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Aerobic Exercise Note: This information is not
intended as a substitute for medical treatment. Before starting an exercise
program, consult a physician. ·
Examples ·
Walking ·
"Aerobic fitness increases
the amount of oxygen that is delivered to your muscles, which
allows them to work longer. ·
Any activity that raises
your heart rate and keeps it up for an extended period of time
will improve your aerobic fitness." “As you exercise more than three
minutes you will eventually burn up all of the glycogen stored within the
muscles and your muscles will move into aerobic metabolism. When this occurs lactic acid production is stopped. This occurs
because the glycogen is now being burned in the presence of oxygen, which is
brought to the muscles by way of the blood stream. As long as you breathe
correctly you will bring oxygen to the muscles and this process will continue.” Wellness
on the Web: Cardiovascular Wellness and Prevention: Aerobic Versus Anaerobic
Exercise "Increases in: ·
Heart health ·
Blood supply to heart and muscles ·
Muscular endurance ·
Your body’s utilization
of oxygen ·
Mood, self-esteem,
and self-concept" "Decreases
in: ·
Risk of diabetes ·
Risk of some cancers ·
Risk of cardiovascular
disease ·
Shortness of breath ·
Fatigue ·
Blood pressure ·
Cholesterol level ·
Blood sugar ·
Body fat ·
Anxiety and depression" "As you increase your aerobic fitness, you will notice that
you can do more physical activity without becoming out of breath or
feeling like your heart is pounding. You will be able to do activities
such as playing with children, housework, yard work, or hiking without
becoming exhausted as quickly. Many forms of aerobic exercise will also strengthen your muscles
and increase your flexibility." "What
we found so fascinating was that exercise had its beneficial effect in specific
areas of cognitive function that are rooted in the frontal and
pre-frontal regions of the brain," said James Blumenthal, Duke
psychologist and study principal investigator.
Other cognitive functions that were measured by the team -- attention, concentration
and psychomotor skills -- did not appear to be affected by the exercise
program. Interestingly, the researchers noted, different regions of the
brain are responsible for these abilities." Aerobic Exercise Improves Cognitive Functioning Of Older
Men And Women "Just 10
minutes of exercise improved mood, increased vigor, reduced feelings of
fatigue, and helped participants feel more clear-headed…20 minutes of
exercise cleared people's heads better than 10 minutes." WebMD: Just Minutes of Exercise Can Pump You Up ·
Hyperactivity: Aerobic Exercise "A new review of
psychological research [1999] shows that exercise is an effective but
underused treatment for ·
Mild to
moderate depression. The review…also shows
there is some evidence that regular exercise may help in the treatment of ·
Schizophrenia, ·
dependence and ·
As a
singular treatment for
ScienceDaily: Exercise Helps Keep Your Psyche Fit "'Results
of this relatively large, single-centre clinical trial indicate that exercise
is a feasible therapy for patients suffering from MDD [major depressive
disorder] and may be at least as effective as standard
pharma-cotherapy,' report the researchers. It was not clear why people in
the combined exercise-and-medication group fared worse than those assigned to
exercise alone. But the researchers speculate that taking antidepressants
might have compromised the psychological benefits (including feelings of
personal mastery and enhanced self-esteem) that might be expected to come
with following an exercise programme." Peak
Performance: Aerobic exercise beats drugs for depression ·
forms of exercise such as strength training are as effective as
aerobic exercise in treating depression. ·
researchers also found that less strenuous forms of regular exercise,
such as walking, may be sufficient to demonstrate significant
treatment effects, however they note more research is needed to confirm this
initial finding." ScienceDaily: Exercise Helps Keep Your Psyche Fit ·
WebMD: Exercise vs. Drugs for Depression "Aerobic activities include: ·
Walking ·
Aerobic classes, including slide and step aerobics ·
Running or jogging ·
Bicycling or stationary bicycling ·
Cross-country skiing ·
Swimming ·
Daily activities, such as walking the dog or actively
playing with children. These need to be done for at least 8 to 10 minutes per
session. ·
Water aerobics (which is especially good for older
people, those who are overweight, and those with joint problems). ·
Sports." Reducing Strain: “Walking shoes, waist pouches,
backpacks, etc., are meant to ease the load, not cause additional strain to
your body. Take measures to fit the gear to you, not you to the gear. ·
Shop around for the
right shoe. Your
physiotherapist can make suggestions of what to look for in a walking shoethat best suits your needs and walking program; ·
Replace old shoes. The average life of a walking shoe is approximately
400 to 600 miles (620 to 800 km); ·
Monitor your posture and
body mechanics. Make sure your head, shoulders and hips are lined up over
your feet; ·
Consider getting orthotics
[footwear modification]. Custom-made orthotics
can correct or reduce improper motions which lead to chronic injuries. ·
Keep your stride
comfortable. Too long a
