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Vigilence, Endorphins and the Amygdala Increased vigilence may be the result of endorphins binding to endorphin receptors in the amygdala: Opioid Receptors and the Amygdala More information about the amygdala is included on the page Similarities with Autism.
Note: The following site recommends increasing alpha waves in the brain by listening to a regular drum rhythm. Listening to regular drum rhythms frequently may also cause an increase of endorphins, as mentioned above. "There is also a category of people who don't have any Alpha waves and also have low amplitude brainwave activity across all bands. I see this in about 30-40% of the patients I treat. Neurologically, we refer to these people as hypervigilent. The definition of hypervigilence is someone who cannot turn off his or her mental activity for any length of time. They must always be thinking or focusing on something. They tend not to be able to let go of emotional issues but rather obsess relentlessly about them."
"Hypervigilence at the individual level also means that you will be highly sensitive to news stories on radio and TV. How often do you hear or watch stories involving people being helpless in the face of events that they cannot control? " A psychologist's look at September 11, 2001
"Here we are not advocating escape, but the opposite, i.e., release without denial, withdrawal, dissociation, blockage, or escape. The effective way out is through the opposite of withdrawal, isolation, repression, suppression, and/or dissociation from feeling, because the pain is no longer really present (rather it exists only in the mind as the past). The pain is now only a figment of the imagination residing as a cellular memory." http://www.rainbowbody.net/Ongwhehonwhe/traumaSam.htm