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·         Arousal

·         The Brain

·         Exercise

·         Indoor Air Pollution

·         Muscle Tension

·         Nutrition

·         Posture

·         Sensory Processing

·         Sleep

·         Other Suggestions


Research Topics


My Theories

Former Theories



The Cause of Internet and TV Addiction?





·          I have more notes than I can publish at the moment. So, instead of leaving you in the dark until I do publish them, I’ve decided to post them here.

·          Notes will be removed when they become moot.



Tight Socks:

“Do not wear shoes, stockings or socks that are tight or restrict blood flow. If your shoes, stockings or socks leave marks or indentations on your feet, they are too tight.”



*Graphic equalizer

**Better to arrange levels in a smooth curve if you don’t know which frequencies you are sensitive to?

**Can use graphic equalizer to determine which frequencies you are sensitive to?


Dehydration: Tips


**dropping a pinch of salt on your tongue after drinking a glass of water

***this will make you tired if done during the day? (e.g. if it is done to reduce histamine levels)


Serotonin: Effects

*Compulsive shopping

“The biology of compulsive shopping is less understood, but an imbalance of the neurotransmitter serotonin could play a role.”


Foot dominance requires more attention than hand dominance—most people use their dominant hand regularly but not their dominant foot


Nutrition: Salt


**Blood pressure monitors


Laughter is associated with increased endorphin levels and increased serotonin levels


Screen filters

*Would the newer CRT monitors benefit from using screen filters?

*Can check electric fields with ELFLX detector


Bad idea to slowly sip water over a long period of time?

*Satiates thirst sensation without supplying the body with sufficient water?

*is it a better idea to drink water within a few minutes?



More info about photophobia, afterimages



“By law, coffee must have had its caffeine level reduced by no less than 97.5 percent in order to label coffee ‘decaffeinated’.”


*The sensation of drinking liquid improves proprioception?

*The sensation of breathing improves proprioception?


Tight socks and CFIDS

*low blood volume (blood tends to pool in legs and feet)


Possible vision benefits of tinting blue fluorescent lights  yellow? Studies?


Tips for reducing the elasticity of socks:

*”chlorinated bleach, or laundry detergents containing chlorinated bleaching agents…Use of these agents results in fiber deterioration as well as breakdown of the spandex (elastic) and loss of elasticity.”


“Fabric softener…lubricates both the fibers and the elastic, keeping them flexible [tight] and allowing them to stretch as designed [tight].”


Hamstring weakness

*reducing muscle weakness by periodically changing the height of a chair


Vision and brainwaves

*dual-brain psychology


*lateralized glasses

*too much central vision has a negative impact on peripheral vision?


Tactile hypersensitivity

*problems with proprioception

*improving proprioception

*sensory overload

*self-esteem (the four agreements)


Bates method:

*Reading fine print (small objects, accommodation)

*Reading fine print out loud may be even better (frontal lobes)


Sound sensitivity:

Problems with vision (e.g. light sensitivity) create a greater dependence on hearing (for proprioception)



More information about aluminum zirconium tetrachlorohydrex gly (antiperspirant)


Understanding how neurotransmitter levels affect mood



*different causes of CFIDS (more than just low blood volume)


Low blood volume

*Exercise increases circulation, blood volume (Batmanghelidj)


Measuring electric fields:

No low-battery indicator on ELFLX detector—just becomes less sensitive


Frontal lobes

*things to consider

**reading out loud

***low alpha from radiant light, computer monitors



*TVs vs. computers

*calculating luminescence at a given distance

*light sensitivity and luminescence


Eye dominance and AI

*covering one eye and looking into the distance

*laterality->interhemispheric communication, convergence, accommodation


Eyeglasses inhibit peripheral vision


Sleeping position affects dehydration?


Electrical sensitivity and sound sensitivity:

*Add link to hyperacusis page (sound is part of the electromagnetic spectrum?)


Electrical sensitivity:

Quartz, converse piezoelectricity, electric fields


CRT computer monitors

*reduce exposure to magnetic radiation by positioning monitor below head level?


Sunning exercise:

Relationship between inner ear and vision (vestibular system)


Palming exercise:

Some relationship between tactile hypersensitivity and light sensitivity? Overproduction of serotonin?


Relative humidity


*negative ions

*device for measuring humidity?



Frequency hearing loss in one ear, hearing hypersensitivity in other ear?:

“If the cause would be damage to the auditory nerve then why does hyperacusis most often show up in patients who have no hearing loss? One possibility is that efferent fibers of the auditory nerve are selectively damaged even though the hair cells that allow us to hear pure tones in an audiometry evaluation remain intact.

     Others believe the central processing unit which processes sound has been altered. Others believe it is a combination of both. These are only theories that have not been proven.”

Hyperacusis Network: Supplement



Sound sensitivity and tactile hypersensitivity?

Can hair cells become tactilely hypersensitive?

“One possibility is that efferent fibers of the auditory nerve are selectively damaged even though the hair cells that allow us to hear pure tones in an audiometry evaluation remain intact.”

