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·         Arousal

·         The Brain

·         Exercise

·         Indoor Air Pollution

·         Muscle Tension

·         Nutrition

·         Posture

·         Sensory Processing

·         Sleep

·         Other Suggestions


Research Topics


My Theories

Former Theories



The Cause of Internet and TV Addiction?



07/06 to 09/06


·          I have more notes than I can publish at the moment. So, instead of leaving you in the dark until I do publish them, I’ve decided to post them here.

·          Notes will be removed when they become moot.




I have reposted a note here, that was originally posted on 01/07/06, with corrections


Laterality: Correcting Laterality: Preserving *Foot* Dominance:


Supination and Pronation

Poor posture can affect foot pronation and supination, and foot dominance:

“Distribute your body weight evenly on both hips [when sitting in a chair].

·         Keep your hips and knees at a right angle (use a foot rest or stool if necessary) [or position your chair so your hips are slightly higher than your knees]. Your legs should not be crossed and your feet should be flat on the floor.”

Maintaining Proper Body Mechanics


Moving one foot, while sitting in a chair, might be helpful for correcting foot pronation and supination, and foot dominance in the other foot.

     Stretches like the ‘warrior lunge’ might also be helpful. For example, if you are right handed, you could perform the ‘warrior lunge’ with your left foot forward. This might encourage foot supination in your left foot, and foot pronation in your right foot.



Covering One Eye (e.g. for occlusion therapy (amblyopia) or casual palming (Bates method) or for covering one eye and looking into the distance (for functional photophobia) or for those involved in dual-brain psychology (e.g. covering one eye, and then looking in the opposite direction with the other eye to stimulate the hemisphere opposite of the eye that is uncovered).


Things to Consider:

Covering one eye can be effective for alleviating a number of conditions, but it can also impair binocular functions (‘binocular functions’ refers to the ability of the eyes to coordinate their activity). Exercises for conditions such as convergence insufficiency and accommodative insufficiency can help to improve binocular functions, especially for people with amblyopia caused by anisometropia.


Additional Information:



My Theories:


New theory:

·        Internet addiction and insomnia are self-stimulating behaviors.

·        People with conditions such as allergies tend to crave foods that they are allergic too. These foods that they crave exacerbate their allergies, causing an increase in serotonin (along with the histamine).

·        For the same reason, to increase serotonin, people with conditions such as allergies also seek increased exposure to light.

·        In addition to the increased serotonin level, light also suppresses melatonin and the immune system, and exacerbates conditions such as allergies. Stress can also cause a release of adrenaline, which also depresses the immune system.

·        Overexposure to light leads to problematic conditions such as light sensitivity, convergence insufficiency, and laterality issues. As a result, the brain produces more theta brainwaves, more serotonin, and more adrenaline.

·        Stress from these conditions lead to adrenal fatigue and depression, causing the sufferer to again seek to increase their serotonin level through activities such as surfing the Internet, staying up late, and by engaging in any other activity which increases serotonin or adrenaline levels.



Vision: Binocular Functions: Amblyopia


Things to Consider: Viewing Angle of LCD Monitors:

“LCD displays have a limited viewing angle. They lose contrast and become hard to read at some viewing

angles and they have more contrast and are easier to read at others.”





Sitting close to your work surface

·        Reduces the need to lean forward, which exacerbates conditions such as lumbar lordosis and forward head posture

·        Reduces the need to reach forward, which exacerbates conditions such as rounded shoulders


“Working At The Desk


·        Review your posture commandments [basic posture tips; additional info in article] anytime you sit for long periods of time.

·        Adjust the working surface to about elbow height.

·        Adjust chair height and back rest to support your correct posture

·        Sit close to the work surface with your work close to you.

·        Take a break every 30 to 60 minutes. Either stand, stretch and sit back down, or lean back toward the chair and move your neck and arms around.”




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