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Weak Adductors Neutral Rotation "The external rotators…can easily become chronically tight, especially if the opposing muscles (the two inner hamstrings and, in some positions, the adductors of the inner thigh) are not strong enough to hold the legs in neutral rotation." Yoga Journal: The Gripping Truth
"Muscle tightness or weakness of the quadriceps, hamstrings, gastrosoleus complex, adductors, and other pelvic stabilizing muscles may contribute to knee pain via abnormal biomechanics."
Without Using Exercise Machines · Netfit: Adductors Inner Thigh
Inner Thigh Squeeze: “While seated with good posture, place a med ball or a rolled-up towel between your knees. Squeeze the ball/towel by contracting the inner thighs and release slightly--don't release all the way--and repeat for 16 reps. Keep the back straight and abs engaged throughout the exercise.”
Using Exercise Machines The following link contains information about exercises for the hip adductors. · ExRx.net: Thigh Exercise Menu
Muscular Imbalance, Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome “Iliotibial band friction syndrome refers to a syndrome comprising of the following signs and symptoms: · Pain on the lateral side of the knee and / or hip · Pain on running or walking downhill, · Pain after running · Pain on stair climbing, · Tenderness over the lateral epicondyle, · Positive Noble compression and Ober’s tests, · Swelling and possible crepitus · Weak
and Tensa fascia lata contractures are common. · In addition to this, a mild Trendelenberg gait during the stance phase of walking or running is observed.” ILIOTIBIAL BAND FRICTION SYNDROME - Dr Michele Broadhurst
· ExRx.net: Hip Exercise Menu: Hip Abductors · Muscle Tension: Muscular Imbalances