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Nutritional Optometry · Habitual
Accommodative Stimulus Stress ·
Diet · Reducing the Accommodative
Stimulus ·
Complete Listing of
Abstracts ·
Glossary Habitual Accommodative
Stimulus Stress "Subjects who
habitually engaged themselves in long hours of daily repeated, sustained
closework with substantial accommodative stimulus stress because
of a lack of an intrinsic plus dioptric add (––an intrinsic add as in
uncompensated myopia––) or lack of an extrinsic add (as in reading glasses)
either (a)
time-indexed deterioration of binocular fusion and coordination as
measured in terms of a Binocular Convergence Variance scoring protocol AND (b)
time-indexed depression in discomfort-glare threshold OR (c)
binocular coordination, but adaptively develop significant elevation of IOP
and increasing myopia or decreasing hyperopia." Accommodative Stimulus Diopter Hours & Vision
Deterioration (PDF) "…most functionally
photophobic students are the ones experiencing the greatest number of
diopter-hours of daily detailed closework accommodation, and that
they are caught up in an accommodative fatigue syndrome including
increase in diameter and depth of suppression and increasing variability
of binocular convergence. [Lane's 1963 study of 79 findings for 100
patients had revealed that the depth of photophobia was positively time indexedand
strongly associated with Skeffington and associates seven stage syndrome of
binocular deterioration.]" The Functional Photophobia Syndrome and Binoculart
Fusion in Neuro-Rehabilitation (PDF) Habitual accommodative stimulus stress is determined by the log10 {estimated average daily closework time
involvement in hours} X { [the inverse of the working distance measured in
meters] minus [the total dioptric power for the controlling eye of any
prosthetic lens minus the spherical-equivalent bestacuity subjective
refractive power of the controlling eye] } Accommodative Stimulus Diopter Hours & Vision
Deterioration (PDF) Vision Therapy vs. Diet "Age-for-age, unless countered by
vision therapy accommodative training, accommodative
stimulus stress in teens and adults is a more significant risk
factor for predicting myopic increase than the dietary risk factors…" "…Despite these measurements and
our own evidence for the importance of restriction of supplemental
sugar in the diet, we find that postural shifts which
can and do result in unequal accommodative stimuli and even central-vision
suppression can often promote larger change than the dietary factors
which according to one commonly held theory should affect both eyes more or
less equally." "In untrained individuals, poor posture scores are more
common in those with higher intake ratios of refined CHOs relative to complex
CHOs." Accommodative Stimulus Diopter Hours & Vision
Deterioration (PDF) Diet, Fatigue, and Myopia "…A fatigue syndrome in
response to frequently repeated long-sustained stimulus to accommodation appears
to be the principal trigger to myopiagenesis. Dietary factors affect
both the distensibility of the globe and the ability, age-for-age, to support
strong or long-sustained binocular accommodation without fatigue.
Except in marasmus and in nuclear cataractogenesis, dietary factors
appear to control the magnitude of the refractive change rather than
initiating the change." Accommodation and Chromium/Vanadium Ratio "Lane previously reported highly significant chromium/vanadium
ratio depression indexed in nape hair of myopes, associated with depressed
accommodation." "…Foods rich in Cr include
most unprocessed naturally sweet or starchy foods.
Cr-rich foods are high calorie, best when unrefined. Foods too rich
in vanadium include chocolate, kelp, mushrooms, most High Myopes are Biochemically Different from High
Hyperopes (PDF) "…Relationships are easier to see when we control for
nutriture status, including concentrations of red-blood-cell chromium
and vanadium, tissue and dietary calcium in ratio to phosphorus,
and to dietary intake of food folate, total intake of ascorbic acid,
and the ratio of supplemental sugar and refined carbohydrates
(CHOs) to total CHO intake. Accommodative Stimulus Diopter Hours & Vision
Deterioration (PDF) Reducing the
Accommodative Stimulus "…The primary approach for prevention
and reversal of the myopiagenesis process needs to place increased
emphasis on strengthening the accommodative response ability and reducing the
accommodative stimulus through ergonomics, vision therapy, appropriate
use of lenses, nutrition, blood exchanges, and modified study habits." What is Functional
Photophobia? “Functional photophobia is the
most commonly encountered form of glare hypersensitivity in the
The Functional Photophobia Syndrome and Binocular
Fusion in Neuro-Rehabilitation (PDF) “…Described by Lane (1963)
as associated with what Kaufman (1963) has called ‘variability [or
variation] of binocular convergence.’” The Functional Photophobia Syndrome and Binocular
Fusion in Neuro-Rehabilitation (PDF) Symptoms “For example, the functional photophobe has developed aversive
