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Positive Ions · Sources
"In certain regions of the world, the seasonal winds that blow have become legendary, bringing little short of misery and chaos to many of the local inhabitants. In these places it has been known for generations, that the winds bring feelings of anxiety, stress, depression and sleepless nights… In fact winds like these are surprisingly common across the world: · The Foehn [foehn is also a type of wind] is a dry southerly wind which blows from the Alps across Switzerland and southern Germany. · There is the Sirocco [sirocco is also a type of wind] in Italy and · the Mistral in southern France. ( It is said that Winston Churchill avoided visiting the Mediterranean coast when the Mistral was blowing). · In the Middle East they have Sharav - also known to the Arabs as Hamsin (the fifty days wind). · Western Canada and USA have the Chinook - and · in the area around California blow the Santa Ana and winds known inIndian[Native American]mythology as 'The Bitter Winds'." The Ionizer Site: Depressing Winds of Positive Ions
· Think Quest: List of local winds: Foehn (type of wind) · Think Quest: List of local winds: Sirocco (type of wind) · Think Quest: List of local winds (not all of these winds carry large amounts of positive ions)
Computer Monitors, Static Electricity "As discussed in Chapter 3, one of the effects of these electrostatic fields is that negatively charged particles are attracted to the screen and positively charged particles are attracted in the opposite direction - towards the user, sometimes causing skin and eye irritation. Over the years there has been speculation that the low levels of negative ions and high levels of positive ions often found in offices where VDUs [visual display units] are used, are responsible for impairing health in a number of ways, one of which is to stimulate increased production of the neurohormone serotonin. High levels [an overproduction of serotonin] of serotonin are associated with depression and tiredness. As the intensity of the electrostatic field depends on the operating voltage inside the CRT, the fields emitted from non CRT screens (e.g. LCD screens) is normally very low. Where CRTs are in use, electrostatic fields can be eliminated by: · A conducting coating on the outside or inside of the glass, or by means of a separate conducting filter in front of the screen, consisting of a wire mesh or sheet of material coated with a transparent conducting layer [commonly referred to as mesh filters, mesh monitor filters, or anti-static filters]. · Electrically earthing users to discharge voltage differences between them and their surroundings. This can be done by making some items frequently contacted by the user e.g. the keyboard, electrically conducting. · Increasing the relative humidity of the working environment to 50 per cent eliminates electrostatic fields from most CRTs." London Hazards Centre: VDU Work and the Hazards to Health: Chapter 7
"Any form of combustion generates positive ions. All gas molecules and smoke particles resulting from combustion are positively charged. This is why people become sleepy, dull-witted or irritable in an inadequately ventilated room with an open fire -- or hazy with tobacco smoke. It is not generally realized that humanlife processes involve the combustion (oxidation) of fuel (nutrients), and that people take in negative charges and give off positive ones. This is why, in crowded rooms without adequate ventilation, people often have headaches(ref 1,2), become sleepy, dull-witted or irritable(ref 1,3) in the 'heavy' air -- typical examples of the SIS problem."
· "Room air circulation, · heat and humidity, · the proximity of grounded devices that may emit counteracting positive ions (such as computer monitors) may affect output levels (of a negative-ion generator), he [Dr. Michael Terman] explains. 'We have tried to minimize the influence of these factors by adding grounded wrist-straps [commercially available] or grounded bed sheets [not yet available] for connection to the ionizer,' he says." WebMD: Negative Ions Create Positive Vibes
"Atmospheric electrical factors are a component of our environment and we humans are clearly affected by electro-ionic microclimates to a far greater extent than previously imagined. This finding acquires particular significance since, as a result of artificial air conditioning · (e.g. atmospheric pollution, · buildings, · air-conditioning units, · heating, · electrical installations, · plastics), civilized man spends 50-100% of his time in an unnaturally charged electroclimate. In · cities, · in closed rooms and · in cars, etc., the proportion of small negative ions in the atmosphere is markedly reduced compared with undisturbed nature." Raum & Zeit (Space & Time): Why are negative ions so healthy?
"In addition, · fluorescent lighting, · electrical and electronic equipment, · television screens and static producing, man-made fibres in carpets, clothes and upholstery all reduce the level of negative ions and increase the positive ones." D J Clarke: Ions and Our Modern Lifestyle
"High humidity and temperature tended to wash out the benefit of negative ions." Comtech Research: Some Scientific Research
"Nearly all of the airborne particles (e.g. dust, bacteria, chemical pollutants, virus and fungus spores, and the particles of moisture in which they are frequently trapped) that affect human health are also positively charged. Usually, these are repelled from settling out on positively charged interior surfaces and remain well-mixed with air due to Brownian motion, unless their charges are neutralized by negative ions to the point where gravity becomes the dominant force and they settle out as visible dust on horizontal surfaces. The attraction of such mobile, positively charged particles for negative ions tends to further deplete the airspace of its negative charges, and exacerbates the conditions that trigger SIS symptoms."
"In nearly every indoor environment, however, over a period of time, the walls, ceiling and floor surfaces acquire astronomical numbers of small positive electrical charges due to the friction of ambient air currents. Since these surfaces are rarely made of electrically conductive materials, there are no hard (material) paths for electron flow to neutralize these positive charges; therefore these constantly-forming positive charges tend to continuously deplete the airspace of its normal complement of negative ions, leaving an excess of airborne positive ions which trigger SIS symptoms."
"The air is full of negative ions in springtime, and not in the winter" WebMD: Winter Darkness, Season Depression (continued)
"Synthetic building materials, [synthetic] clothing and [synthetic] furniture coverings remove large numbers of negative ions from the indoor environment [because of static electricity?]. The positive static charge of plastics also consumes large quantities of negative ions." Wolverton Environmental Services: FAQ about Indoor Air Pollution
· Indoor Air Pollution: Negative Ions