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Electrical Sensitivity
What is Electrical Sensitivity? "Electrical sensitivity (ES), another environmentally triggered illness, produces symptoms in the patient exposed to common levels of electromagnetic fields (EMF) from electrical sources in the environment: power lines, motors, computers, etc." Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients: Electrical Sensitivity as an Emerging Illness
"Historically, ES was known as radiowave illness or microwave sickness.4" Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients: Electrical Sensitivity as an Emerging Illness
"A Medline computer search under electromagnetic fields and microwaves will locate several hundred references regarding health effects from these exposures. Electrical sensitivity, now also called electromagnetic hypersensitivity, are both listed on Medline as well." Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients: Electrical Sensitivity as an Emerging Illness
Risk Factors "ES patients often are also MCS [multiple chemical sensitivity] patients. Other at-risk groups for developing ES seem to be: · chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients and · those experiencing mercury toxicity from dental amalgams.1 · Because the nervous system is a primary site impacted by both chemicals and electromagnetic fields, those with nervous systemdamage from toxic exposures seem more susceptible to becoming ES too.2,3 · Also, overexposure to EMF can singularly bring on ES, independent of other illness." Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients: Electrical Sensitivity as an Emerging Illness
Symptoms "In a recent ES survey, the five most common symptoms experienced when EMF exposed were · skin itch/rash/flushing/burning and/or tingling, · confusion/poor concentration and/or memory loss, · fatigue/weakness, · headache, · and chest pain/heart problems.1 Skin problems and memory difficulties tied for first place among the overall symptoms. Less commonly reported symptoms included · nausea, · panic attacks, · insomnia, · seizures, · ear pain/ringing in the ears, · feeling a vibration, · paralysis, and · dizziness. Some ES patients experience only one symptom when EMF exposed, but often more than one symptom is apparent." Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients: Electrical Sensitivity as an Emerging Illness
Suggestions "Once a patient realizes that proximity to electrical sources is the triggering event that leads to their symptoms, they find EMF avoidance most helpful for reducing reactions." Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients: Electrical Sensitivity as an Emerging Illness
Electrical Sensitivity vs. Sick Building Syndrome "In the past, if daily computer use at work caused, for example, a skin rash and headache, a cause and effect relationship could be determined by noticing that these symptoms abated evenings and weekends and intensified at work. It would become clear that the workplace, at least, was responsible for the development of the symptoms. Whether the computer was the source could be checked by using that computer or other computers in other locations to see if symptoms would then reappear. If not, it may be a "sick building" problem in the workplace instead, due to chemical exposures." Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients: Electrical Sensitivity as an Emerging Illness