted glasses, if they also block UV light. However, red tinted glasses might increase blood pressure and heart attack risk in people with hypertension by increasing adrenaline levels.
http://www.theschepens.org/documents/training04_000.pdf (PDF, 1.27MB)
In addition to melanin glasses, I believe that screen filters with ground straps may also be helpful for people who use CRT monitors. It’s probably also a good idea to try to reduce other types of non-ionizing radiations as well, such as UV light, HEV light, etc. (more information in links below) · Indoor Air Pollution: Electromagnetic Waves: Avoiding EMFs · Indoor Air Pollution: Electromagnetic Waves: Effects · Indoor Air Pollution: Electromagnetic Waves: Electrical Sensitivity
· Hyperacusis Network: Bulletin Board: Digital vs. Analog Pink Noise
You don't need to undergo TRT therapy in order to listen to pink noise. You can listen to pink noise by using: · CDs and other forms of media · Computer programs
Hyperacusis/Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) · Hyperacusis: Therapy: TRT: What is Hyperacusis/Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)?
Retraining the
Subconscious · TRT is intended to retrain the subconscious auditory system,… · And the subconscious mind may be the left hemisphere of the brain for some people or the right side for most people,... · And the left ear is connected to the right brain; the right ear is connected to the left brain,… It seems that retraining (with white or pink noise) the ear that is attached to the subconscious brain would be advantageous. Although, listening to white or pink noise, through one ear, at a volume that is greater than the noises in your surrounding environment may cause problems with ear dominance. More information about dominance is included in the section:
· Laterality: Correcting Ear Dominance: White or Pink Noise
It is presumed that TRT therapy retrains the subconscious auditory system. · But if I am left brain dominant, and my 'conscious' mind is the left brain, · and my right ear has been damaged, and the right ear is connected to the left brain, wouldn't TRT therapy be retraining the conscious auditory system [right ear, left brain]? Would TRT therapy be more effective if the subdominant ear is directed towards the pink noise?
· Things to Consider: Mixed Ear Dominance
· Hyperacusis Network: Bulletin Board: Exhaling White Noise
· Research Topics: Brainwaves: SMR or Low Beta Brainwaves: Volume and SMR
“The stereo player's treble and bass sound controls can be adjusted to tailor the sound to suit each listener's needs:
PureWhiteNoise.com: How to Maximize White Noise Benefits
“An equalizer [graphic equalizer] is essentially · An enhanced set of bass and treble controls that you · Adjust by frequency range in order to adjust the sound as you want it. · To enhance high-frequency instruments, such as piccolos and small bells, use the upper-range sliders. · To enhance the deepest bass, use the lower-range sliders.” ComputerPowerUser.com: Tone Controls On Steroids
· Increase treble of pink noise near sensitive ear and decrease sensitivity to high frequencies? · Increase bass of pink noise at other ear and increase sensitivity to high frequencies? Note: It’s also important to consider ear dominance and lateralisation.
· Things to Consider: Mixed Ear Dominance
· Hyperacusis Network: Bulletin Board: Axial Extension (cached by Google) · Hyperacusis Network: Bulletin Board: Upper Trapezius Stretch (cached by Google) · The Hyperacusis Network: Message Board: The Sternocleidomastoid Muscle · The Hyperacusis Network: Message Board: Physical Therapy for TMD (pelvic tilt exercises; cached by Google) · Posture: Sitting for Long Periods · Posture: Forward Head Posture
“Television can be difficult unless a few things are kept in mind. · Commercials are always louder. Most recently Magnavox introduced televisions which utilize a new technology called SmartSound [Zenith refers to this feature as ‘EZ Soundrite’; other companies may use different terminology]. This automatically reduces the volume on the TV when loud commercials are being aired. This is a wonderful sound leveling feature that should be considered for anyone with hyperacusis. · Televisions with remote control are great for us also. Then we have complete control over the volume and mute buttons. · If you have a stereo TV, convert the sound to ‘mono’.” Hyperacusis Network: Supplement: Daily Dilemmas
· “Road noise entering the car is hard, particularly if the windows are open. · It is worse when it is a windy day. · Sometimes closing the window on the drivers' side, opening a window on the passenger side, and driving in the far right lane of traffic may help. · If you are the owner of a car, electric windows are a must so that you can control the noise entering the car. · Learn to be a control person (with noise that is). · Blacktop roads are quieter than concrete roads because they have fewer seams (cracks). · Consider driving on less frequently traveled roads. · Road noise is particularly bad when the road is wet. The whine created by tires on wet pavement is high pitched. · Sirens are very distressing for us. When you hear one coming close all windows before it passes.” Hyperacusis Network: Supplement: Daily Dilemmas
· Hearing: Ear Plugs: Things to Avoid: Chronically Plugging the Ears · Sensory Processing: Vestibular System: Improving: Auditory (Inner Ear) · Hearing: PC Noise: Quiet Computers
· Hyperacusis Network: Supplement: Daily Dilemmas
· Research Topics: Acupuncture
Hyperacusis/Tinnitus Retraining Therapy · Hyperacusis: Hyperacusis/Tinnitus Retraining Therapy
· The Brain: Frontal Lobes: Hyperacusis · Indoor Air Pollution: Electromagnetic Waves
· Hyperacusis Network: What is Hyperacusis · Hyperacusis Network: What Causes This · Hyperacusis Network: What Can Be Done · Hyperacusis Network: Where to Find Help · Hyperacusis Network: Supplement