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Low-Frequency Noise
· Effects ·
to Avoid while Exercising
"Computers, telephone answering machines, and remote garage door openers emit sounds with which our brains and bodies must constantly cope. (Page 36)" "low-frequency sounds (the ones that have the strongest effects on our physical functioning), can contribute to the dullness of hearing, ringing in the ears, and eventually, deafness. (Page 35)" Book: Campbell, Don. The Mozart Effect. Quill, 2001.
Things to Avoid while Exercising Headphones "Although headphones are convenient and affordable and have made the world's greatest music accessible to the ordinary person, they can also, according to a study at the University of Louisville School of Medicine, lead to hearing loss. During aerobic exercise, for example, your body pumps blood and oxygen into your arms and legs, leaving the delicate linings of your inner ears dangerously unprotected. Headphones, which transmit primarily low-frequency sounds (the ones that have the strongest effects on our physical functioning), can contribute to the dullness of hearing, ringing in the ears, and eventually, deafness (Page 37)." "…I caution you to use personal headphones only for short periods and at low volume when you are jogging, doing aerobic exercise, or engaging in any other physical activity(Pages 37-38)." Book: Campbell, Don. The Mozart Effect. Quill, 2001.
Other Low Frequency Noises Other sources of low frequency noise you may want to avoid while exercising are: · Exercise machines such as treadmills · Fans · Appliances · Anything powered by an engine or a motor ·
Hearing: Hyperacusis: Suggestions: Pink Noise |