





·         Arousal

·         The Brain

·         Exercise

·         Indoor Air Pollution

·         Muscle Tension

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The Cause of Internet and TV Addiction?


Open Focus


What is Open Focus?

Open Focus is a form of therapy which was developed by Dr. Les Fehmi, the Director of the Princeton Biofeedback Center, and a Co-Director of the Manhattan Clinic. I've included some quotes below from the book 'A Symphony in the Brain' by Jim Robbins, and some quotes from web pages.


'Ever Present' Stimulation

"Though many of us may not experience ourselves as stressed, we in fact are since stress is simply our bodies' response to ever present stimulation (stressors) in our internal and external environment. Some stressors facilitate human growth by preparing our bodies' physiology for situations that require action. However, excessive and prolonged stress, or poor ability to cope with stress, can negatively affect our health, our personal lives and job performance; in ways that we may not even imagine."

What is Open Focus?


Fixed Alert State

"Eventually, many of us get stuck in a fixed alert state no matter what the task or experience we are facing. This is the dominant pattern of coping which is common for most people."

Open Focus FAQ Page


Alpha Synchrony

"Fehmi found that when people simply imagined space with their eyes closed, their production of synchronous alpha instantly increased--it was a powerful relaxation technique. He explained it like this:

·          When someone is looking at an object, or even imagining an object, he or she is engaging many different parts of the brain to make sense of that object-via memories, senses, etc. In that state the brain is 'more desynchronized'--that is, work is occurring at different frequencies in many different parts of the brain.

·           As soon as the eyes are closed and there is a complete absence of images--by imagining space--the whole brain stops working hard and synchronous alpha takes over."

Book: Robbins, Jim. A Symphony in the Brain. Grove Press, 2000.  



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