behaviors that have the value of protecting the individual from fusion-degrading
stresses created by the large fields of high luminance that he or
she cannot manage binocularly.” The Functional Photophobia Syndrome and Binocular
Fusion in Neuro-Rehabilitation (PDF) “Secondly, by reducing the retinal illuminance
with severe wincing or by closing or virtually closing one eye,
the functional-photophobia response enables performance under conditions
beyond the individual’s range of binocular wide-open-eye ability.” The Functional Photophobia Syndrome and Binocular
Fusion in Neuro-Rehabilitation (PDF) Stages
of Photophobia ·
“Stage PP-Zero = no apparent hypersensitivy; ·
Stage PP-1 = Newly experienceed, usually shortlived
hypersensitivity to extremely bright outdoors sun illuminating large,
bright peripheral-field walls and pavements and other surfaces; ·
Stage PP-2 = Chronic hypersensitivity even and
especially to hazy-bright skies; ·
Stage PP3 = Usually many years of hypersensitivity
resulting in great discomfort in supermarkets where the whole ceiling
is brightly illuminated; ·
Stage PP4: The final stage of a long chain of
decreasing binocular vision skills or a degenerative chain institued by
trauma, characterized by intolerance even to usual relatively low levels
of illumination used in home lighting.” The Functional Photophobia Syndrome and Binocular
Fusion in Neuro-Rehabilitation (PDF) Causes “Further, we have evidence
at the 0.001 level that the most functionally photophobic students are the
ones experiencing ·
greatest number of diopter-hours of daily detailed closework
accommodation, and that they are caught up in an ·
fatigue syndrome
including increase in diameter and depth of suppression and increasing variability
of binocular convergence.” The Functional Photophobia Syndrome and Binocular
Fusion in Neuro-Rehabilitation (PDF) Diagnosis “It is easy to demonstrate that this is a functional
photophobia––a dramatic manifestation of binocularity, strikingly relieved
by covering one eye.” The Functional Photophobia Syndrome and Binocular
Fusion in Neuro-Rehabilitation (PDF) Studies Description “As part of this study a functional binocular facilitation
syndrome of photophobic response was documented using simultaneous ·
oculography (EOG), ·
skin response (GSR) and ·
of binocular and accommodative function, correlated with subjective report
and a 141-item preliminary questionnaire. Functional photophobia was elicited in 87.5% of students, ages
18-35, by ·
them with a 120°-wide peripheral vision field of high luminance,
averaging 3.2 x 104 cd/m2 over a large area, ·
a 34° dark-appearing center–– producing photophobia when viewed binocularly and no
photophobia when viewed monocularly.” The Functional Photophobia Syndrome and Binocular
Fusion in Neuro-Rehabilitation (PDF) Conclusions “Three basic relations [relationships] were discovered for the
functional-photophobia responding subjects in this study: (1)…[Accommodative Stress Index correlates
strongly with functional photophobia threshold …] (2)…central suppression zone diameter… variation
of binocular convergence… is predictive of… ‘accommodative
stress index’… (3) Low ratios of Palpebral Fissure-to-Corneal Diameter
(PF:CD) are associated with high scores on the ‘accommodative-stress index,’
and high ratios of PF:CD are associated with low levels of accommodative
stress...” The Functional Photophobia Syndrome and Binocular
Fusion in Neuro-Rehabilitation (PDF) Types of Photophobia “The distinctions between the ·
Traumatized-eye photophobia, ·
nutritionally deprived photophobia, and ·
behaviorally defined five stages of functional photophobia are important to evaluate in the neuro-rehab patient to aid in
the programming of therapy.” The Functional Photophobia Syndrome and Binocular
Fusion in Neuro-Rehabilitation (PDF) Reversibility “The earlier studies by Lane cited
above documented the reversibility of this deteriorative syndrome
with ·
low plus adds [lenses] (+0.25 to +1.25 in
young adults) and ·
occasionally low-plus fitover (clip-on) therapy lenses, but
especially with the use of VT [vision therapy].” The Functional Photophobia Syndrome and Binocular
Fusion in Neuro-Rehabilitation (PDF) “Tinted lenses ·
Enable performance in persons with otherwise
fragile binocular fusion and especially in periodic or
intermittent exotropes [deviating eye turns outward], but ·
May not be treating the underlying accommodative
fatigue syndrome, except when the tint creates the effect of a small plus add.” The Functional Photophobia Syndrome and Binocular
Fusion in Neuro-Rehabilitation (PDF) Related Topics Links Dyslexia “Note: Harold Levinson has claimed that a nystagmoid
movement [measured in the above studies as Binocular Convergence
Variance] is statistically responsible for dyslexia in youths.” The Functional Photophobia Syndrome and Binocular
Fusion in Neuro-Rehabilitation (PDF) Complete Listing of
Abstracts (in PDF format) from http://www.nutrioptom.com/
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