Hyperacusis Network: Supplement


Adding lemon juice to water increases it’s solubility? (when mixing salt or electrolytes in water)


Effects of Non-ionizing Radiation



*sound sensitivity?



Sensory overload

*tactile hypersensitivity

*light sensitivity

*sound sensitivity

*Neurodevelopmental delays


*sensory modulation

*overproduction of serotonin?


Black-tinted lenses absorb blue light?


Tactile hypersensitivity

*negative ion fan

*positive ions from CRT computer monitors

*cotton clothing and ions

*electrical sensitivity

*palming (for sensitivity caused by wearing glasses)

*washing hair

**dry hair

**greasy hair

*improving proprioception

**hands together (increases alpha)

**feet flat on floor



Sensory overload


*massaging from back of ear to bottom of neck (sensory book?)


CI and boredom, waiting


Do problems with mobility (e.g. lack of blinking) have an impact on dark eye circles, MCS, detoxification?


Dehydration and hypertension (see ‘salt: lack of salt’ section)


How much sea salt should people with weak adrenals consume? (how much more)


Deodorant vs. antiperspirant



*add link to serotonin


‘Shower every day’

Add links:




Split allergies section into: allergies, asthma and MCS?


Backsliding: hypoglycemia



*not recommended (not the same as deodorant)

*”apply a thin layer to underarms only”

*unhealthy to re-apply?


Walking improves posture?


Dark eye circles

*Dehydration (sunken eyes)





*add link to breathing section, etc.

*related topics

*nutrient pathway, subclavian artery, TOS



Add link:

light sensitivity: tinted glasses


MCS and serotonin?

Effects of MCS

Serotonin and histamine (allergies)


The psychological impact of wearing glasses (Bates)



*eating crunch foods

**things to consider: tooth decay, abrasion from crunchy foods



Wait a while after drinking a quart of water on an empty stomach, before eating?


Shower often to remove toxins?

Don’t want to dry out skin (deodorant soaps)


Common cold:

*warm clothing (feet, head)

*Wearing hats and baldness

*contagious: wash sheets more often?, use different glasses


Biofeedback devices can be helpful in monitoring laterality?

Galvanic skin resistance


Hand dominance

Tilt keyboard slightly away from the sub-dominant hand? Affects carpal tunnel syndrome?



Use humidifier to reduce dehydration while sleeping? (check humidifiers section)


Eyestrain caused by overuse of sunglasses?

The eye strains to let more light into the eye?



*abdominal crunch

*chest stretch (in corner)

*exercise mistakes


Glasses affect…


Ocular motility?

Sound localization?


Definition of luminescence

Ambient light has luminescence?

Luminescence and intensity


Bates’ sunning, swinging and palming exercises loosen up the spine?


Office stretches

*stretching chest while in chair, at own discretion


Light sensitivity

*Things to consider: serotonin and melatonin


Move some sections from

Tinted glasses: things to consider


Light sensitivity: things to consider



*things to consider: tactile hypersensitivity


Tactile hypersensitivity and serotonin?

Tactile hypersensitivity and low adrenaline?


Low alpha (radiant light) and hyperacusis?


Problems with auditory localization aren’t caused by too much peripheral stimulation but by bad central stimulation?


Myopes are better at localizing sounds (central vision)

Stimulating peripheral vision (e.g. with radiant light) will make it more difficult to localize sounds?


*Definition of tactile sensitivity

*The skin as an organ (sensory book)


Tactile hypersensitivity

*dry eye syndrome

*affects sound sensitivity?


Effects of radiant light







Getting worse before getting better


Electric fields affect hearing?


TRT, pink/white noise:

Importance of the orientation of the ear?



*treatment of chronic dehydration is not a cure-all

*dehydration and hypoglycemia, diabetes


Desktop clutter: self-stimulatory behavior?



Perfectionism, negative thinking, self-stimulatory behavior


Mixed ear dominance:

More emotional when subdominant; reacting to subtle timbre of voice



Move keyboard…

*slightly in the same direction as the dominant hand?--away from center of body


Congestion and laterality:

*move to separate section

*dehydration: histamine levels


Tactile hypersensitivity caused by wearing earplugs:

Can be eliminated by  massaging ears?


‘Red light improves peripheral vision’

Blue light overstimulates central vision?


Blue light:

Why is the color blue considered to be relaxing?

*Lack of red light decreases adrenaline levels?

*How does this affect serotonin levels? Increases beta waves and serotonin?


Pupil dilation and photophobia:

Bates’ treatment person, who sat in dark room, with a flashlight ( article)


Stereograms: tips

Focus on patterns in the background?



Distance viewing with Snellan eye chart


Drinking salt with water:

*Can make you nauseous? Add an acidic stomach buffer such as lemon juice?

*Recommended? Importance of the ‘taste of salt’, SMR, thirst sensation



The common cold:

*Salt is a natural mucus breaker; pinch of salt on the tong AFTER drinking a glass of water; try not to get salt on palette




Auditory localization and hyperacusis?


Palming until you feel tired, increase melatonin level


Yellow-tinted light bulbs improve vision?