stride makes for an ‘overstride’ – muscles tighten
up and tire before your walk is over; ·
Rotate your walking routes from incline to
flat, sidewalk to grass, to keep it interesting and avoiding over-use
injuries; ·
Don’t use wrist or ankle
weights while walking
as they put too much added stress on your joints. ·
Drink lots of fluids and
be careful of overheating or dehydrating during activity; ·
Listen to your body and watch
for recurring or persisting pain – if concerned, seek early professional
attention from a physiotherapist.” Walking on an Incline: Note: Rotating a walking
route from incline to flat can help to prevent over-use injuries. "The fifteen
degree incline resulted in the highest level of quadriceps and hamstring
activity." Gait: Evaluating Gait “Gait [a person's manner of walking] is evaluated by having the
patient walk across the room under observation [this article is intended for
medical students]. ·
gait abnormalities should be noted. ·
ask the patient to walk heel to toe
across the room, then on their toes only, and
finally on their heels only. ·
these maneuvers possible without too much difficulty. ·
certain to note the amount of arm swinging because a slight decrease in arm swinging is a highly sensitive indicator of
upper extremity weakness. ·
hopping in place on each foot
should be performed.” The Precise Neurological Exam: VII: 'Coordination, gait
and Rhomberg's Test' ·
“Walking on heels is the most sensitive way to test for foot dorsiflexion weakness, while ·
on toes is the best way
to test early foot plantar flexion weakness.” The Precise Neurological Exam: VII: 'Coordination, gait
and Rhomberg's Test' Gait: Abnormalities Gait: Abnormalities: Causes Abnormalities in heel
to toe walking (tandem gait) may be due to ·
[ethyl alcohol] intoxication, ·
position sense [proprioception, kinesthesia], ·
[vestibular system] and ·
tremors. ·
causes must be excluded before the unbalance can be attributed to a cerebellar lesion. ·
elderly patients have difficulty with tandem gait purportedly due to general
neuronal loss impairing a combination of position sense, strength and
coordination.” The Precise Neurological Exam: VII: 'Coordination, gait
and Rhomberg's Test' Gait: Abnormalities:
Things to Avoid ·
The Brain: Naturally Occurring Substances: Causes of
Endorphin Release: Spinal Jarring Gait: Abnormalities: Types: Foot Drop ·
ACCRS: Helen F. Rizzotto: 'Foot Drop Rehabilitation: A
Case Study' Gait: Related Topics ·
Dehydration: Effects: Pain, Localized Thirst: Low Back
Pain (spinal movement) ·
Swiss Ball Exercises (spinal movement) ·
“Exercise is most valuable from a cardiovascular
point of view when the heart is not over-taxed but yet is
challenged. ·
The best way to do this is to bring the rate that our
heart beats (pulse measured in the lower extremities) into a range
which is between 60% and 85% of the maximum heart rate. ·
The maximum heart rate refers to that approximate
level after which there is real or potential danger to the individual and
where the heart is over taxed. At this rate exercise is difficult and
will cause fatigue within minutes or sooner. ·
Below this and within the Target Range the heart is
strengthened and made healthier. The target heart range is a calculated
figure which depends on age. ·
The ability to reach and maintain a heart beat within the target
range depends on ·
The health of the heart, ·
Conditioning, ·
Frequency of exercise and ·
The length of time exercising. ·
It is essential
that each individual about to embark on using a regular, strenuous exercise program
should have a complete physical examination. If there is indication of heart
disease or dysrhythmia an electrocardiogram should
also be done.” Wellness
on the Web: Cardiovascular Wellness and Prevention: Aerobic Versus Anaerobic
Exercise “Calculating the 1.
The first thing you do is to subtract your age from
220 to get your maximum heart rate. 2. Multiply your maximum heart rate first
by .60 (60%) and then by .85 (85%). This will give you your target
heart range.” Wellness on the Web: Cardiovascular Wellness and
Prevention: Aerobic Versus Anaerobic Exercise Pulse Meters ·
reason to use a pulse meter…is your pulse-rate defines the amount and the
extent of aerobic benefits you is getting. ·
The only way to accurately and safely determine your pulse is with a pulse meter. ·
There are 3 kinds of
pulse meters that, for a wide
variety of reasons, should not be relied upon, if used at all!
The only reliable
kind of pulse meter on the market has an elastic chest strap with a small, battery-powered transmitter snapped onto it. When strapped on, it ‘reads’ and wirelessly
‘transmits’ your pulse to a battery-powered, watch-like
receiver you wear on your wrist. The accuracy
of most good quality pulse meters is nearly equal to hospital heart monitors
and ECG machines. ·
Some pulse meters
double as digital wristwatches and also display the time of day. ·
Pulse meters with
upper and lower ‘limit alarms’ are a wise choice. They can
be set for your lowest and highest recommended pulse rates, and will ‘beep’ at
you when you are either below or exceeding your ‘aerobic’ target zone.” Pedometers (for walking) ·
Walker's Warehouse: Electronics: Heart Rate Monitors:
Product Resources: About Pedometers ·
Walker's Warehouse: Electronics: Heart Rate Monitors:
Product Resources: Pedometer Comparison Chart |