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Squatting Introduction “For most of history humans have squatted to have a bowel
movement. In fact, if you watch children still in diapers you will see them
squat naturally when they have a bowel movement. Most unfortunately this
good, natural behaviour is unlearned with the
beginning of potty training around the age of two.” vancouveryoga.com: Squatty Training What’s Wrong With Sitting? “While the majority of the world (two thirds of the population)
still squats to defecate, the western world with its sitting posture has some
of the highest rates of bowel and colon related diseases including: ·
Hemorrhoids, occurring in 50% of the
population over the age of 50 ·
Appendicitis, occurring in 7% of the
population ·
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, affecting
10-20% of the population ·
Diverticulosis, affecting half of all Americans age 60 to 80, and almost
everyone over age 80 ·
Colorectal Cancer, over 148,300 new
cases and 56,600 deaths expected in 2002 in the ·
Bladder Incontinence, 50% or more of elderly persons are incontinent and $16.4
billion is spent every year on incontinence-related care ·
Prostate Cancer, over 190,000 new cases
and 30,200 deaths each year in the vancouveryoga.com: Squatty Training “When you were born you had ‘squatting
facets’ on the talus (heel) bones in your feet. In cultures where
squatting is a way of life both on and off the toilet, these ‘squatting
facets’ are retained into adulthood. However in western cultures where sitting and standing are the norm, these facets disappear as we mature,
tendons shorten and squatting becomes a difficult balancing act for many [and may
lead to muscular imbalances—however there are alternatives].” vancouveryoga.com: Squatty Training Compressive Peroneal Nerve
Dysfunction/Palsy “Common peroneal [refers to the outer part
of the lower leg] nerve dysfunction is a disorder caused by damage to the peroneal nerve, characterized by loss of movement of or
sensation in the foot and leg.” AllRefer.com: Health: Diseases & Conditions: Common
Peroneal Nerve Dysfunction “Symptoms &
Signs ·
sensation, numbness or tingling at the top of the foot ·
of the ankles or feet ·
abnormalities [gait] ·
gait (walking pattern) ·
drop [gait] (unable to hold foot horizontal) ·
drag while walking [gait]” AllRefer.com: Health: Diseases & Conditions: Common
Peroneal Nerve Dysfunction: Symptoms & Signs “Compressive peroneal nerve palsy is a well-known clinical condition. ·
Usually, the nerve
is compressed at the knee as it
passes around the head of the fibula [Smaller of the two bones in the lower leg; runs from knee to the
ankle along the outside of the lower leg] along its course,
Or the nerve's sensory branch may be entrapped over the dorsal [top] side
of the foot.2 [more information in case report 2] ·
compression of the nerve is quite rare. It may occur as a result of mechanical irritation during
prolonged leg crossing and squatting.” Military Medicine: March 2000: 'Bilateral peroneal nerve palsy induced by prolonged squatting' ·
“Damage to a peripheral nerve by internal
or external pressure of various origins causes a ‘compression neuropathy’. ·
At certain sites, the nerve in question is
anatomically more vulnerable. ·
Examples of external compression neuropathies are
Alternatively, the nerve may be compressed or stretched by adjacent tissues such as
It is also known that nerves in particular patients are more sensitive to pressure.
These include patients with ·
generalized neuropathy, ·
diabetes mellitus, ·
tomaculous neuropathy, and ·
certain infectious, genetic, and metabolic
diseases.” Military Medicine: March 2000: 'Bilateral peroneal nerve palsy induced by prolonged squatting' ·
Exercise: Aerobic Exercise: Aerobic Activities: Walking:
Gait |