More info about CFIDS:

*Amount to drink, when to drink


What makes a good accommodative target;





Sharp edges?


Want to look at it? (endorphins, Biederman)


Foot dominance and sitting position (twisting in chair)


Tinted glasses: consider

*circadian rhythms, insomnia

*overuse may be bad for vision, Bates book

*may not treat underlying cause of photophobia

*bright days and improved accommodation


Yoga arm stretches



Add Links:

*Dehydration: depression, brain activation energy

*Exercise and the brain

*circadian rhythms

*laterality and fatigue


Stretch chest and lats after sit-ups?



Add links:

*nasal blockage

*unilateral nostril breathing


Using eye dominance to correct ear dominance:

*Vision is the supreme sense

*Correcting auditory shut-down

*May not realize state of auditory shut-down

*Add link to section on correcting hemispheric dominance for people who only have use of the subdominant eye


Lateralized glasses, dual-brain psychology:

Not just looking in a direction, but also focusing on the details of an object


“The EPF tells us how many times longer we can spend in the sunlight with a particular sun lens than without the lens - before we receive damage to our eyes.”



The lighter the color blue, the more blue light it contains

Light blue contains more blue light than dark blue


Left ventricular dysfunction (CFS) and dehydration

Batmanghelidj book?


Beta brainwaves->ADD: too much concentration


Frontal lobes, occipital lobes

Add links: Alpha-theta, integration, looking at small objects


People move closer to a computer screen when they’re tired because they need to increase alpha-theta? (alpha theta and convergence)


Amblyopia: Tips:

Move computer icons to the same side of the screen as your should-be-dominant eye


Puffy eyes: Sodium, water retention



Thirst sensation is sometimes mistaken for hunger sensation


Eye dominance and head tilt


Neck tension affects ear dominance?


Posture: Influence of hamstrings on abs, lower back



Some cases are barely noticeable?

Some cases of strabismus are worse than others?

Problems with self-diagnosis


Salt and dehydration:

*Too much water and not enough salt can cause your body to eliminate more water to preserve a certain concentration of salt (salt homeostasis)

*Salt absorbs water?

*Backsliding: Loss of salt:


**drinking water without increasing salt intake


Hypotension, hypovolemia and blue light

*Color psychology

*Calming effect

*Red light can increase blood pressure, adrenaline (not recommended)


Backsliding: laterality

Effects on laterality in the workplace



*add link to problems on laterality page (e.g. listening to telephone with should-be-subdominant ear)


Both fluorescent and incandescent light contain white and blue (HEV) light? Does one contain more than the other?


Yellow light and hyperactivity:

Too much serotonin?


Atkins’ glycemic index: potatoes have a high glycemic index?


A pinch of salt on the tongue, after drinking a glass of water…

Increases SMR?

Increases blood volume?


CFS->laterality and fatigue

Move section ‘laterality and fatigue’ to a separate section


*Brown, yellow, red, amber tints block blue light


Glasses need to be ‘specially treated’?

*Does the term ‘specially treated’ refer to the color of the tint?

*EPF +10 glasses (block HEV light)


EPF <=10 glasses with brown, yellow, red, amber tints


Melatonin and hyperacusis


Action spectrum: blue, green, red--violet?


Stereo audio

*Some TVs still produce stereo audio output, even if one of the speakers is turned off—some TVs contain an additional speaker in the rear?

*How do computer speakers produce a stereo effect? Can one speaker produce a stereo effect?


Study: effects of blue light on macular degeneration


Windows 98SE: Display Properties: Appearance: Colors: Other

*White, gray, and even slightly off-black colors (Windows default black?) contain blue light

*White light contains as much blue light as blue light itself does? Additive colors?

*The lighter the shade of the color gray, the more blue and white light it contains

*Colors that deceptively look almost red, amber, yellow, brown may be tinted blue

*Find computer program that can determine how much blue there is in the colors of a background image


Reducing violet and blue (HEV) light  from computer monitor by changing background colors so they don’t contain blue or violet (e.g. amber)

Publish a definition of HEV light:

*blue, violet, nanometers of spectrum


Juvenile macular degeneration


The IC and hyperacusis, SMR?

“The olivary body sends the auditory signals to the motor system of the ear and may be involved in reflexes. The inferior colliculus is involved in the creation of motor responses [SMR?] to auditory stimuli and the medial geniculate body which is located in the thalamus, serves as a relay station on the way to the auditory cortex. The auditory cortex lies in the temporal lobe, where low frequency sound is discriminated anteriorly, whilst high frequency sound is discriminated posteriorly. The auditory association areas surround the auditory cortex, and it is here that the brain integrates, remembers and analyses various types of sound input - it takes about 10 milliseconds for sound impulses to travel from the outer ear to the auditory cortex.”

Audio Visual Entrainment (AVE)


Hypovolemia and the IC


Reducing non-ionizing radiation (NIR) from computer monitors:

·          use screen filters with grounding straps to reduce static and electric fields

·          use glasses or screen filters to block or reduce UV and HEV light




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