· Arousal · Exercise · Posture
· Sleep
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Note: Always consult with your physician prior to taking any vitamin supplements, or starting a workout or diet program ·
Effects ·
Deficiency of Calcium & Magnesium: ADD, ADHD ·
Diet ·
Tips "In the event of calcification, it is not a high calcium level that results in the formation of a stone or spur, but calcium being high in ratio to associated or interactive elements [e.g. magnesium]. For instance, phosphorus and zinc have both left-sided cell receptors, so if either level is low in ratio to calcium, calcification would only take place on the left side of the body, whereas the cell receptors of manganese or magnesium are right-sided, as a result, any calcification would develop on the right side of the body only." Acu-Cell Nutrition: Calcium & Magnesium
"Of the approximately 1,000 g of calcium in the average 70 kg adult body, almost · 98% is found in bone, · 1% in teeth, and the · rest is found in blood, extracellular fluids, and within cells where it is a co-factor for a number of enzymes. Calcium · promotes blood clotting by activating the protein fibrin, and · along with magnesium helps to regulate the
Acu-Cell Nutrition: Calcium & Magnesium
Deficiency of Calcium & Magnesium: ADD, ADHD "Calcium and/or Magnesium deficiencies are very common causes of ADD and ADHD. Since they are always accompanied by light and/or restless sleep, along with daytime sleepiness, they are easy to spot and easily remedied through supplementation or a change in diet. (see also Acu-Cell Nutrition 'Calcium & Magnesium')." Acu-Cell Disorders: ADD/ADHD & Behavioral Problems
"Both elements share left/right-sided cell receptors and are essential to human health. Calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) have become the 'Gold Standard' when discussing supplements, mineral ratios, paired cell receptors, or many nutrition-related health issues in general." Acu-Cell Nutrition: Calcium & Magnesium
"It is important when buying Calcium supplements to make sure that they contain Vitamin D to help the body absorb the calcium." No Cow's Milk for Me Thanks: Calcium: Life without Cow's Milk
"High calcium levels interfere with Vitamin D and subsequently inhibit the vitamin's cancer-protective effect unless extra amounts of Vitamin D are supplemented." Acu-Cell Nutrition: Calcium & Magnesium
"Many dietary factors reduce calcium uptake, such as · Foods high in oxalic acid
which can interfere with calcium absorption by forming insoluble salts in the gut. · Phytic acid, or phytates found in whole grain products, · foods rich in fiber, · Excess caffeine from coffee, · Colas, · Tea..., · As well as certain medications may all reduce the absorption of calcium and other minerals, or leach calcium from bone.” Acu-Cell Nutrition: Calcium & Magnesium
“Normal intake of · Protein, · Fats, and · Acidic foods help calcium absorption, however high levels of these same sources increase calcium loss." Acu-Cell Nutrition: Calcium & Magnesium
“Many non-dairy foods are high in calcium. Green vegetables, such as · Broccoli and Kale [collard greens, turnip greens and Chinese cabbage are also high in calcium—see table], and · Fish with soft, edible bones, such as salmon and sardines, are excellent sources of calcium. To help in planning a high-calcium and low-lactose diet, the table below lists some common foods that are good sources of dietary calcium and shows about how much lactose the foods contain.” Lactose.co.uk: Calcium in the diet of Milk Allergic or Intolerant persons
· “Consultation with a doctor or dietician may be helpful in deciding whether any dietary supplements are needed. · Taking vitamins or minerals of the wrong kind or in the wrong amounts can be harmful. A dietician can help in planning meals that will provide the most nutrients with the least chance of causing discomfort.” · Lactose.co.uk: Calcium in the diet of Milk Allergic or Intolerant persons
Note: The following study was reported by WebMD Medical News on Sept. 19, 2000, and might, possibly, no longer be applicable to the following products mentioned below. “Of the better-known brands, · Both Tums Ultra and Tums EX calcium-containing antacids had levels of lead that were too low to measure by the study's standards, but · Caltrate and one Eckerd brand of calcium supplements contained levels of lead that Ross estimates could exceed safe limits if taken at doses commonly prescribed for the prevention of osteoporosis [high doses]…Ross says the levels of lead found in the supplements are not dangerous for most people, but he is concerned about patients with kidney disease who must take high doses of calcium. Other people potentially at risk are postmenopausal women taking high doses of the supplements to prevent osteoporosis as they age, and children and adults with lactose intolerance who can't get adequate calcium in their diet from dairy products. Lead is particularly dangerous for children. Exposure to lead, in the form of paint and dust, has been associated with learning problems and lowered IQ in young children.” WebMD Medical News: 'Study Turns Up Lead in Some Calcium Supplements'
“…Experts say it is best to get your calcium needs through food intake...two major types [of supplements] are: • Calcium carbonate (such as Os-Cal, Tums, Caltrate), which usually has · More elemental calcium [The most important factor to consider when choosing a supplement is the amount of elemental calcium in each dose, not the weight of each tablet, which also will contain whatever the calcium is combined with, such as carbonate, and citrate. Many brands will indicate the amount of elemental calcium on the label; increased danger of calcification?] per pill but · Must be taken with food because stomach acids are needed to break it down. · It is not absorbed as well in people who have decreased stomach acid, such as the elderly or those taking antacid medications. • Calcium citrate (Citracal, Solgar), which usually has less elemental calcium per tablet but is absorbed more easily than calcium carbonate… · Each kind of supplement has its benefits; · Some cause digestive problems such as heartburn or constipation. · Nutritionist Tamara Swett urges people to get whatever brand they can tolerate. Even if your body does not absorb it most efficiently, she says, it is better than omitting it. · For the people who complain that calcium tablets are difficult to swallow, there are chewable forms, for adults and children. Chewable and liquid calcium supplements are absorbed well because they are broken down before they enter the stomach. · When using supplements, be sure to · take only the recommended dose for your age and · no more than 500mg at a time; the body can't absorb more. · Be aware that calcium supplements can interact with some prescription medicines, so it is a good idea to discuss calcium supplementation with your doctor, nutritionist or pharmacist. · Viactiv contains vitamin K, so it should not be used by people who are on anti-coagulants such as Coumadin. · Some calcium supplements may interfere with thyroid hormones, tetracycline, corticosteroids or iron pills.” The Seattle Times: Health: 'Calcium is critical — especially for kids'